Standard 3: Following Conventions

General Information
Number: ELA.10.C.3
Title: Following Conventions
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 10
Strand: Communication

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Follow the rules of standard English grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling appropriate to grade-level content.
Practice usage of rules to create flow in writing and/or presenting.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

From Oral History to Published Narrative: Preserving our Families' Stories:

Students will review interview notes and historical research to write first draft narratives about individuals they previously interviewed in this integrated lesson. This lesson is Part 3 in a series of 5 parts designed to help students communicate with members of an older generation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Monster or Not? Three Excerpts from Frankenstein:

In this lesson, students will read three extended text excerpts from Frankenstein in which the Creature is the narrator and view several clips from film adaptations of the Creature. The students will annotate during the reading of the text and determine the meaning of selected vocabulary words from the text. Students will engage in discussion on how the Creature changes and what causes those changes. As a summative assessment for the lesson, students will write an extended argumentative response with a claim about whether the Creature is monster-like or not.

Type: Lesson Plan

Creating Brave New Voices Amongst Students:

This is the first lesson in a unit of three lessons focusing on spoken word poetry. In the first lesson, students will read, view, and analyze the figurative language in several poems in print and on video. Students will then write original poems based on their own lives, that includes poetic devices. Students will then present their original poems to the class using appropriate intonation, inflection, and fluency.

Type: Lesson Plan

Addressing Cultural Differences in Education:

Students will analyze scenarios to identify and address cultural differences in education. Students will also propose ways to address these differences while maintaining cultural awareness and an inclusive learning environment, in this lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Applying Learning Theories to Cultural Differences:

Students will use their knowledge of learning theories and cultural differences to discuss how students’ backgrounds affect their learning and propose specific teaching practices aligned to various learning theories teachers could implement to support all students’ learning.

Type: Lesson Plan

Customer Experiences: All About Arie:

Using the case study, “All About Arie,” students will gain an understanding of emerging trends in the hospitality industry such as hyper-personalized services/products. Students will explain how the data provided by guests/consumers, whether consciously or unconsciously, is used by all sorts of organizations to provide a seamless experience that aims to fulfill all needs and wants. Students will then create a written policy for a case study resort, that provides customers with accurate disclaimers about how their information is being used.

Type: Lesson Plan

Evaluating a Menu for Three-Year-Old Children:

Using the case study, Mealtime with Toddlers, students will write an evaluation of a sample menu, checking for nutritional value, food safety, and encouragement of positive food habits. Students will provide justification for their evaluation, along with recommendations or considerations. Students will then compose an email to the teacher from the perspective of the childcare director, summarizing their evaluation and recommendations.

Type: Lesson Plan

Expanding the Business: Writing an Argument:

Using the case study, Should the Business Expand? students will create an argument for expanding the business or not expanding the business. Students will compose a business communication to the owner of the case study business that provides their argument for or against expansion, to include logical reasoning and evidence.

Type: Lesson Plan

Guilt Trip:

Using the case study, Guilt Trip, students will have a better understanding of market segmentation and how it is not only defined by demographics but also lifestyle preferences. They will also have a better understanding of how their own personality types influence their choices as well as their relationships with others, including their friends. Accordingly, this will further facilitate their understanding of how individual personality traits influence travel decisions, particularly where two or more travelers are involved.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

Spice Up Your Writing -- Part Two: Using Gerund Phrases as Objects:

Learn to distinguish between a gerund phrase that's used as a direct object and a gerund phrase that used as the object of the preposition. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also practice using gerund phrases as a direct object or the object of the preposition in sentences of your own. 

This tutorial is Part Two of a two-part series. Make sure to complete Part One before beginning Part Two. Click HERE to launch "Spice Up Your Writing Part One: Using Gerund Phrases as Subjects or Subject Complements." 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

It's Not Magic: Distinguishing Between Passive and Active Voice:

Learn to distinguish between passive and active voice and how to revise sentences by changing them from passive to active voice in this magic-themed tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Spice Up Your Writing -- Part One: Using Gerund Phrases as Subjects or Subject Complements:

Learn to distinguish between a gerund phrase that's used as a subject and one that's used as a subject complement. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also practice using gerund phrases as subjects or subject complements in sentences of your own. Using gerund phrases can add detail and variety to your writing.

This is Part One of a two-part series. Click HERE to launch "Part Two: Using Gerund Phrases as Objects." 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All About the Past: Exploring Verb Tenses -- Part Two :

Learn how to use verbs and verb phrases to convey specific meanings through the use of specific verb tenses: past perfect tense and past perfect progressive tense. 

This interactive tutorial is Part Two in a two-part series. You should complete Part One before beginning Part Two. Click HERE to launch Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All About the Past: Exploring Verb Tenses -- Part One:

Learn how to use verbs and verb phrases to convey specific meanings through the use of specific verb tenses: simple past tense and past progressive tense. 

This interactive tutorial is Part One in a two-part series. In Part Two, you'll explore the use of past perfect tense and past perfect progressive tense. Make sure to complete both parts!

Click HERE to launch Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All about the Future: Exploring Verb Tenses:

Learn how to use verb phrases in particular tenses to convey specific meanings. In this interactive tutorial, you'll explore the use of four verb tenses: simple future, future progressive, future perfect, and future perfect progressive. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Using Verbs and Verb Phrases to Convey Specific Meanings -- Part Two:

Learn to enhance your writing with verbs and verb phrases in different tenses to convey specific meanings. In Part Two, you'll work with three perfect tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect.  

We recommend that you complete Part One before starting Part Two. In Part One, you'll work with three simple tenses: past, present, and future. Click HERE to view Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All about the Present: Exploring Verb Tenses:

Learn how verbs and verb phrases can convey specific meanings through the use of three verb tenses--simple present, present progressive, and present perfect--in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Using Verbs and Verb Phrases to Convey Specific Meanings -- Part One:

Learn to enhance your writing with verbs and verb phrases in different tenses to convey specific meanings. In Part One, you'll work with past tense, present tense, and future tense.

We recommend that you complete Part Two after Part One. In Part Two, you'll work with three tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Click HERE to view Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Absolute Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about absolute phrases and how they can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adverb Prepositional Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about adverb prepositional phrases. Using adverb prepositional phrases will help add interest, depth, and variety to your writing!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Phrases that Function Like Adjectives:

Learn to enhance your writing with two types of phrases that can function like adjectives in a sentence: the participle phrase and the prepositional phrase. In this interactive tutorial, you'll discover how phrases can help add detail and specificity to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Balancing Sentences: Using Parallel Form:

Learn about parallel form in this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. In this tutorial, you'll use parallel form with lists in sentences, identify sentences that contain parallel form and sentences that contain faulty parallelism, and practice editing sentences that contain faulty parallelism. You'll also examine how parallel form can add smoothness, clarity, and gracefulness to your writing. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Prepositional Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using prepositional phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how prepositional phrases add description and specificity and help make your writing more interesting.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Noun Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using noun phrases in this interactive tutorial. Although noun phrases can be used in many ways, here you'll learn how they can be used as the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb to add interest, detail, and specificity to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Exploring Comma Usage:

Learn to use commas correctly to set off an introductory clause, phrase, or word at the start of a sentence with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Be Careful with Your Commas!:

Learn to use commas correctly with this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. You'll review a number of important comma rules, including when not to use a comma, and you'll learn to identify errors in comma usage. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Mysterious Punctuation Marks—Part Two: Quotation Marks and the Dash:

Learn about two mysterious punctuation marks: quotation marks and the dash. As you complete this interactive tutorial, you'll learn a number of important rules and guidelines to help you use them correctly.

This is Part Two of a two-part series. Click HERE to launch Part One to learn about the apostrophe and the ellipsis.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Mysterious Punctuation Marks -- Part One:

Learn about four mysterious punctuation marks in this two-part interactive tutorial. In Part One, you'll learn important rules and guidelines to help you correctly use the apostrophe and the ellipsis. 

In Part Two, you'll learn to correctly use quotation marks and the dash. Make sure to complete both parts! Click HERE to open Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Comma Check: Putting Your Punctuation in Order:

Learn three rules for using commas correctly in your writing through use of this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. You'll learn how to join two independent clauses without creating a comma splice, how to identify and offset a nonessential clause in a sentence, and how to use the controversial Oxford comma. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Check it Out: Using Colons Correctly:

Learn about the ways to correctly use a colon in a sentence by exploring this interactive tutorial! We'll go over contexts where colon use is appropriate, and you'll learn guidelines for colon usage. You'll also learn several important rules for capitalization usage after a colon. By the end, you should be apply to apply these rules to correctly use a colon within a sentence. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Piece It Together: Understanding Semicolon Usage:

Learn and practice how to use semicolons in this interactive tutorial. You'll learn three important rules for using the semicolon to join clauses together. By the end, you should be able to apply these three rules to correctly use a semicolon within a sentence.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adverb Clauses:

Learn about adverb clauses, a flavorful ingredient that can enhance your sentences. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about adverb clauses and how these clauses can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adjective Clauses:

Learn about adjective clauses and how they can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing in this sweet-themed interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Combining Independent and Dependent Clauses:

Learn to enhance your writing by combining clauses. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how to combine independent and dependent clauses to add interest, depth, and variety to your writing. 



Type: Original Student Tutorial

On Base with Semicolons and Colons:

Learn some of the basic rules for using semicolons and colons in this baseball-themed tutorial. In this interactive tutorial, you'll practice identifying independent clauses and distinguishing between conjunctive adverbs and coordinating conjunctions. You'll also learn how to organize a list of items using a semicolon. Finally, you'll learn how to introduce a list or quotation using a colon.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Text Resource

Grammar and Usage: The Garden of Phrases:

This text resource provides information and examples of the following types of phrases: noun phrase, prepositional phrase, appositive phrase, absolute phrase, infinitive phrase, gerund phrase, and participial phrase.


Type: Text Resource


Grammar Bytes! Exercise 5: Correcting Comma Splices and Fused Sentences:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice correcting two common types of run-on sentences: comma splices and fused sentences. For each practice item, you must identify the best way to correct either a comma splice or a fused sentence. Explanations of each correct answer are also provided. There’s also an explanation of the rules of proper sentence structure for you to study, simply click the hyperlinked word "rules."

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1: Recognizing Comma Splices and Fused Sentences:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice identifying two common types of run-on sentences: comma splices and fused sentences. For each practice item, you must identify whether a run-on sentence is a comma splice or a fused sentence. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. Explanations of each correct answer are also provided. There’s also an explanation of the rules of proper sentence structure for you to study, simply click the hyperlinked word "rules."

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1: Recognizing Parallel Structure:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 3: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 6: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. You will get feedback after every typed response. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 2: Recognizing Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 4: Maintaining Parallel Structure:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 5: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. You will get feedback after every typed response. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorials

Spice Up Your Writing -- Part Two: Using Gerund Phrases as Objects:

Learn to distinguish between a gerund phrase that's used as a direct object and a gerund phrase that used as the object of the preposition. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also practice using gerund phrases as a direct object or the object of the preposition in sentences of your own. 

This tutorial is Part Two of a two-part series. Make sure to complete Part One before beginning Part Two. Click HERE to launch "Spice Up Your Writing Part One: Using Gerund Phrases as Subjects or Subject Complements." 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

It's Not Magic: Distinguishing Between Passive and Active Voice:

Learn to distinguish between passive and active voice and how to revise sentences by changing them from passive to active voice in this magic-themed tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Spice Up Your Writing -- Part One: Using Gerund Phrases as Subjects or Subject Complements:

Learn to distinguish between a gerund phrase that's used as a subject and one that's used as a subject complement. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also practice using gerund phrases as subjects or subject complements in sentences of your own. Using gerund phrases can add detail and variety to your writing.

This is Part One of a two-part series. Click HERE to launch "Part Two: Using Gerund Phrases as Objects." 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All About the Past: Exploring Verb Tenses -- Part Two :

Learn how to use verbs and verb phrases to convey specific meanings through the use of specific verb tenses: past perfect tense and past perfect progressive tense. 

This interactive tutorial is Part Two in a two-part series. You should complete Part One before beginning Part Two. Click HERE to launch Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All About the Past: Exploring Verb Tenses -- Part One:

Learn how to use verbs and verb phrases to convey specific meanings through the use of specific verb tenses: simple past tense and past progressive tense. 

This interactive tutorial is Part One in a two-part series. In Part Two, you'll explore the use of past perfect tense and past perfect progressive tense. Make sure to complete both parts!

Click HERE to launch Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All about the Future: Exploring Verb Tenses:

Learn how to use verb phrases in particular tenses to convey specific meanings. In this interactive tutorial, you'll explore the use of four verb tenses: simple future, future progressive, future perfect, and future perfect progressive. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Using Verbs and Verb Phrases to Convey Specific Meanings -- Part Two:

Learn to enhance your writing with verbs and verb phrases in different tenses to convey specific meanings. In Part Two, you'll work with three perfect tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect.  

We recommend that you complete Part One before starting Part Two. In Part One, you'll work with three simple tenses: past, present, and future. Click HERE to view Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All about the Present: Exploring Verb Tenses:

Learn how verbs and verb phrases can convey specific meanings through the use of three verb tenses--simple present, present progressive, and present perfect--in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Using Verbs and Verb Phrases to Convey Specific Meanings -- Part One:

Learn to enhance your writing with verbs and verb phrases in different tenses to convey specific meanings. In Part One, you'll work with past tense, present tense, and future tense.

We recommend that you complete Part Two after Part One. In Part Two, you'll work with three tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Click HERE to view Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Absolute Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about absolute phrases and how they can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adverb Prepositional Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about adverb prepositional phrases. Using adverb prepositional phrases will help add interest, depth, and variety to your writing!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Phrases that Function Like Adjectives:

Learn to enhance your writing with two types of phrases that can function like adjectives in a sentence: the participle phrase and the prepositional phrase. In this interactive tutorial, you'll discover how phrases can help add detail and specificity to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Balancing Sentences: Using Parallel Form:

Learn about parallel form in this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. In this tutorial, you'll use parallel form with lists in sentences, identify sentences that contain parallel form and sentences that contain faulty parallelism, and practice editing sentences that contain faulty parallelism. You'll also examine how parallel form can add smoothness, clarity, and gracefulness to your writing. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Prepositional Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using prepositional phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how prepositional phrases add description and specificity and help make your writing more interesting.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Noun Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using noun phrases in this interactive tutorial. Although noun phrases can be used in many ways, here you'll learn how they can be used as the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb to add interest, detail, and specificity to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Exploring Comma Usage:

Learn to use commas correctly to set off an introductory clause, phrase, or word at the start of a sentence with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Be Careful with Your Commas!:

Learn to use commas correctly with this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. You'll review a number of important comma rules, including when not to use a comma, and you'll learn to identify errors in comma usage. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Mysterious Punctuation Marks—Part Two: Quotation Marks and the Dash:

Learn about two mysterious punctuation marks: quotation marks and the dash. As you complete this interactive tutorial, you'll learn a number of important rules and guidelines to help you use them correctly.

This is Part Two of a two-part series. Click HERE to launch Part One to learn about the apostrophe and the ellipsis.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Mysterious Punctuation Marks -- Part One:

Learn about four mysterious punctuation marks in this two-part interactive tutorial. In Part One, you'll learn important rules and guidelines to help you correctly use the apostrophe and the ellipsis. 

In Part Two, you'll learn to correctly use quotation marks and the dash. Make sure to complete both parts! Click HERE to open Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Comma Check: Putting Your Punctuation in Order:

Learn three rules for using commas correctly in your writing through use of this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. You'll learn how to join two independent clauses without creating a comma splice, how to identify and offset a nonessential clause in a sentence, and how to use the controversial Oxford comma. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Check it Out: Using Colons Correctly:

Learn about the ways to correctly use a colon in a sentence by exploring this interactive tutorial! We'll go over contexts where colon use is appropriate, and you'll learn guidelines for colon usage. You'll also learn several important rules for capitalization usage after a colon. By the end, you should be apply to apply these rules to correctly use a colon within a sentence. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Piece It Together: Understanding Semicolon Usage:

Learn and practice how to use semicolons in this interactive tutorial. You'll learn three important rules for using the semicolon to join clauses together. By the end, you should be able to apply these three rules to correctly use a semicolon within a sentence.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adverb Clauses:

Learn about adverb clauses, a flavorful ingredient that can enhance your sentences. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about adverb clauses and how these clauses can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adjective Clauses:

Learn about adjective clauses and how they can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing in this sweet-themed interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Combining Independent and Dependent Clauses:

Learn to enhance your writing by combining clauses. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how to combine independent and dependent clauses to add interest, depth, and variety to your writing. 



Type: Original Student Tutorial

On Base with Semicolons and Colons:

Learn some of the basic rules for using semicolons and colons in this baseball-themed tutorial. In this interactive tutorial, you'll practice identifying independent clauses and distinguishing between conjunctive adverbs and coordinating conjunctions. You'll also learn how to organize a list of items using a semicolon. Finally, you'll learn how to introduce a list or quotation using a colon.

Type: Original Student Tutorial


Grammar Bytes! Exercise 5: Correcting Comma Splices and Fused Sentences:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice correcting two common types of run-on sentences: comma splices and fused sentences. For each practice item, you must identify the best way to correct either a comma splice or a fused sentence. Explanations of each correct answer are also provided. There’s also an explanation of the rules of proper sentence structure for you to study, simply click the hyperlinked word "rules."

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1: Recognizing Comma Splices and Fused Sentences:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice identifying two common types of run-on sentences: comma splices and fused sentences. For each practice item, you must identify whether a run-on sentence is a comma splice or a fused sentence. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. Explanations of each correct answer are also provided. There’s also an explanation of the rules of proper sentence structure for you to study, simply click the hyperlinked word "rules."

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1: Recognizing Parallel Structure:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 3: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 6: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. You will get feedback after every typed response. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 2: Recognizing Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 4: Maintaining Parallel Structure:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 5: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. You will get feedback after every typed response. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.