STEM Lab Grade 3   (#5020100)

Version for Academic Year:

Course Standards

General Course Information and Notes

Version Description

This course offers students an opportunity to deepen science, mathematics, engineering, and technology skills.  The primary content focus will be to expand knowledge of current grade level standards in mathematics and science by applying that content in a real world, hands-on situation involving engineering and technology.  For third grade, themes will focus on the investigation of number sense, measurement, geometry, life science, and physical science concepts.

Students will participate in various hands-on STEM activities in this supplemental course to assist in the mastery of current grade level mathematics and science standards.

Instructional Practices 
Teaching from a range of complex text is optimized when teachers in all subject areas implement the following strategies on a routine basis:

  1. Ensuring wide reading from complex text that varies in length.
  2. Making close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons.
  3. Emphasizing text-specific complex questions, and cognitively complex tasks, reinforce focus on the text and cultivate independence.
  4. Emphasizing students supporting answers based upon evidence from the text.
  5. Providing extensive research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).

Science and Engineering Practices (NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education, 2010)

  • Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering).
  • Developing and using models.
  • Planning and carrying out investigations.
  • Analyzing and interpreting data.
  • Using mathematics, information and computer technology, and computational thinking.
  • Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering).
  • Engaging in argument from evidence.
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English Language Learners (ELL) to communicate information, ideas and concepts for academic success in science and math.  For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success.  The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL's need for communication and social skills.  To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:

For additional information on the development and implementation of the ELD standards, please contact the Bureau of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition at

General Information

Course Number: 5020100
Course Path:
Abbreviated Title: STEM LAB 3
Course Length: Year (Y)
Course Attributes:
  • Class Size Core Required
Course Status: Course Approved

Educator Certifications

One of these educator certification options is required to teach this course.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this course.

Original Student Tutorials

Maxine in the Lab Part 3: Mystery Mix-Up:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix solve the mystery of the mixed-up samples using their color observations and volume measurements from Parts 1 and 2 in this interactive tutorial.

This is part three in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 2: Volume of Solids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure and compare the volume of solids using the displacement method with a graduated cylinder in this interactive tutorial.

This is part two in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Maxine in the Lab Part 1: Volume of Liquids:

Help Maxine and Dr Felix measure the volume of liquids with this interactive tutorial.

This is part one in a 3-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Devin in the Bakery Part 2: Measuring Mass of Liquids:

Learn how to measure the mass of liquids (and some solids) using containers while Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Devin in the Bakery Part 1: Measuring the Mass of Solids:

Learn to measure and compare the mass of solids as Devin helps Chef Kyle in the bakery with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Partitioning Number Lines in the Neighborhood:

Learn about unit fractions and how to partition number lines to plot unit fractions' locations. Join Nik, Natalia, and their neighborhood friends on a number line fraction finding adventure in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Heating Things Up With Friction!:

Explore how friction from rubbing objects produces heat with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Rounding Whole Numbers Part 2: To the Nearest Hundred:

Help Barkley learn to round numbers to the nearest hundred and bury delicious bones in this dog-themed, interactive tutorial.

Click HERE to open "Rounding Whole Numbers Part 1: To the Nearest Ten" 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Keeping A Record of Investigations in a Science Notebook:

Help Simone create a science notebook using words, pictures, charts, and graphs to record and organize information from her investigations with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Things that Glow May Warm Your Toes:

Come a long on this exploration of objects that give off light and heat, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lessons 8 and 9 Video: Mass: Solids and Liquids:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to measure the mass of solids and liquids using a balance.  Students will learn that they need to subtract the mass of the container the solid or liquid is in to determine the mass of only the solid or liquid. Students will then make observations and sort items based on mass.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Use of Models in Science:

Learn how scientific models are one of the most important and central elements of scientific research with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 17 Video:

This SaM-1 video provides the students with the optional "twist" for Lesson 17 and the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) they have been working on in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation. 


To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 14 Video:

This video introduces the students to a Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) and concepts related to conducting experiments so they can apply what they learned about the changes water undergoes when it changes state.  This MEA provides students with an opportunity to develop a procedure based on evidence for selecting the most effective cooler.

This SaM-1 video is to be used with lesson 14 in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation. To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 10 Video:

In this video, students will be introduced to an engineering design challenge to apply what they learned about the changes water undergoes when it changes state through heating and cooling by designing their own cooler. Students will be asked to use the engineering design process to design a cooler.

This SaM-1 video is to be used with lesson 10 in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation.  To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 3 Video:

In this video students learn water can change its physical state through the addition or removal of heat. They will learn that water can condense, melt and evaporate.

This SaM-1 video is to be used with lesson 3 in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation. To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation Lesson 2 Video:

In this video students learn that water can change its physical state through the addition or removal of heat. Students will learn the boiling and freezing points of water at standard pressure. They will also review how data can be used to create line graphs and these graphs can show patterns and changes to temperature over time.

This SaM-1 video is to be used with lesson 2 in the Grade 3 Physical Science Unit: Water Beach Vacation. To see all the lessons in the unit please visit

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Limits of Models in Science:

Learn how scientific models are similar to the natural world but can never depict it perfectly with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Sugar Factory:

Explore the process of photosynthesis and the role the Sun, air and water all play in the process with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Flu and You: Part 2:

Discover what a virus is, actions that cause viruses like the flu to spread from one person to another, and strategies to decrease the spread of viruses to others.

This interactive tutorial is part 2 in a two-part series. Click to open part 1.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Flu and You: Part 1:

Discover what a virus is, actions that cause viruses like the flu to spread from one person to another, and strategies to decrease the spread of viruses to others.

This interactive tutorial is part 1 in a two-part series. Click to open part 2.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Words of Science:

Learn how science and research use words differently from everyday speech with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

It's More Than Fall Color and Hibernation, Part 1: Plants:

Come explore the various ways plants respond to seasonal changes in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

It's More than Fall Color and Hibernation - Part 2: Animals:

Dormancy, migration, molting. Come explore how animals respond to the changing seasons in this interactive tutorial!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Let's Classify Plants Part 3: Flowering or Non-flowering Plants:

Enter the fascinating world of plants by identifying examples and traits of flowering and non-flowering plants.  Since this interactive tutorial is part 3 of a 3-part series, we will also summarize the information from the series.

Click below to open other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Breanna's Bracelet Business:

Join us as Breanna learns to use a line plot to examine measurement data she needs to create bracelets for her friends, in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Measure and Compare Temperatures:

Measure and compare temperatures of various things in this interactive tutorial.  Then determine if temperature impacts the melting rate of ice cream.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 23 Video: MEA Researching Sea Turtle Nesting Temperatures:

In this video Sam-1 introduces a Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) challenge. Students will take their prior experiences from the properties unit and apply their knowledge of investigating sea turtle nesting temperatures.

Students will develop a hypothesis, design an experiment, and support their reasoning to determine how to best study different methods for cooling sea turtle nesting areas.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 22 Video: MEA Animal Meal Planning Part 2:

In this video, SaM-1 introduces a part 2 twist to the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA). In the optional twist, students will need to modify their original diet for a senior chimpanzee. The first video provided meal planning information to add to the knowledge students gained throughout the unit to start the challenge.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 22 Video: MEA Animal Meal Planning:

In this video, SaM-1 introduces a Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) challenge for the students. This video provides meal planning information to add to the knowledge students gained throughout the unit. Students will be asked to develop a varied diet for a chimpanzee at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center based on the color, shape, texture, and hardness of the food.

In the optional twist, students will need to modify their original diet for a senior chimpanzee. The optional twist also has a SaM-1 video to introduce the twist challenge.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 21 Video: MEA Entertaining Animals Part 2:

In this video, SaM-1 introduces a part 2 twist to the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) challenge. In the optional twist, students will need to design a prototype toy suitable for a Florida panther with an injured leg. This first video provides background information on why and how animals need to be entertained.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 21 Video: MEA Entertaining Animals:

In this video, SaM-1 introduces a Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) challenge for the students. This video provides background information on why and how animals need to be entertained. Students will have the opportunity to apply what they learned about physical properties and measuring linear lengths as they are asked to design a prototype toy for Florida panthers housed at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center.

In the optional twist, students will need to design a prototype toy suitable for a Florida panther with an injured leg. The optional twist also has a SaM-1 video to introduce the twist challenge.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 20 Video MEA Animal Habitats Part 2:

In this video, SaM-1 introduces a part 2 twist to the Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) challenge. In the first video, students were asked to design a habitat for an elephant or gorilla that will be housed at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center. In this twist, students will need to modify their design to accommodate a senior elephant or gorilla.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 20 Video: MEA Animal Habitats:

In this video, SaM-1 introduces a Model Eliciting Activity (MEA) challenge for the students. This video provides habitat information to help the students use the knowledge they gained throughout the unit. Students are asked to design a habitat for an elephant or gorilla that will be housed at the CPALMS Rehabilitation and Conservation Center. Students will need to describe the physical properties (color, shape, texture, hardness) of the features they selected for the habitat while explaining the rationale behind their design choices.

In the optional twist, students will need to modify their design to accommodate a senior elephant or gorilla. The optional twist also has a SaM-1 video to introduce the twist challenge.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 17 Video: Sea Turtle Expert Interview :

In this SaM-1 video, students will use their listening and writing skills to watch a video to learn about the affects temperature has on sea turtles' nests, preparing them for an investigation in subsequent lessons within the unit.  

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 16 Video: Reading & Recording Temperature:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to make observations based on the property of temperature using thermometers, while representing the data in line graphs.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 15 Video: Observing Sea Turtles:

In this SaM-1 video, students will use their listening and writing skills to learn about sea turtles, preparing them for subsequent lessons in the unit.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 13 Video: Introduction to Displacement :

In this SaM-1 Video, students will learn how to find the volume of irregular objects using a graduated cylinder and the displacement method.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 11 Video: Introduction to Volume:

In this SaM-1 video, students will learn how to use a graduated cylinder to make observations based on the volume of liquids.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 7 Video: Measuring Mass:

Help SaM-1 make observations and sort items based on the mass of materials using a triple-beam balance and equal-arm balance. In this video, you will also become familiar with metric units for measuring mass: gram and kilogram.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 3 Video: Introduction to Length:

In this video, students will make observations based on the property of size, specifically length. Students will learn about the metric and customary measurement systems and use line plots to organize and sort data.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Lesson 1 Video: Observations:

This SaM-1 video begins the Grade 3 Animals: Rehabilitation and Conservation Center Unit on Physical Properties. Students learn that making observations is an important aspect of scientific study. Students will observe different properties and use these properties throughout the unit.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Let's Classify Plants, Part 2: Seeds and Spores:

Enter the fascinating world of plant reproduction as we discover more about seed-producing and spore-producing plants.

This is part 2 in a 3-part series. Click below to open other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Let's Classify Plants, Part 1: Vascular and Non-vascular Plants:

Enter the fascinating world of plants as we learn about vascular tissue and how to classify plants based on whether or not they have this tissue.

This is part 2 in a 3-part series on plant classification. Click below to open other tutorials in this series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

States of Water - Part 2:

Learn how water changes states between liquid an gas in part two of this interactive science tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

States of Water- Part 1:

Learn how water changes states from liquid to solid in this interactive tutorial.

This tutorial is part 1 in a multi-part series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Rounding Whole Numbers Part 1: To the Nearest Ten:

Help Barkley learn how to round numbers to the nearest ten with this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Animal Classification Part 3: Ways That Animals Are Produced:

Help Detective Pup investigate how different types of animals reproduce in this interactive tutorial.

This is the third in a 3-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

A Camping We Will Go! Energy:

Learn how to identify explicit evidence and understand the meaning of heat, light and sound energy around the campfire in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Animal Classification Part 2: Vertebrates and Invertebrates:

Help Detective Pup compare and contrast animals that are classified as vertebrates and invertebrates in this interactive tutorial.

This is the second in a 3-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Animal Classification Part 1: Groups:

Investigate 11 different groups of animals with Detective Pup and the traits that make each group unique in this interactive tutorial.

This is the first in a 3-part series. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Multiplying By Multiples of Ten: Part 2 :

Learn to multiply by multiples of ten, in this interactive tutorial!

This is the second tutorial in a two-part series. .

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Multiply By Multiples of Ten: Part 1 :

Learn how to multiply a 1-digit number by ten using a pattern to help you. This interactive tutorial is Part 1 in a two-part series about multiplying by multiples of ten.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Plants Respond!:

Explore how plants respond to stimuli in the world as you complete this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Plant Parts:

Explore the parts that make up many of the plants around you in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Bee A Coder Part 1: Declare Variables:

Learn how to define, declare and initialize variables as you start the journey to "bee" a coder in this interactive tutorial. Variables are structures used by computer programs to store information.  You'll use your math skills to represent a fraction as a decimal to be stored in a variable.

This is part 1 of a 4-part series on coding. Click below to open the other tutorials in the series.


Type: Original Student Tutorial

Electrical To Thermal Energy:

Learn how electrical energy is produced from earth's natural resources. In this interactive tutorial, explore the process to power buildings and other electronic devices.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Sharing With Fractions:

Learn to name or identify fractions, especially unit fractions, and justify the fractional value using an area model in this pizza-themed, interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Timmy's Trouble with Taffy:

Learn to estimate and measure the masses of objects in grams and kilograms in this interactive tutorial with an animal hospital theme.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Bar Graph Jones and the Pyramid of Pi:

Learn to use the information presented in scaled bar graphs to solve one-step “how many more” and “how many fewer” problems.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Equal Fractions in Disguise:

Learn how different-sized fractional parts can represent the same amount of a whole, different-sized fractional parts in different orientations can represent the same amount of a whole, and a number line can be used to represent fractional parts of a whole in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Speedy Sam:

Help Speedy Sam add and subtract as quickly as possible by using the properties of addition and subtraction in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Rounding Party:

Learn how to round two-, three-, and four-digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 in this party-themed, interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Educational Games

Ice Ice Maybe: An Operations Estimation Game:

This fun and interactive game helps practice estimation skills, using various operations of choice, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, using decimals, fractions, and percents.

Various levels of difficulty make this game appropriate for multiple age and ability levels.

Addition/Subtraction: The addition and subtraction of whole numbers, the addition and subtraction of decimals.

Multiplication/Division: The multiplication and addition of whole numbers.

Percentages: Identify the percentage of a whole number.

Fractions: Multiply and divide a whole number by a fraction, as well as apply properties of operations.

Type: Educational Game

Fraction Quiz:

Test your fraction skills by answering questions on this site. This quiz asks you to simplify fractions, convert fractions to decimals and percentages, and answer algebra questions involving fractions. You can even choose difficulty level, question types, and time limit.

Type: Educational Game

Estimator Four:

In this activity, students play a game of connect four, but to place a piece on the board they have to correctly estimate an addition, multiplication, or percentage problem. Students can adjust the difficulty of the problems as well as how close the estimate has to be to the actual result. This activity allows students to practice estimating addition, multiplication, and percentages of large numbers (100s). This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.

Type: Educational Game

Estimator Quiz:

In this activity, students are quizzed on their ability to estimate sums, products, and percentages. The student can adjust the difficulty of the problems and how close they have to be to the actual answer. This activity allows students to practice estimating addition, multiplication, or percentages of large numbers. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.

Type: Educational Game

Fraction Beach:

In this interactive Flash game, students are challenged to identify a fraction from a picture of a group of objects or from a geometric diagram, or they are asked to create a diagram or picture given a common fraction. Motivation is provided by earning buckets of sand to built a sand castle.

Type: Educational Game

Estimation of Length, Area, and Volume:

The students will be presented with two shapes and must estimate how many times the smaller will fit in the larger. They will be surprised at some of the results but will quickly learn and make adjustments.

Type: Educational Game

Water Cycle interactive website:

This is a website for those who are teaching the water cycle that allows students to test their knowledge.

Type: Educational Game

Educational Software / Tools

Hundreds Chart:

A printable hundreds chart featuring a 10x10 table numbered 1 to 100. (found on Illuminations website under "Trading for Quarters")

Type: Educational Software / Tool

Crossing the River Online Game (Identifying Fractions):

This interactive, online game is a fun way for students to practice identifying fractions. In this lesson students identify fractions to help a man hop his way across a river.

Type: Educational Software / Tool

Arithmetic Quiz:

In this activity, students solve arithmetic problems involving whole numbers, integers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This activity allows students to track their progress in learning how to perform arithmetic on whole numbers and integers. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.

Type: Educational Software / Tool


Basic Flower Structure:

Model of floral structure with labeled parts.

Type: Image/Photograph


What is a Scientist?:

This is a power point presentation my students and I created together to explore some of the things a scientist can be. I started with a list of the things my students thought a scientist was and then we researched it. The headings of the slides are the students ideas and written in their words. It includes helpful teacher and student links embedded in the presentation, the teacher can choose to utilize these or not. The images within the PowerPoint are courtesy of creative commons licensing and are meant to emphasize the topics of each slide. The teacher can simply ask students how they believe the images connect, this can stimulate interesting discussions.

Type: Presentation/Slideshow


This is an accessible, easy-to-read book introducing fractions. It can be downloaded in PowerPoint, Impress, and Flash formats. For struggling or non-readers the book can be read aloud in a variety of voices. All of the books on the Tar Heel Reader site can be used with the Intellikeys keyboard with a custom overlay, a touch screen, and/or 1-3 switches. The text and background colors can be modified for students with visual impairments.

Type: Presentation/Slideshow

Problem-Solving Tasks

Rounding to 50 or 500:

The purpose of this task is to answer multiple questions regarding rounding. There still may be students who laboriously list every number; the teacher should encourage a more thoughtful approach.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Representing Half of a Circle:

This task continues "Which pictures represent half of a circle?" moving into more complex shapes where geometric arguments about cutting or work using simple equivalences of fractions is required to analyze the picture. In order for students to be successful with this task, they need to understand that area is additive.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Geometric pictures of one half:

This task presents students with some creative geometric ways to represent the fraction one half. The goal is both to appeal to students' visual intuition while also providing a hands on activity to decide whether or not two areas are equal. In order for students to be successful with this task, they need to understand that area is additive.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Money in the piggy bank:

This task is designed to help students focus on the whole that a fraction refers. It provides a context where there are two natural ways to view the coins.  While the intent is to deepen a student's understanding of fractions, it does go outside the requirements of the standard. 

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Comparing Fractions with a Different Whole:

This task is meant to address a common error that students make, namely, that they represent fractions with different wholes when they need to compare them. This task is meant to generate classroom discussion related to comparing fractions.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Comparing Fractions:

The purpose of this task is for students to compare fractions using common numerators and common denominators and to recognize equivalent fractions.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Jon and Charlie's Run:

The purpose of this task is to present students with a context where they need to explain why two simple fractions are equivalent and is most appropriate for instruction.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Ordering Fractions:

The purpose of this task is to extend students' understanding of fraction comparison and is intended for an instructional setting.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Naming the Whole for a Fraction:

The goal of this task is to show that when the whole is not specified, which fraction is being represented is left ambiguous.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Classroom Supplies:

The purpose of this task is for students to solve problems involving the four operations and draw a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Equivalent Fractions Pointer:

In this activity, students highlight portions of circles or squares that are equivalent to a given fraction. As the student highlights sections, a pointer on a number line between zero and one updates so they can see when they are close or equal to the given fraction. This activity allows students to explore equivalent fractions by making it necessary that each of the three fractions have a different denominator but have the fractions be equal. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Student Center Activity

Edcite: Mathematics Grade 3:

Students can practice answering mathematics questions on a variety of topics. With an account, students can save their work and send it to their teacher when complete.

Type: Student Center Activity

Text Resources

Plant Parts:

This resource provides information about plant parts and their function with an interactive graphic that assists with identifying the parts of many plants we eat and a simulation about how seeds develop into fruit.

Type: Text Resource

Energy Kids: US Energy Information Administration :

This resource provides basic information about electricity, most importantly that electricity is neither a renewable or non-renewable resource.

Type: Text Resource


Comparing Fractions on a Number Line and with Rectangular Models:

In this Khan Academy video four fractions are compared by plotting them on a number line and drawing models.

Type: Tutorial

Different Ways to Represent 1 as a Fraction:

Use fraction models and a number line to represent 1 as a fraction.

Type: Tutorial

Subtracting: regrouping twice:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, learn how to subtract in situations that require regrouping twice using the expanded forms of numbers, as well as the standard algorithm.

Type: Tutorial

Examples rounding to the nearest 10 and 100:

In this Khan Academy video tutorial, see examples of how to round up to four-digit numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.

Type: Tutorial

Rounding to the nearest 100:

In this Khan Academy video tutorial, use a number line to round three-digit numbers to the nearest hundred.

Type: Tutorial

Rounding to the nearest 10:

In this Khan Academy video, use a number line to round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten.

Type: Tutorial

Liter intuition:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore questions such as: What is the volume of a jar of milk? How about a spoon? A swimming pool?

Type: Tutorial

Mental technique for subtraction without regrouping:

In this Khan Academy video tutorial, consider an alternate algorithm for subtracting multi-digit numbers mentally. This video is best for students that are already comfortable with using regrouping to subtract using the standard algorithm.

Type: Tutorial

Subtracting hundreds, tens, and ones:

In this Khan Academy video tutorial, learn how to subtract three-digit numbers by subtracting ones, tens, and hundreds represented with base ten blocks and the standard algorithm.

Type: Tutorial

Subtracting ten or one hundred:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, learn how to subtract 1, 10, or 100 from a three-digit number while making a connection between the standard algorithm and a concrete representation using base ten blocks.

Type: Tutorial

Adding hundreds, tens, and ones:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, learn how to add three-digit numbers by adding ones, tens, and hundreds by thinking about the connection between base ten block representation and the standard algorithm.

Type: Tutorial

Adding ten or one hundred:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, learn how to add 10 or 100 to a number using base ten blocks.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding Fraction Parts:

Students will view a video that explains that a fraction is the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into equal parts. Students will then have opportunities to practice this concept with assorted problems and are given immediate feedback as to the accuracy of their responses.

Type: Tutorial


This tutorial for student audiences reviews basic introductory information on fractions. Students will review that a fraction is part of a whole, a fraction is less than 1 whole thing, but more than 0, how to determine pieces of a whole and how to write fractions.

Type: Tutorial


Solar Still Part 1: Salt Water:

The process that moves water around Earth is known as the water cycle. I this ZOOM-adapted video clip, the cast uses a homemade solar still to separate pure water from a saltwater mixture, mimicing this natural process.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation

Virtual Manipulatives

Fractions Introduction:

This virtual manipulative offers activities that allow the learner to explore fractions by building fractions, making equivalent fractions, and matching fractions.

Type: Virtual Manipulative

Build a Fraction:

This virtual manipulative will help the students to build fractions from shapes and numbers to earn stars in this fraction lab. To challenge the children there are multiple levels, where they can earn lots of stars.
Some of the sample learning goals can be:

  • Build equivalent fractions using numbers and pictures.
  • Compare fractions using numbers and patterns
  • Recognize equivalent simplified and unsimplified fractions

Type: Virtual Manipulative

Jefferson Lab Coloring Book:

This resource provides a fun and engaging way for you to learn about the world's smallest particle, the quark. A poem accompanies each page in the downloadable coloring book.

Type: Virtual Manipulative

Exploring Fractions:

Match shapes and numbers to earn stars in this fractions game.

  • Match fractions using numbers and pictures
  • make the same fractions using different numbers
  • Match fractions in different picture patterns
  • Compare fractions using numbers and patterns

Type: Virtual Manipulative

Data Grapher:

Students use this interactive tool to explore the connections between data sets and their representations in charts and graphs. Enter data in a table (1 to 6 columns, unlimited rows), and preview or print bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and pictographs. Students can select which set(s) of data to display in each graph, and compare the effects of different representations of the same data. Instructions and exploration questions are provided using the expandable "+" signs above the tool.

Type: Virtual Manipulative

Star Light Star Bright:

Star Light, Star Bright explores the nature of the electromagnetic spectrum. In a series of four mini-lessons, the different properties of waves and the relationship that exists between energy, wavelength, and frequency will be covered. Activities are "Catch the Waves", "Making Waves", "Heating Up", and "Stellar Encounters." Be sure to view the brain teasers and light facts on each page.

Type: Virtual Manipulative

Fraction Game:

This virtual manipulative allows individual students to work with fraction relationships. (There is also a link to a two-player version.)

Type: Virtual Manipulative


In this activity, students can create and view a histogram using existing data sets or original data entered. Students can adjust the interval size using a slider bar, and they can also adjust the other scales on the graph. This activity allows students to explore histograms as a way to represent data as well as the concepts of mean, standard deviation, and scale. This activity includes supplemental materials, including background information about the topics covered, a description of how to use the application, and exploration questions for use with the java applet.

Type: Virtual Manipulative


What's It Like Where You Live?:

The website gives great information on the different biomes and ecosystems of the world.

Type: WebQuest

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this course.