Course Standards
General Course Information and Notes
Version Description
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) elective courses at all grade levels are designed to prepare students for success in four-year colleges and universities. The courses emphasize rhetorical reading, analytical writing, collaborative discussion strategies, tutorial inquiry study groups, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, college study skills and test taking strategies, note taking and research. All AVID seniors are required to develop and present a portfolio representing their years of work in the AVID program as well as complete the requirements for the Seminar course.The AVID Elective twelfth grade course is the second part in a junior/senior seminar course that focuses on writing and critical thinking expected of first- and second-year college students. This course continues around the theme of "Leadership as a Catalyst for Change in Society." Students will complete a final research essay project from research conducted in their junior year in AVID. In addition to the academic focus of the AVID senior seminar, there are college-bound activities, methodologies and tasks that should be achieved during the senior year that support students as they apply to four- year universities and confirm their postsecondary plans. All AVID seniors are required to develop and present a portfolio representing their years of work in the AVID program, as well as complete the requirements for the seminar course.
This course shall integrate the Goal 3 Student Performance Standards of the Florida System of School Improvement and Accountability as appropriate to the content and processes of the subject matter.
Course student performance standards must be adopted by the district, and they must reflect appropriate Florida Standards.
Related AVID Standards
Domain CD: Character DevelopmentCluster 1 Self-Awareness
The student will:
AV.12.CD.1.1 - understand the role of AVID students and display characteristics on a regular basis, especially to younger AVID students
AV.12.CD.1.2 - serve a mentor and role model to younger AVID students
AV.12.CD.1.3 - prepare to successfully resolve conflicts and disputes that may arise in college (e.g., roommates, professors)
AV.12.CD.1.4 - apply for scholarships that align with abilities, talents and interests
Cluster 2 Goals
The student will:
AV.12.CD.2.1 - monitor progress toward goals regarding the college application process
AV.12.CD.2.2 - continue developing academic strengths with the incorporation of college level courses with a focus on academic stretch
AV.12.CD.2.3 - break goals into achievable action steps and monitor progress regularly
AV.12.CD.2.4 - assess areas of potential weakness and plan appropriately to break poor habits of mind
AV.12.CD.2.5 - reflect upon previous three year's goals and determine successes and challenges of reaching those goals
AV.12.CD.2.6 - design appropriate short- and mid-tem goals, which take into account many of the critical aspects of senior year, including college acceptance, GPA, college entrance testing, community service and college level coursework
AV.12.CD.2.7 - determine a new/revised long-term goal (which will take three to five years to accomplish)
Cluster 3 Community and School Involvement
The student will:
AV.12.CD.3.1 - continue with select school activities/clubs, seeking out positions of leadership
AV.12.CD.3.2 - consider putting on community service/service learning activity within collaborative groups
AV.12.CD.3.3 - track community service hours and extracurricular activity participation in a multi-year student portfolio
AV.12.CD.3.4 - research and apply for potential scholarships associated with clubs, sports, and/or community involvement
AV.12.CD.3.5 - plan an end of year celebration, focusing on college acceptance and scholarships
Cluster 4 Ownership of Learning
The student will:
AV.12.CD.4.1 - access grades online or from teachers on a regular basis
AV.12.CD.4.2 - analyze grade reports to create a study/action plan for continued academic improvement
AV.12.CD.4.3 - communicate effectively with teachers, counselors and administrators to discuss areas of concern or a need for clarity
AV.12.CD.4.4 - develop a sense of building community within the school, advocating for positive school change
AV.12.CD.4.5 - integrate academic questions before, during and after class with teachers and peers
Domain COMM: Communication
Cluster 1 Speaking
The student will:
AV.12.COMM.1.1 - refine articulation, inflection and vocabulary within speeches and presentations
AV.12.COMM.1.2 - prepare for, conduct and utilize interviews within research writing
AV.12.COMM.1.3 - present research findings on "A Leader as a Catalyst for Change" assignment, which is judged by a panel of teachers, administrators and parent volunteers
AV.12.COMM.1.4 - improve oral communication and leadership skills through a variety of means, including presentations, Socratic Seminars and Philosophical Chairs discussions
AV.12.COMM.1.5 - utilize opportunities to act as a cross-age tutor to lower grades, middle schools or after-school programs
AV.12.COMM.1.6 - speak in a variety of public venues, such as middle school recruitment and middle school shadowing days at school
Cluster 2 Listening
The student will:
AV.12.COMM.2.1 - critically listen and respond to others' ideas in formal and informal settings
AV.12.COMM.2.2 - evaluate own and others' speaking, using rubrics and scoring guides
AV.12.COMM.2.3 - clarify understanding of content through questioning
Domain WRI: Writing
Cluster 1 The Writing Process
The student will:
AV.12.WRI.1.1 - understand and identify the audience, purpose and form for writing assignments
AV.12.WRI.1.2 - analyze complex college level prompts and design arguments with fully developed claims and cited evidence
AV.12.WRI.1.3 - edit students' essays, checking for professionalism in all aspects of writing
AV.12.WRI.1.4 - use a variety of rubrics to grade essays, especially those used to grade essays for the SAT and other college admissions tests
Cluster 2 Writing Skills
The student will:
AV.12.WRI.2.1 - create academic introductions through the incorporation of valuable background information, a "hook", and well constructed thesis
AV.12.WRI.2.2 - refine skills in research techniques and proper source integration into essays
AV.12.WRI.2.3 - utilize multiple structures commonly used at collegiate levels, such as MLA/APA citations, source integration and abstract writing
AV.12.WRI.2.4 - focus on improving sentences through word choice and varying sentence structure
AV.12.WRI.2.5 - create precision and interest by elaborating on ideas through supporting details
Cluster 3 Writing Applications
The student will:
AV.12.WRI.3.1 - develop and strengthen writing through the creation of a biography on a leader as a catalyst for change
AV.12.WRI.3.2 - write timed in-class essays modeled after those required for college-entrance courses
AV.12.WRI.3.3 - develop and strengthen writing through the creation of a personal statement essay
AV.12.WRI.3.4 - write letters of advice to younger AVID students offering tips and advice
Cluster 4 Writing to Learn
The student will:
AV.12.WRI.4.1 - reflect upon research skills gained during the research project (Leaders as a Catalyst for Change) and how those skills will relate to postsecondary education
Domain INQ: Inquiry
Cluster 1 - Costa's Levels of Thinking
The student will:
AV.12.INQ.1.1 - refine collaborative group study skills in academic tutorials to form groups independently for each core class, especially around college level courses
Cluster 2 Tutorials
The student will:
AV.12.INQ.2.1 - create a study group with a discussion of rules and expectations
AV.12.INQ.2.2 - reflect upon the relationship between high school tutorials and their connection at the collegiate level
AV.12.INQ.2.2 - reflect upon participation and knowledge gained from tutorials and other collaborative activities
Cluster 3 Socratic Seminar and Philosophical Chairs
The student will:
AV.12.INQ.3.1 - select their own topics for Socratic Seminar/Philosophical Chairs discussions
AV.12.INQ.3.2 - integrate a variety of source evidence to support position statements
AV.12.INQ.3.3 - articulate a more thorough understanding of the topic, based on the discussion
AV.12.INQ.3.4 - take an active leadership role that results in higher levels of thinking and comprehension
AV.12.INQ.3.5 - analyze a 17th, 18th, or 19th century foundational U.S. document of historical and literary significance (e.g., The Bill of Rights or Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address) for themes, purposes and rhetorical features in a Socratic Seminar or Philosophical Chairs discussion
AV.12.INQ.3.6 - integrate and evaluate multiple courses of information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively), as well as in words, in order to address a question or solve a problem in a Socratic Seminar or Philosophical Chairs discussion
Domain COLL: Collaboration
Cluster 1 Collaborative Skills
The student will:
AV.12.COLL.1.1 - independently create study groups for academically rigorous coursework
AV.12.COLL.1.2 - develop positive peer relationships, especially with those taking advanced coursework
AV.12.COLL.1.3 - discuss informal study group norms and how to become a member of a study team in college
Domain ORG: Organization
Cluster 1 Organization and Time Managementt
The student will:
AV.12.ORG.1.1 - begin developing a personal organizational system to prepare for success in college
AV.12.ORG.1.2 - use the planner/agenda to track senior year tasks and responsibilities, including exams, college applications deadlines, letters of recommendation, FAFSA, scholarships, and final transcripts
AV.12.ORG.1.3 - develop and discuss plans when the academic work load is especially difficult
AV.12.ORG.1.4 - plan for future commitments in college and discuss with both the teacher and college tutor
AV.12.ORG.1.5 - reflect on academic performance and independently adjust study habits and time management skills as needed
AV.12.ORG.1.6 - continue to add to academic portfolio to demonstrate student growth
AV.12.ORG.1.7 - present portfolio of personal academic work at the end of the year emphasizing personal growth and successes
AV.12.ORG.1.8 - publish final versions of writing for the academic portfolio
Cluster 2 Note-Taking
The student will:
AV.12.ORG.2.1 - take 15 to 25 pages of quality Cornell notes per week
AV.12.ORG.2.2 - utilize Cornell notes as an advanced study tool, which will be continually refined and studied independently
AV.12.ORG.2.3 - adapt organization strategy of note-taking to meet required academic tasks, such as lectures, lab work, reading or collaborative work
AV.12.ORG.2.4 - create notes which track reading and research effectively
AV.12.ORG.2.5 - personalize notations to call out key information while taking notes
AV.12.ORG.2.6 - utilize notes during in-class and independently formed study groups
AV.12.ORG.2.7 - refine the skill of editing and revise notes outside of class to improve their usability
AV.12.ORG.2.8 - refine the skill of writing higher-level summaries for Cornell notes that link all of the learning together
Cluster 3 Research and Technology
The student will:
AV.12.ORG.3.1 - integrate research and interviews into writing, using citation circles
AV.12.ORG.3.2 - research a leader as a catalyst for change as a culminating research project, using books, Internet and other primary sources
AV.12.ORG.3.3 - utilize peer support and resources to complete and individual research project
AV.12.ORG.3.4 - create research logs, tracking information for culminating research project
AV.12.ORG.3.5 - create a methodology section, which helps track and organize thoughts and processes for writings
AV.12.ORG.3.6 - research colleges/universities of interest with a focus on finalizing a decision about which colleges to apply to during fall and become aware of admissions deadlines
Cluster 4 Test Preparation and Test-Taking
The student will:
AV.12.ORG.4.1 - work in peer groups to prepare for mid-terms, finals, AP and end of course exams
AV.12.ORG.4.2 - seek clarification from instructors on exam format, timing and content, in order to fully prepare for successful completion of assessments
AV.12.ORG.4.3 - analyze test results to determine errors and points of confusion and utilize weekly tutorials for revisiting those materials to ensure a clear understanding
Domain REA: Reading
Cluster 1 Vocabulary
The student will:
AV.12.REA.1.1 - chart new vocabulary and meaning gathered from texts
AV.12.REA.1.2 - infer word meaning using knowledge of advanced prefixes, suffixes and root words, including words of Anglo-Saxon, Greek, and Latin origin
Cluster 2 Textual Analysis
The student will:
AV.12.REA.2.1 - analyze a case in which grasping point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is actually meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony or understatement)
AV.12.REA.2.2 - analyze authentic writing prompts and formulate the organization of a response
AV.12.REA.2.3 - pause to connect related parts of a text, drawing together various aspects of an argument
AV.12.REA.2.4 - utilize three-part source integration, including source, paraphrase/direct quote, and comment about its relevance to the argument
AV.12.REA.2.5 - chart text, tracking key information and author's claims
AV.12.REA.2.6 - choose one or more writing in the margin strategies while reading text
AV.12.REA.2.7 - determine how best to take notes or record information garnered from readings or films, especially those dealing with advanced content
AV.12.REA.2.8 - identify the persona of the authors, finding elements of argument and compare/contrast views of various authors
Domain CR: College Readiness
Cluster 1 Guest Speakers
The student will:
AV.12.CR.1.1 - attend college awareness nights, where multiple postsecondary institutions are present, gaining information about institutions of interest, and integrate information into student projects and presentations
AV.12.CR.1.2 - utilize Cornell notes as a means to track main points from guest speakers, keeping them as an ongoing reflective tool as part of a multi-year portfolio
AV.11.CR.1.3 - have at least one current college student as a guest speaker, with students pre-generating questions about campus life
AV.12.CR.1.4 - seek information from an array of guest speakers who provide expertise in college admissions, financial aid and the FAFSA, college selection and scholarships
Cluster 2 Field Trips
The student will:
AV.12.CR.2.1 - attend as many college/university visits early in the year, including listening to speakers from admissions who focus on tips for college applications
AV.12.CR.2.2 - determine and plan college/university field trips, including contacting admissions counselors and student guides
AV.12.CR.2.3 - attend a cultural event trip for the second half of the year (the theater, a play or a museum visit) and complete a written assignment
AV.12.CR.2.4 - visit schools of interest independently during weekends or summer, to gain further exposure to postsecondary opportunities
Cluster 3 College and Career Knowledge
The student will:
AV.12.CR.3.1 - apply for scholarships as a class and individually
AV.12.CR.3.2 - check any specific college requirements or local graduation requirements for community service and log those in the student portfolio
AV.12.CR.3.3 - examine cost of colleges to which they have been accepted and determine how financial aid, grants, scholarship, work study programs and other funding sources can help meet those cost needs
AV.12.CR.3.4 - develop an understanding of selecting and scheduling courses in college, including fulfilling the requirements of a degree plan
AV.12.CR.3.5 - ask for letters of recommendation from teachers and club advisors with whom a strong relationship has been established
AV.12.CR.3.6 - select a college major based on a career choice of interest
Cluster 4 College Entrance Testing
The student will:
AV.12.CR.4.1 - prepare for and take the SAT and/or ACT at least once during the fall semester
AV.12.CR.4.2 - solve college entrance sample questions both independently and in groups and discuss how best to approach solutions
AV.12.CR.4.3 - execute the study pal during the fall, in order to prepare for college entrance testing
AV.12.CR.4.4 - independently utilize online college testing study websites to practice for exams
AV.12.CR.4.5 - become familiar with the formatting of college entrance exams, such as the SAT and ACT, and college level credit exams, such as Advanced Placement tests
AV.12.CR.4.6 - use SAT and ACT results from junior year to determine areas of weakness and independently address them with online resources
AV.12.CR.4.7 - track all testing results for input into college admission applications
Cluster 5 College Admissions and Financial Aid
The student will:
AV.12.CR.5.1 - select appropriate teachers/counselors for letters of recommendation
AV.12.CR.5.2 - distinguish between universities based on personal and academic need
AV.12.CR.5.3 - complete and submit college/university applications for schools of interest, including admission essays, letters of recommendation, SAT/ACT scores and official transcripts within the appropriate timeframe
AV.12.CR.5.4 - research and prepare financial aid application, including the FAFSA
AV.12.CR.5.5 - create a financial plan for the cost of applications and university expenses
AV.12.CR.5.6 - create and design a resume that reflects personal and academic strengths
AV.12.CR.5.7 - write an effective personal statement that illustrates academic and/or personal accomplishments where applicable
AV.12.CR.5.8 - fulfill all course and grade requirements during senior year to remain eligible for college acceptance
General Notes
Special Note: Skills acquired in this course will be implemented by the student across the curriculum. Advancement Via Individual Determination IV (AVID IV) is a rigorous course offered by AVID Center, and content must be provided as specified by AVID Center. Teachers must receive training from AVID Center to teach this course.Trained AVID Elective teachers may visit, and log into their MyAVID account using their AVID username and password; then follow to access the AVID Weeks at a Glance curriculum and resources for grades 6-12.
English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:
Version Requirements
These requirements include, but are not limited to, the Florida Standards that are most relevant to this course. Standards correlated with a specific course requirement may also be addressed by other course requirements as appropriate. Some requirements in this course are not addressed in the Florida Standards. Other subject areas and content may be used to fulfill course requirements. This course includes an agreement related to minimum standards for behavior, attendance, and participation.Qualifications
As well as any certification requirements listed on the course description, the following qualifications may also be acceptable for the course:
Any field when certification reflects a bachelor or higher degree.