Introduction to Computer Science 1   (#5002010)

Version for Academic Year:

Course Standards

General Course Information and Notes

General Notes

This course should be taught using the appropriate standards/benchmarks for the grade.

The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop basic skills in computer science. 

Within appropriate developmental guidelines the content of this course should expose students to:

  • Responsible use of technology and information
  • The impact of computing resources on local and global society
  • Security, privacy, information sharing, ownership, licensure and copyright
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Modeling and simulations
  • Problem solving and algorithms
  • Digital tools
  • Hardware and software
  • Human-Computer interactions and Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analysis
  • Computer programming basics
  • Programming applications

Science and Engineering Practices (NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2010)

  • Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering).
  • Developing and using models.
  • Planning and carrying out investigations.
  • Analyzing and interpreting data.
  • Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking.
  • Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering).
  • Engaging in argument from evidence.
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section: 

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.   For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:


As well as the certification requirements listed on the course description, the following qualifications may also be acceptable for the course:

Any field when certification reflects a bachelor or higher degree.

General Information

Course Number: 5002010
Course Path:
Abbreviated Title: INTRO COMPUTER SCI 1
Course Length: Year (Y)
Course Status: Course Approved

Educator Certifications

One of these educator certification options is required to teach this course.

State Adopted Instructional Materials

The following instructional materials have been adopted by the State of Florida as an option for this course.
Studio: Problem-Solving & Modelling
Author: Peter Kuperman & Emmanuelle Deaton - Company: Hatch America - Edition: 1st - Copyright: Hatch America

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this course.

Original Student Tutorials

Party Planning With Computational Thinking:

Use computational thinking strategies to help plan a party in this interactive tutorial. The computional thinking strategies include decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, and algorithms.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Carey Cares for Her Computer: Part 2:

Learn how to care for devices by learning how to turn on/off, log on/off, and charge devices the correct way. This interactive tutorial is part 2 in a series of tutorials caring for devices.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Carey Cares for Her Computer: Part 1:

Help Carey take care of her new electronic device. In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how to handle devices and properly care for devices by keeping food and drinks away.

This tutorial is part 1 of a two-part series on caring for electronic devices. Click HERE to open part 2.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this course.