Standard 3: Chronological Thinking

General Information
Number: SS.1.A.3
Title: Chronological Thinking
Type: Standard
Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 1
Strand: American History

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Recognize concepts of time related to a sequence of school events.
Sequence three events in a student’s life using photographs or pictures on a timeline.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

Rules, Laws, and Timelines:

This lesson will allow the students to explain the difference between rules and laws, their purpose, and their role in the home, school, and community. Students will sequentially order events that occur at school using primary sources on a timeline while identifying rules or laws for each event. The students will complete a matching activity on the purpose of rules at school.

Type: Lesson Plan

A Picture Book Of Benjamin Franklin: Lesson1: Understanding Timelines:

In this pre-reading lesson, lesson #1 of the text unit A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin, students will be introduced to the academic vocabulary word “Timeline” as well as vocabulary words that will be learned throughout the unit. Students' will use background knowledge of our class schedule to build a timeline of our day. Students are connecting the timeline of our day to a timeline of historical events, dating back to the 1700's, that focused on the life of Benjamin Franklin. This will help students understand the concept that Benjamin Franklin, an individual who represents the United States, is a person in history from another time long ago.

This unit is focused on identifying Benjamin Franklin as the topic of the text. Civics is integrated through understanding that Benjamin Franklin represents the United States. Students will explore life in the 1700’s to gain background knowledge. Teacher will create an ongoing timeline to document the major events in Ben’s life as key details. Students will solve a real world problem through invention, create a newspaper article to spread news, write both an expository and opinion piece. The assessment for the unit will be a kite that is a graphic organizer for students to identify the topic and relevant details in a text.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

Tree Cookies:

One way to learn about tree growth is to look at annual rings. Tree rings show patterns of change in the tree's life as well as changes in the area where it grows. In this activity, students will trace environmental and historical changes using a cross section of a tree, or "tree cookie."

Type: Lesson Plan

Looking for Lincoln Throughout His Life:

In this interdisciplinary lesson by PBS Learning Media, students will participate in a variety of hands-on activities to gather facts about Abraham Lincoln. Students will match vocabulary words with pictures to piece together a timeline of Lincoln's life, gather various facts about his work as a lawyer on the prairie, and also gain insight into Lincoln through objects and artifacts of his life. Students will then select classroom objects that best tell a story about them and/or their class, later reflecting upon the timeline of Lincoln's life while creating their own personal timelines.

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.