Advancement Via Individual Determination 4   (#1700420)

Version for Academic Year:

Course Standards

General Course Information and Notes

Version Description

Major Concepts/Content:  Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an academic elective course that prepares students for college readiness and success, and it is scheduled during the regular school day as a year-long course.  Each week, students receive instruction that utilizes a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum provided by AVID Center, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities, and academic success skills.  In AVID, students participate in activities that incorporate strategies focused on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to support their academic growth.  Additionally, students engage in activities centered around exploring college and career opportunities and their own agency.

The 12th grade AVID elective course is the second part in a junior/senior seminar course that focuses on the writing and critical thinking expected of first- and second-year college students.  Students will complete a final research essay project with research skills gained in their junior year in AVID.  In addition to the academic focus of the AVID senior seminar, there are college-bound activities, methodologies, and tasks that should be achieved during the senior year that supports students as they apply to four-year universities and confirm their postsecondary plans.  All AVID seniors are required to develop and present a portfolio representing their years of work in the AVID program, as well as complete the requirements for the seminar course.

AVID curriculum books used:

AVID College and Careers

AVID College Readiness: Working with Sources

AVID Critical Thinking and Engagement

AVID Reading for Disciplinary Literacy

AVID Secondary Implementation Resource

AVID Tutorial Guide

AVID Writing for Disciplinary Literacy

Preparing for College

Supplemental materials course include the following:

AVID Weekly®, Supporting Math in the AVID ElectiveWrite Path content-area books, focused note-taking resources, and Curriculum Book Webpages


Student Agency (SA)

  • Student Empowerment
  • Leadership of Others

Rigorous Academic Preparedness (AP)

  • Writing
  • Inquiry
  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Reading

Opportunity Knowledge (OK)

  • Advancing College Preparedness
  • Building Career Knowledge


Student Empowerment

AV.12.SA.1.1Act as a globally and digitally aware, responsible, and contributing citizen

AV.12.SA.1.2Evaluate the impact of decisions on others and the world

AV.12.SA.1.3Attend to personal health, safety, and balance (including digital security)

AV.12.SA.1.4Make appropriate personal financial choices

AV.12.SA.1.5Generate and maintain a network of support for current and future success

AV.12.SA.1.6Develop, demonstrate, and maintain motivation

AV.12.SA.1.7Self-monitor and seek help when necessary

AV.12.SA.1.8Demonstrate persistence, flexibility, and adaptability

AV.12.SA.1.9Demonstrate self-awareness strategies and skills

AV.12.SA.1.10  Apply learning to demonstrate knowledge and achieve success

 Leadership of Others

AV.12.SA.2.1Demonstrate integrity and ethical leadership, including online

AV.12.SA.2.2Pursue leadership opportunities and hold leadership positions

AV.12.SA.2.3Manage and resolve conflict with others



AV.12.AP.1.1Compose a variety of text types

AV.12.AP.1.2Analyze a writing task

AV.12.AP.1.3Revise writing to improve clarity and accomplish the writing purpose

AV.12.AP.1.4Polish writing through editing and proofreading

AV.12.AP.1.5Publish writing by distributing it to varied audiences

AV.12.AP.1.6Take notes to meet the note-taking objective

AV.12.AP.1.7Summarize and reflect to synthesize learning and identify next steps


AV.12.AP.2.1Use questioning techniques to engage in discussions and think critically about content and concepts

AV.12.AP.2.2Identify specific questions based on a misunderstood concept or problem

AV.12.AP.2.3Upon arriving at a solution, identify generalized steps/processes that could be used to solve similar problems

AV.12.AP.2.4Make connections between new learning and previous learning, experiences, self, and/or the world

AV.12.AP.2.5Continuously reflect and modify actions to promote learning and academic success

AV.12.AP.2.6Reflect on and modify actions related to successful utilization of a process

AV.12.AP.2.7Identify topics/questions to be investigated and include source material on opposing sides of the topic

AV.12.AP.2.8Evaluate the validity and reliability of both digital and print sources

AV.12.AP.2.9Synthesize and organize information effectively, including usage of digital tools

AV.12.AP.2.10  Cite evidence and support claims

AV.12.AP.2.11  Present research findings, customizing the presentation for the intended audience


AV.12.AP.3.1Share responsibility among group members

AV.12.AP.3.2Work productively and effectively in diverse teams with diverse perspectives

AV.12.AP.3.3Establish and maintain relational capacity with others

AV.12.AP.3.4Respect individual contributions

AV.12.AP.3.5Support group members in clarifying confusion and checking for understanding

AV.12.AP.3.6Utilize technology as a tool for collaboration both synchronously and asynchronously

AV.12.AP.3.7Clearly communicate verbally and nonverbally, including appropriate usage of technology

AV.12.AP.3.8Listen effective to decipher meaning

AV.12.AP.3.9Demonstrate a command of language and grammar usage when communicating

AV.12.AP.3.10  Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks


AV.12.AP.4.1Routinely utilize organizational systems to access and archive materials efficiently

AV.12.AP.4.2Organize and allocate time based on priorities and task completion

AV.12.AP.4.3Identify and plan for the steps necessary to accomplish various types of goals

AV.12.AP.4.4Monitor progress toward goals and revise appropriately, leveraging technology

AV.12.AP.4.5Organize information, indicating relationships between ideas


AV.12.AP.5.1Select a text according to the reading purpose

AV.12.AP.5.2Preview text to connect or build background knowledge 

AV.12.AP.5.3Examine key academic and content-related vocabulary to deepen comprehension of texts

AV.12.AP.5.4Interact with the text to process information as it is read

AV.12.AP.5.5Extend beyond the text by using academic thinking skills (applying, analyzing, evaluating, and/or synthesizing key learning)


Advancing College Preparedness

AV.12.OK.1.1Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, and interests related to college selection

AV.12.OK.1.2Expand understanding around key college information

AV.12.OK.1.3Understand scholarships and the role they play in financing college

AV.12.OK.1.4Plan a path for education and college aligned to personal goals

AV.12.OK.1.5Complete college admission requirements, including testing and application

Building Career Knowledge

AV.12.OK.2.1Develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills and interests related to career and career selection

AV.12.OK.2.2Expand understanding around key career-related information

AV.12.OK.2.3Develop skills and attitudes related to career readiness

AV.12.OK.2.4Plan a path for education and career aligned to personal goals

General Notes

Special Note: Skills acquired in this course will be implemented by the student across the curriculum. Advancement Via Individual Determination 4 (AVID 4) is a rigorous course offered by AVID Center, and content must be provided as specified by AVID Center. Teachers must receive training from AVID Center to teach this course.

Trained AVID Elective teachers may visit, and log into their MyAVID account using their AVID username and password; then follow to access the AVID Weeks at a Glance curriculum and resources for grades 6-12.

English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:

Version Requirements

These requirements include, but are not limited to, the Florida Standards that are most relevant to this course. Standards correlated with a specific course requirement may also be addressed by other course requirements as appropriate. Some requirements in this course are not addressed in the Florida Standards. Other subject areas and content may be used to fulfill course requirements. This course includes an agreement related to minimum standards for behavior, attendance, and participation.


As well as any certification requirements listed on the course description, the following qualifications may also be acceptable for the course:

Any field when certification reflects a bachelor or higher degree.

General Information

Course Number: 1700420
Abbreviated Title: AVID 4
Number of Credits: One (1) credit
Course Length: Year (Y)
Course Type: Elective Course
Course Level: 2
Course Status: Course Approved
Grade Level(s): 12

Educator Certifications

One of these educator certification options is required to teach this course.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this course.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this course.