Standard 1: Learning and Applying Foundational Reading Skills

General Information
Number: ELA.K.F.1
Title: Learning and Applying Foundational Reading Skills
Type: Standard
Subject: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: K
Strand: Foundational Skills

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Identify a printed word.
Distinguish letters from words.
Match print to receptive language to demonstrate that language is represented by print.
Identify parts of a book (front cover, back cover, title page) with a model.
Move left to right on the printed page.
Identify upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Recognize that print conveys specific meaning and pictures may support meaning.

Blend and segment syllables in spoken words.
Identify and produce alliterative and rhyming words.
Blend and segment onset and rimes of single-syllable words.
Identify the initial, medial and final sound of spoken words.
Add or delete phonemes at the beginning or end of a spoken word and produce the resulting word using the student’s mode of communication.

Segment and blend phonemes in single-syllable spoken words.
Demonstrate knowledge of the most frequent sound for consonants.
Demonstrate knowledge of the short and long sounds for the five major vowels.
Decode consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.
Encode consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.
Recognize and read high frequency words.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plans

The Star-Spangled Banner: Do They Rhyme?:

This is lesson #2 in the text unit series for The Star-Spangled Banner. As the text is read aloud, students will listen for rhyming words. After hearing the text, students will be presented with word pairs from the text. They will then practice making decisions by voting “yes” or “no" to tell whether the words are rhyming pairs. Students will work together to name another word(s) that rhymes with the words from the text. Civics content is integrated as the students vote to tell if the words are rhyming pairs and work together to make a decision as they name additional rhyming words.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

My Strengths:

Students will create a poster that includes a drawing of themselves performing an identified strength. Students and the teacher will discuss and list the many different strengths that children have and things that they can do all by themselves. Students will then focus on one strength that they would like to write and draw about. In this lesson, students will create a self-portrait and add writing or writing attempts to complete a given sentence frame.


Type: Lesson Plan

Monkey Business: A Problem:

In this close reading lesson, the teacher will read aloud Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina. Students will answer text-dependent questions and explain the meaning of new vocabulary. They will identify sight words and choral read repetitive parts of the text. Students will identify the setting, characters, and important events (including the problem and solution) and record these on a story map. They will retell the story and create a tri-fold book with illustrations and sentences explaining the beginning, middle, and end of the story. After analyzing the text, students will draw and dictate or write to explain the problem and solution in the text.

Type: Lesson Plan

Colors All Around Us: Using Colors to Describe Our World:

In this lesson, students will use the beautiful text Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger to explore how an author uses color words and illustrations to describe various real-world objects. They will identify and explain how the descriptive words provide meaning and how the illustrations support the text. Students will brainstorm real-life objects that can be described and classified using color words and write an expository piece to describe those objects.

Type: Lesson Plan

Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham?:

In this 5-day lesson, students will engage in a variety of activities using the beloved Dr. Seuss books, Green Eggs and Ham and Wacky Wednesday. Students will explain the roles of the author and illustrator of a story. They will identify rhyming words in the stories and produce additional words that rhyme. Students will answer text-dependent questions to complete a story map and sequencing graphic organizer about each story. Using the graphic organizers, students will retell the stories. Finally, students will choose their favorite Dr. Seuss book and write an opinion statement telling why the book is their favorite.

Type: Lesson Plan

Supermarket Sorting:

In this lesson, in a hands-on activity, students will practice sorting food items from the grocery store into different categories. The teacher will read aloud Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert and send students on a scavenger hunt to find and record pictures of fruits and vegetables that are hung around the room. Students will be asked to provide an opinion of what they think is the best fruit or vegetable during a writing assignment and explain why they like it. Then each student will draw a picture of that food on a paper plate to display with their writing.

Type: Lesson Plan

Beach Sort:

In this lesson, students will have hands-on experience with categorization skills, by sorting objects commonly taken on a beach trip. Students will practice describing objects, sorting objects into categories, and verbalizing category concepts. Students will also practice discussing opinions about objects by writing a Beach Sorting Book.

Type: Lesson Plan

Where Are the Words?: Exploring the Power of Illustrations:

As part of learning about Concepts of Print, students will explore how some books do not have words and you need to "read" the pictures to understand what is happening. The book, Chalk by Bill Thomson will be used to inspire the students to add writing to his book as they dream what they would draw if they knew their chalk drawings would come to life.

Type: Lesson Plan

Who Says Please and Thank You?:

In this lesson, students will recall information from a read aloud text and discuss what it means to demonstrate good manners. Activities include contributing to a good manners chart, composing a sentence using a sentence frame demonstrating understanding of the conventions of standard English and practicing spelling words in creative ways. At the end of the lesson, students will create a Good Manners page for a class book, sharing a time when they have shown good manners.

Type: Lesson Plan

My Caterpillar Loves to Eat!:

In this lesson, students will listen to the teacher read aloud the well-loved book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Students will collaboratively practice retelling the story with a partner and record the food that the caterpillar ate on a class chart. Using their imagination, students will create a sentence and accompanying illustration of what their caterpillar would eat using the high frequency word ‘and’. Teachers are provided with a rubric to assess how the students are using punctuationusing punctuation, capitalization, finger spacing, and phonetic spelling.

Type: Lesson Plan

It's All in the Details:

In this multi-day lesson, students will learn about American holidays as they analyze grade-appropriate informational text. Students will learn to identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and their text features. They will also learn how to use the text features (title, headings, and illustrations) to predict the topic of the book. As the teacher reads the book, students will confirm the topic and identify important details, recording them on a graphic organizer. Finally, students will use details from the graphic organizer to draw, dictate, and/or write an expository piece about the topic of the text. 

Type: Lesson Plan

ABC Text-plorers:

In this lesson, students will go on an exploration of alphabet books to better understand the roles of authors and illustrators as well as print concepts, including uppercase and lowercase letters. After reading the books Alphabet Rescue, Miss Spider's ABC, The Mixed-Up Alphabet, and LMNO Peas, students will contribute to class discussions and create a class alphabet book. After reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, students will complete an uppercase and lowercase letter sort art project that will be used as a summative assessment while the teacher individually tests students on their understanding of print concepts and letter recognition.

Type: Lesson Plan

What's the Big Idea?:

In this multi-day lesson, students will learn about American symbols as they analyze grade-appropriate informational text. Students will learn to identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and their text features. They will also learn how to use the text features (title, headings, and illustrations) to predict the topic of the book. As the teacher reads the book, students will confirm the topic and identify important details, recording them on a graphic organizer. Finally, students will use details from the graphic organizer to draw, dictate, and/or write an expository piece about the topic of the text.

Type: Lesson Plan

Wild about Authors and Illustrators:

In this lesson, students learn about the roles of authors and illustrators through read-alouds, charades, and book-writing. Students will have an opportunity to act out the roles of illustrators and authors. They will learn how to describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in a story. Students will also identify the beginning, middle, and end in popular picture books and will write and illustrate a simple narrative with a partner.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

Word Rimes: ut with Vidyut the Postal Worker:

Read and spell words using the ut rime as you help Vidyut the Postal Worker answer some of his mail in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: ug with Doug the Postal Worker:

Read and spell words using the ug rime as you help Doug the Postal Worker answer some of his mail in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: un with Seoyun the Postal Worker:

Read and spell words using the un rime as you help Seoyun the Postal Worker answer some of her mail in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: et with Rhett the Event Planner:

Read and spell words using the et rime while you help Rhett, the event planner, with the grand opening of the vet clinic in this tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: ap with Hap the Archaeologist:

Help Hap the archaeologist read and spell words using the ap rime and explore hidden rock wall paintings in the jungle with this tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: an with Jan the Archaeologist:

Help Jan the archaeologist read and spell words using the an rime while she uncovers lost petroglyphs in the desert with this tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: en with Jen the Event Planner:

Help Jen read and spell words using the en rime as she plans a pool party in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: at with Mat the Archaeologist:

Read and spell words using the at rime ending as you help Mat the archaeologist dig for treasure in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Fiona and the Florida Flag: Part 1:

Join Fiona as she creates a book all about Florida's state flag. Help Fiona locate different parts of a book, and use pictures to help understand meaning, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parts with Purpose: Examining the Parts of a Book:

Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and examine each part's features in this interactive tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs:

Use titles, headings, illustrations, and photographs to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings:

Use titles and headings to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he reviews the parts of a book and explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 1 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Student Center Activities

Phonemic Awareness: Sound Changes:

In this activity, students will substitute specific sounds in words to create new words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Word Change:

In this activity, students will delete the second phoneme in an initial blend and select the picture that represents the new word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Swap:

In this activity, students will decide which phoneme has been changed by comparing two pictures.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Position Sort:

In this activity, students will sort pictures based on the location (initial, medial, final) of phoneme substitution.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Make It, Find It, Keep It:

In this activity, students will delete initial phonemes in words and select the picture that represents the new word. In an extension activity, students can segment and count the phonemes in each word and sort by the number of phonemes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Final Phoneme Pie:

In this activity, students will delete final phonemes in words and select the picture that represents the new word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: What's Left?:

In this activity, students will delete initial phonemes in words and select the picture that represents the new word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Break and Make:

In this activity, students will segment and blend phonemes to make words by playing a picture card game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Split and Say:

In this activity, students will segment and blend phonemes in words using Elkonin boxes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Challenge:

In this activity, students will segment phonemes in words by playing a counting game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: The Phoneme Game:

In this activity, students will segment and count phonemes in words while playing a board game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Counting Sort:

In this activity, students will segment and count phonemes in words and sort by number.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: What's My Word?:

In this activity, students will blend phonemes in words and select the corresponding picture.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Quest:

In this activity, students will isolate initial, medial, and final phonemes by comparing pictures.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Medial Phoneme Find:

In this activity, students will isolate medial phonemes by listening to words and choosing a picture that has the same medial sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Final Phoneme Find:

In this activity, students will isolate final phonemes by listening to words and choosing pictures with the same ending sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Bag-of-Sounds:

In this activity, students will identify initial phonemes in words represented by objects. As an extension, students may also identify the medial and final phonemes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Vowel Picture Sort:

In this activity, students will sort pictures based on vowel sounds (long and short).

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Medial Phoneme Dominoes:

In this activity, students will match medial phonemes by playing dominoes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Final Phomeme Spin:

In this activity, students will match final phonemes by playing a spinner game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonemic Awareness: Match Maker:

In this activity, students will identify initial phonemes to match picture cards.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Word Climb:

In this activity, students will quickly read and match high frequency words on a game board.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: I Read, You Point:

In this activity, students will quickly identify words on word cards as they are read aloud by a partner.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Fast Words:

In this activity, students will quickly read high frequency words on a practice sheet while being timed.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Word Relay:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Speedy Rime Words:

In this activity, students will quickly read words with the same rime in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Letter Flash:

In this activity, students will identify letters and their sounds in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Fluency Letter Wheel:

In this activity, students will say the names and sounds of letters and consonant digraphs on a spinner in a timed activity.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Make a Match:

In this activity, students will match initial sounds to letters while playing a timed memory game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Tap Stack:

In this activity, students will identify letters while playing a card game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Hungry Letter Mouse:

In this activity, students will quickly write and name the letters of the alphabet. In an extension activity, students will say the sound for each letter.

Type: Student Center Activity

Fluency: Speedy Alphabet Arc:

In this activity, students will gain speed and accuracy in letter recognition.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Bowling:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words while playing a bowling game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Memory Game:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words while playing a memory game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Baseball:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words while playing a baseball game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Fishing:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words while playing a "fishing" game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Checkers:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words while they play a checkers game.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Sandpaper Words:

In this activity, students will read high frequency words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: A Digraph A Word:

In this activity, students will segment names of pictures into phonemes and use letter tiles to spell each word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Make-A-Word:

In this activity, students will segment names of pictures into phonemes and use letters to make each word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Digraph Delight:

In this activity, students will make words using digraph and letter spinners.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Three-In-One:

In this activity, students will use consonant and vowel cards to make words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter Cube Blending:

In this activity, students will make words using consonant and vowel cubes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Steps:

In this activity, students will make words by manipulating one letter at a time.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Vowel Stars:

In this activity, the student will blend sounds of letters to make words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Maker Game:

In this activity, students will make words using onset and rime cards.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Roll-A-Rama:

In this activity, students will make words using onset and rime cubes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Change-A-Word:

In this activity, students will make words by matching and blending onsets and rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Word Swat:

In this activity, students will make words by matching and blending onsets and rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Rime Closed Sort:

In this activity, students will sort words by rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Say It Now:

In this activity, students will make words by selecting various letters (onsets) to complete provided rimes.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Picture the Word:

In this activity, students select onsets (initial sounds) to complete words using pictures as clues.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Onset and Rime Slide:

In this activity, students will make words using a variety of onsets (including blends and digraphs) and sliding rime strips (including short, long, and variable vowels). They will also determine if the new word is real or nonsense.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Match:

In this activity, students will match initial, final, and medial sounds of words (picture cards) to letters, filling in a missing letter for each word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Where's That Sound:

In this activity, students will determine if a sound, represented by a targeted letter, is the initial or final sound in a word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Medial Phoneme Spin:

In this activity, students will match medial sounds of words (picture cards) to letters while playing a spinner game. As an extension, students can also match initial or final sounds of words to letters.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Bingo:

In this activity, students will match medial sounds of words (picture cards) to letters while playing a game. As an extension, students can also match initial and final sounds of words to letters.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Mobile:

In this activity, students will match medial sound picture cards to targeted letters while making a mobile.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Train:

In this activity, students will match medial sounds in words to the target letter on a train.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Folder Sort:

In this activity, students will match final sound picture cards to letters/letter combinations that represent targeted sounds.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter Bag:

In this activity, the student will match the final sound of a word to the letter that represents that sound. As an extension, the student can also match the initial or medial sound of a word to the corresponding letter.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Dominoes:

In this activity, the student will match the initial sound of a word to the letter that represent that sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Pyramid:

In this activity, students will match final sounds of words to corresponding letters while playing a pyramid game. As an extension, students can also match words with digraphs and vowel teams.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Words Around Us Memory Game:

In this activity, the student will match the initial sound of a word to the letter that represents that sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter-Sound Place Mats:

In this activity, students will select words (images) that have the same initial sound as their names.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Photo Chart:

In this activity, the student will match the initial sound of a word to the letter that makes that sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Brown Bag It:

In this activity, the student will match the initial sound of a word to the letter that represents that sound.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Lettercritter:

In this activity, the student will identify and order the letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Venn Diagram Letter Name Sort:

In this activity, the student will identify and sort letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Alphabet Tiles Name Sort:

In this activity, the student will identify and sort letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Alphabet Memory Game:

In this activity, the student will identify and match letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Poetry Pen:

In this activity, the student will identify letters of the alphabet within words in nursery rhymes. As an extension, the student may also identify high-frequency words within the text.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Pasta Names:

In this activity, the student will identify letters of the alphabet. NOTE: The student will need to name the letters in the name or word for this activity to align to the standard.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Sorting Letters:

In this activity, the student will identify letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Clip-A-Letter:

In this activity, the student will name and match letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Alphabet Arc:

In this activity, the student will name and match letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Letter Cards:

In this activity, the student will name and match letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Name Changes:

In this activity, the student will manipulate phonemes in words by substituting initial, medial, or final sounds to create a new word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Drop and Say:

In this activity, the student will manipulate phonemes in words by deleting the beginning or ending sound to create a new word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Picture Slide:

In this activity, the student will segment and blend phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Treasure Chest:

In this activity, the student will segment and blend phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Feud:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Spin:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: The Sound Game:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Hopscotch:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Closed Sort:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words and sort the words (picture cards) based on the number of phonemes. As an extension activity, the student can also sort picture cards based on the number of syllables in the word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Photos:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Say and Slide Phonemes:

In this activity, the student will segment phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Quest:

In this activity, the student will isolate initial, final, and medial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Move and Tell:

In this activity, the student will isolate medial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: The Last Sound Is...:

In this activity, students will use final sound clues to identify objects.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: See It – Sound It:

In this activity, the student will identify initial phonemes in words. As an extension activity, students can also identify the final sound in words and count the syllables in each word.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Pictures and Picture Puzzles:

In this activity, the student will match medial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Bags:

In this activity, students will match medial phonemes in words. As an extension, students can also match objects with the same initial or final sounds. 

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Pie:

In this activity, the student will match final phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Final Sound Match-Up:

In this activity, the student will match final phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound It–Bag It:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Dominoes:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Go Fish:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Pack-A-Backpack:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Train:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Snacker - Sound Smacker:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Guessing Game:

In this activity, the student will manipulate onsets and rimes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sound Detective:

In this activity, the student will segment and blend onsets and rimes in words. The student will also match rimes by identifying rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rime House:

In this activity, students will segment and blend onsets and rimes in words. They will also match words with the same rime (rhyming words).

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Quick Pick:

In this activity, the student will segment and blend onsets and rimes in words. As an extension, the student will produce a rhyming word to match the picture.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Syllable Say:

In this activity, the student will segment and blend syllables in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Syllable Graph:

In this activity, the student will segment syllables in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Syllable Hopscotch:

In this activity, the student will segment syllables in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Feed the Animals:

In this activity, the student will segment syllables in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Clapping Names:

In this activity, the student will segment syllables in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sentence Graph:

In this activity, the student will segment sentences into words. This skill is typically taught prior to the segmentation of syllables. To fully align to the standard, this activity will need to be extended to include the segmentation of each word in the sentence into syllables.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Sentence Game:

In this activity, the student will segment sentences into words. This skill is typically taught prior to the segmentation of syllables. To fully align to the standard, this activity will need to be extended to include the segmentation of each word in the sentence into syllables.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Nursery Rhymes:

In this activity, the student will segment sentences into words. This skill is typically taught prior to the segmentation of syllables. To fully align to the standard, this activity will need to be extended to include the segmentation of each word in the sentence into syllables.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyme Flip Book:

In this activity, the student will recognize and produce rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyming Game:

In this activity, the student will recognize rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyme Memory Match:

In this activity, the student will recognize and match rhyming words. As an extension activity, the student will match words based on initial sounds.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyme Pie:

In this activity, the student will recognize rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyme Closed Sort:

In this activity, the student will identify rhyming words by completing a closed sort. As an extension activity, the student will complete a closed sort based on initial sounds.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Pocket Rhymes:

In this activity, the student will recognize rhyming words. As an extension, the student can segment the onset and rime of matching pairs.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyming A-LOT-OH!:

In this activity, the student will recognize rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: Rhyme or No Rhyme:

In this activity, the student will recognize rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness:Rhyme or no Rhyme:

In this activity, the student will recognize rhyming words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonics: Alphabet Borders:

In this activity, the student will name and match letters of the alphabet.

Type: Student Center Activity

Phonological Awareness: One Card Out:

In this activity, the student will match initial phonemes in words.

Type: Student Center Activity

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorials

Word Rimes: ut with Vidyut the Postal Worker:

Read and spell words using the ut rime as you help Vidyut the Postal Worker answer some of his mail in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: ug with Doug the Postal Worker:

Read and spell words using the ug rime as you help Doug the Postal Worker answer some of his mail in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: un with Seoyun the Postal Worker:

Read and spell words using the un rime as you help Seoyun the Postal Worker answer some of her mail in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: et with Rhett the Event Planner:

Read and spell words using the et rime while you help Rhett, the event planner, with the grand opening of the vet clinic in this tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: ap with Hap the Archaeologist:

Help Hap the archaeologist read and spell words using the ap rime and explore hidden rock wall paintings in the jungle with this tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: an with Jan the Archaeologist:

Help Jan the archaeologist read and spell words using the an rime while she uncovers lost petroglyphs in the desert with this tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: en with Jen the Event Planner:

Help Jen read and spell words using the en rime as she plans a pool party in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Word Rimes: at with Mat the Archaeologist:

Read and spell words using the at rime ending as you help Mat the archaeologist dig for treasure in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Fiona and the Florida Flag: Part 1:

Join Fiona as she creates a book all about Florida's state flag. Help Fiona locate different parts of a book, and use pictures to help understand meaning, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parts with Purpose: Examining the Parts of a Book:

Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and examine each part's features in this interactive tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs:

Use titles, headings, illustrations, and photographs to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings:

Use titles and headings to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he reviews the parts of a book and explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 1 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.