
Identify individuals who represent the citizens of Florida at the national level.


Clarification 1: Students will identify Florida’s U.S. senators and the U.S. representative for their district.

Clarification 2: Students will discuss the constitutional qualifications for office, term length, authority, duties, activities and compensation.

General Information
Subject Area: Social Studies
Grade: 5
Strand: Civics and Government
Date Adopted or Revised: 05/24
Status: State Board Approved

Related Courses

This benchmark is part of these courses.
5021070: Social Studies Grade 5 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 - 2023, 2023 and beyond (current))
7721016: Access Social Studies - Grade 5 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2023, 2023 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
SS.5.CG.2.AP.5: Recognize Florida’s U.S. senators and representatives from their district.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Lesson Plans

Shhh! We're Writing the Constitution: Researching our Representatives:

This is lesson #8 in the text unit for Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz. After reading the text, students will choose a representative (historical figures in the text) to research further. Students will complete a graphic organizer pulling information from the text and then use online sources and books to gather further information about their chosen historical figure.

This unit will help students understand why and how the Constitution was created, including: the thirteen colonies and important historical figures present during the creation of the Constitution, the challenges and conflicts that state representatives faced during writing the Constitution, motifs and themes during the “Grand Convention,” and the relationship between state and national constitutions. Lessons will allow students to identify citizens’ civic duties outlined by the Constitution, the relationship between the federal and state Constitutions, and important historical symbols. Each part of the unit will include an in-depth dive into vocabulary and how it applies to the meaning of the text.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

Securing the Job :

In this lesson plan, students explore Florida’s legislative branch of government, receiving an overview of this branch of government, a comparison to the federal government’s legislative branch, and the necessary qualifications to run for Congress in Florida. Students will also explore the term length, authority, duties, and compensation for Congress.

Type: Lesson Plan

Who Represents Florida? - The Senate :

In this lesson plan, students will review the legislative branch and learn about the history of the Senate. Students will look at the term length of senators, as well as the duties and authority of the Senate.  Students will then identify 4 senators that have represented and served Florida at the national level, across the course of history, through the development and completion of a timeline.


Type: Lesson Plan

Who Represents Florida - U.S. House of Representatives :

In this lesson plan, students will briefly revisit the legislative branch, key jobs of the branch, and key facts about the House of Representatives.  Students will then identify the state’s U.S. representative(s) for their district. Students will develop a biography sheet for the representative for their district.

Type: Lesson Plan

Who Represents Me?:

Students will read a text about the duties and responsibilities of U.S. Senators and Representatives. Then students will identify the central idea and explain how relevant details support this idea within the text. Students will then research the U.S. senators or U.S. representative that represents them at the national level and present their findings to the class in this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Climate Adaptations:

Students use their knowledge of animal and plant adaptations as they rank them for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s social media campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness and funds to help protect the selected plant or animal species. Students will then use a government website to identify their local state representative to invite them to participate in the campaign. In the twist, the FDEP will ask students to rank the animals and plants again, but this time they must consider the rise in surface temperature and sea level rise predicted by 2099 in this Model Eliciting Activity. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Who Are The People in Your Neighborhood? Finding Your Elected Officials:

In this lesson, students will use the U.S. Constitution and their web searching skills to determine the constitutional qualifications for office, term length, authority, duties, activities, compensation, and names of elected officials for Florida and their district.

Type: Lesson Plan

Teaching Ideas

Grade 5 Civics Family Guide: Standard 2:

This Grade 5 Civics Family Guide provides some ideas and activities to support civics education when at home, out and about, and in the community. The activities provided align to the civics learning benchmarks within Standard 2 at this grade level.

Type: Teaching Idea

Who Are the People? Finding Your Elected Representative:

This PowerPoint slideshow is designed to support teachers in delivering direct instruction on Florida’s national representation, including determining the constitutional qualifications for office, term length, authority, duties, activities, compensation, and names of elected officials for Florida and their district. Students will also determine the best approach toward contacting elected officials. The accompanying guided notes can be completed by students during instruction.

Type: Teaching Idea


Portraits in Patriotism - Mel Martinez: Elementary School:

Former U.S Senator and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mel Martínez shares his journey to freedom in the United States. Mr. Martínez was part of Operation Pedro Pan in which unaccompanied Cuban children were sent to the United States to escape the newly formed communist regime of Fidel Castro. Before leaving Cuba, he spent time with his father who shared life lessons with his son. Mr. Martínez distinctly remembers the pilot announcing that they were in America. After moving around the state of Florida in settlement camps, Mr. Martínez was placed in foster care. After four years he and his family were reunited. Mr. Martínez helped his father become a veterinarian in the U.S and as a family they were highly active in the community. His family’s spirit of activism was the foundation of Mr. Martínez’s career as a public servant. He graduated from Florida State University Law School in 1973 and began his political career. He was appointed the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in 2001 and became a United States Senator in 2005.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Teaching Idea

Grade 5 Civics Family Guide: Standard 2:

This Grade 5 Civics Family Guide provides some ideas and activities to support civics education when at home, out and about, and in the community. The activities provided align to the civics learning benchmarks within Standard 2 at this grade level.

Type: Teaching Idea