
Identify and draw two-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes. Figures are limited to triangles, rectangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons and octagons.


Clarification 1: Within this benchmark, the expectation includes the use of rulers and straight edges.
General Information
Subject Area: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 2
Strand: Geometric Reasoning
Status: State Board Approved

Benchmark Instructional Guide

Connecting Benchmarks/Horizontal Alignment


Terms from the K-12 Glossary

  • Hexagon 
  • Octagon 
  • Pentagon 
  • Polygon 
  • Rectangle 
  • Square 
  • Triangle


Vertical Alignment

Previous Benchmarks


Next Benchmarks


Purpose and Instructional Strategies

The purpose of this benchmark is to build on the work of grade 1 by including the task of drawing specific two-dimensional figures based on a defined attribute. At this grade level, five- and eight-sided figures have been included and a ruler would be used to create straight edges. 
  • Instruction includes experience with a variety of examples and non-examples that lack a defining attribute. 
  • Instruction includes defining attributes such as numbers of sides, sides of equal length or number of vertices, whether they are closed or not and whether the edges are curved or straight.


Common Misconceptions or Errors

  • Students may misidentify a figure based on a non-defining attribute. 
  • Students may not recognize figures that have been rotated or that are irregular.


Strategies to Support Tiered Instruction

  • Teacher provides a geoboard for students to make a series of closed shapes, following instructions like make a closed shape with three straight sides and three corners or a closed shaped with 5 straight sides and 5 corners. Students use the geoboard and draw a picture of the shape. Teacher asks questions like, “How did you know to make this shape?” to draw attention to the defining attributes. It may be helpful to have students compare their shapes with other students.
    • Example: 


  • Teacher provides a geoboard to make a series of closed shapes (i.e., a closed shape with three straight sides and three corners, a closed shaped with 5 straight sides and 5 corners). 
    • For example, students draw a picture of the shape. Teacher asks questions like, “How did you know to make this shape?” to draw attention to the defining attributes. Teachers may limit the type of shapes students work with at this level. 
  • Instruction includes opportunities to build shapes on a geoboard as the teacher calls out defining attributes (i.e., “make a two-dimensional figure with three vertices”). After creating a correct figure, the teacher has students rotate the geoboard 90 degrees to see that it is still the same figure.
    • Example: 


    • Teacher provides similar instruction from above but limits the amount and types of shapes students build on a geoboard (i.e., only build a square or triangle).


    Instructional Tasks

    Instructional Task 1 (MTR.4.1

    Provide pairs of students with figure cards, geoboards and rubber bands. Students will play a game of “describe and build” to support identifying figures. 
    • Part A. Partner A uses the figure card to describe a two-dimensional figure. As Partner A describes the figure, Partner B uses the geoboard to construct the figure that is being described. Neither partner should be able to see each other's card or geoboard. 
    • Part B. Once Partner B has constructed the figure based on the defining attributes, the partners finish by comparing the figure on the figure card to the figure that was created. Discussion should include language about specific defining attributes. 


    Enrichment Task 1 

    Part A. Partition a regular hexagon into two or three equal parts. 
    Part B. Partition a regular octagon into two, four or eight equal parts.


    Instructional Items

    Instructional Item 1 

    Which word best identifies the figure below? 
    • a. Triangle 
    • b. Pentagon 
    • c. Hexagon 
    • d. Square 


    *The strategies, tasks and items included in the B1G-M are examples and should not be considered comprehensive.

    Related Courses

    This benchmark is part of these courses.
    5012040: Mathematics - Grade Two (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
    7712030: Access Mathematics Grade 2 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
    5012005: Foundational Skills in Mathematics K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2019 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))

    Related Access Points

    Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
    MA.2.GR.1.AP.1: Identify and produce two-dimensional figures when given defining attributes. Figures are limited to triangles, rectangles, hexagons and squares.

    Related Resources

    Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

    Formative Assessments

    Three Sided Figures:

    Students are asked to draw a triangle and justify his or her drawn shape. Then students are shown a figure that is not a triangle, but that has three sides and asked to determine if the figure on the worksheet is a triangle.

    Type: Formative Assessment

    Figures With Five Sides:

    Students are asked to draw a five-sided figure and name the figure.

    Type: Formative Assessment

    Lesson Plans

    Capitol Geometry - Lesson 1:

    In this lesson, students will be introduced to the history of the Florida State Capitol building, through a grade-level appropriate reading. They will then be provided with a diagram of the glass dome from the Old Capitol. After direct instruction on identifying two-dimensional figures, they will use the diagram of the glass dome and identify the two-dimensional figures used in the piece.

    This is lesson 1 of 3 in a mini-unit integrating civics and math.

    Type: Lesson Plan

    It's All About the Shapes:

    The teacher reads The Greedy Triangle to the class to explore attributes of figures. As the teacher reads, the students create the shapes in the book using geoboards.  Students follow up their exploration with a card sort. The students create Frayer Models in their journals using information they discovered during the lesson.  

    Type: Lesson Plan

    Original Student Tutorial

    Shapes in Space:

    Learn how to recognize and draw triangles, pentagons and hexagons using the shapes' attributes in this space-themed, interactive tutorial.

    Type: Original Student Tutorial

    Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea

    Classifying Squares and Rectangles:

    Unlock an effective teaching strategy for classifying squares and rectangles in this Teacher Perspectives video for educators.

    Type: Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea

    MFAS Formative Assessments

    Figures With Five Sides:

    Students are asked to draw a five-sided figure and name the figure.

    Three Sided Figures:

    Students are asked to draw a triangle and justify his or her drawn shape. Then students are shown a figure that is not a triangle, but that has three sides and asked to determine if the figure on the worksheet is a triangle.

    Original Student Tutorials Mathematics - Grades K-5

    Shapes in Space:

    Learn how to recognize and draw triangles, pentagons and hexagons using the shapes' attributes in this space-themed, interactive tutorial.

    Student Resources

    Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

    Original Student Tutorial

    Shapes in Space:

    Learn how to recognize and draw triangles, pentagons and hexagons using the shapes' attributes in this space-themed, interactive tutorial.

    Type: Original Student Tutorial

    Parent Resources

    Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.