Theatre 1   (#0400310)

Version for Academic Year:

Course Standards

General Course Information and Notes

Version Description

This course is designed for students with little or no theatre experience, and promotes enjoyment and appreciation for all aspects of theatre. Classwork focuses on the exploration of theatre literature, performance, historical and cultural connections, and technical requirements. Improvisation, creative dramatics, and beginning scene work are used to introduce students to acting and character development. Incorporation of other art forms in theatre also helps students gain appreciation for other art forms, such as music, dance, and visual art.

General Notes

All instruction related to Theatre benchmarks should be framed by the Big Ideas and Enduring Understandings. Non-Theatre benchmarks listed in this course are also required and should be fully integrated in support of arts instruction.

Special Note: This course may require students to participate in extra rehearsals and performances beyond the school day.

English Language Development ELD Standards Special Notes Section:
Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:

General Information

Course Number: 0400310
Abbreviated Title: THEATRE 1
Course Length: Year (Y)
Course Level: 2
Course Status: Course Approved
Grade Level(s): 9,10,11,12
Graduation Requirement: Performing/Fine Arts

Educator Certifications

One of these educator certification options is required to teach this course.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this course.

Original Student Tutorials

Spice Up Your Writing -- Part Two: Using Gerund Phrases as Objects:

Learn to distinguish between a gerund phrase that's used as a direct object and a gerund phrase that used as the object of the preposition. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also practice using gerund phrases as a direct object or the object of the preposition in sentences of your own. 

This tutorial is Part Two of a two-part series. Make sure to complete Part One before beginning Part Two. Click HERE to launch "Spice Up Your Writing Part One: Using Gerund Phrases as Subjects or Subject Complements." 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

It's Not Magic: Distinguishing Between Passive and Active Voice:

Learn to distinguish between passive and active voice and how to revise sentences by changing them from passive to active voice in this magic-themed tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Spice Up Your Writing -- Part One: Using Gerund Phrases as Subjects or Subject Complements:

Learn to distinguish between a gerund phrase that's used as a subject and one that's used as a subject complement. In this interactive tutorial, you'll also practice using gerund phrases as subjects or subject complements in sentences of your own. Using gerund phrases can add detail and variety to your writing.

This is Part One of a two-part series. Click HERE to launch "Part Two: Using Gerund Phrases as Objects." 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All About the Past: Exploring Verb Tenses -- Part Two :

Learn how to use verbs and verb phrases to convey specific meanings through the use of specific verb tenses: past perfect tense and past perfect progressive tense. 

This interactive tutorial is Part Two in a two-part series. You should complete Part One before beginning Part Two. Click HERE to launch Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All About the Past: Exploring Verb Tenses -- Part One:

Learn how to use verbs and verb phrases to convey specific meanings through the use of specific verb tenses: simple past tense and past progressive tense. 

This interactive tutorial is Part One in a two-part series. In Part Two, you'll explore the use of past perfect tense and past perfect progressive tense. Make sure to complete both parts!

Click HERE to launch Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All about the Future: Exploring Verb Tenses:

Learn how to use verb phrases in particular tenses to convey specific meanings. In this interactive tutorial, you'll explore the use of four verb tenses: simple future, future progressive, future perfect, and future perfect progressive. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Using Verbs and Verb Phrases to Convey Specific Meanings -- Part Two:

Learn to enhance your writing with verbs and verb phrases in different tenses to convey specific meanings. In Part Two, you'll work with three perfect tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect.  

We recommend that you complete Part One before starting Part Two. In Part One, you'll work with three simple tenses: past, present, and future. Click HERE to view Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

All about the Present: Exploring Verb Tenses:

Learn how verbs and verb phrases can convey specific meanings through the use of three verb tenses--simple present, present progressive, and present perfect--in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Using Verbs and Verb Phrases to Convey Specific Meanings -- Part One:

Learn to enhance your writing with verbs and verb phrases in different tenses to convey specific meanings. In Part One, you'll work with past tense, present tense, and future tense.

We recommend that you complete Part Two after Part One. In Part Two, you'll work with three tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. Click HERE to view Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Absolute Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about absolute phrases and how they can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adverb Prepositional Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about adverb prepositional phrases. Using adverb prepositional phrases will help add interest, depth, and variety to your writing!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Phrases that Function Like Adjectives:

Learn to enhance your writing with two types of phrases that can function like adjectives in a sentence: the participle phrase and the prepositional phrase. In this interactive tutorial, you'll discover how phrases can help add detail and specificity to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Balancing Sentences: Using Parallel Form:

Learn about parallel form in this interactive English Language Arts tutorial. In this tutorial, you'll use parallel form with lists in sentences, identify sentences that contain parallel form and sentences that contain faulty parallelism, and practice editing sentences that contain faulty parallelism. You'll also examine how parallel form can add smoothness, clarity, and gracefulness to your writing. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Prepositional Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using prepositional phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how prepositional phrases add description and specificity and help make your writing more interesting.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Noun Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using noun phrases in this interactive tutorial. Although noun phrases can be used in many ways, here you'll learn how they can be used as the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb to add interest, detail, and specificity to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Year-Round School Debate: Identifying Faulty Reasoning – Part Two:

This is Part Two of a two-part series. Learn to identify faulty reasoning in this interactive tutorial series. You'll learn what some experts say about year-round schools, what research has been conducted about their effectiveness, and how arguments can be made for and against year-round education. Then, you'll read a speech in favor of year-round schools and identify faulty reasoning within the argument, specifically the use of hasty generalizations.

Make sure to complete Part One before Part Two! Click HERE to launch Part One.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Year-Round School Debate: Identifying Faulty Reasoning – Part One:

Learn to identify faulty reasoning in this two-part interactive English Language Arts tutorial. You'll learn what some experts say about year-round schools, what research has been conducted about their effectiveness, and how arguments can be made for and against year-round education. Then, you'll read a speech in favor of year-round schools and identify faulty reasoning within the argument, specifically the use of hasty generalizations. 

Make sure to complete both parts of this series! Click HERE to open Part Two. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Evaluating an Argument – Part Four: JFK’s Inaugural Address:

Examine President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address in this interactive tutorial. You will examine Kennedy's argument, main claim, smaller claims, reasons, and evidence.

In Part Four, you'll use what you've learned throughout this series to evaluate Kennedy's overall argument.

Make sure to complete the previous parts of this series before beginning Part 4.

  • Click HERE to launch Part One.
  • Click HERE to launch Part Two.
  • Click HERE to launch Part Three.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Evaluating an Argument – Part Three: JFK’s Inaugural Address:

Examine President John F. Kennedy's inaugural address in this interactive tutorial. You will examine Kennedy's argument, main claim, smaller claims, reasons, and evidence. By the end of this four-part series, you should be able to evaluate his overall argument. 

In Part Three, you will read more of Kennedy's speech and identify a smaller claim in this section of his speech. You will also evaluate this smaller claim's relevancy to the main claim and evaluate Kennedy's reasons and evidence. 

Make sure to complete all four parts of this series!

  • Click HERE to launch Part One.
  • Click HERE to launch Part Two.
  • Click HERE to launch Part Four.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adverb Clauses:

Learn about adverb clauses, a flavorful ingredient that can enhance your sentences. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about adverb clauses and how these clauses can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Adjective Clauses:

Learn about adjective clauses and how they can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing in this sweet-themed interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Combining Independent and Dependent Clauses:

Learn to enhance your writing by combining clauses. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how to combine independent and dependent clauses to add interest, depth, and variety to your writing. 



Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Participle Phrases:

Learn to enhance your writing by using phrases. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn all about participle phrases. Using participle phrases will help add interest, depth, and variety to your writing!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Ready for Takeoff! -- Part Two:

This is Part Two of a two-part tutorial series. In this interactive tutorial, you'll practice identifying a speaker's purpose using a speech by aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. You will examine her use of rhetorical appeals, including ethos, logos, pathos, and kairos. Finally, you'll evaluate the effectiveness of Earhart's use of rhetorical appeals.

Be sure to complete Part One first. Click here to launch PART ONE.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Ready for Takeoff! -- Part One:

This is Part One of a two-part tutorial series. In this interactive tutorial, you'll practice identifying a speaker's purpose using a speech by aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart. You will examine her use of rhetorical appeals, including ethos, logos, pathos, and kairos. Finally, you'll evaluate the effectiveness of Earhart's use of rhetorical appeals. 

Click here to launch PART TWO.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Powerful Rhetoric: Analyzing President Wilson's War Message to Congress:

Learn how speakers use rhetoric to achieve their purpose. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn how speakers can achieve their purpose through the use of pathos, ethos, and logos. Using excerpts from President Wilson's "War Message to Congress," you'll analyze how speakers use rhetoric to make their case effectively.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Analyzing Related Concepts in Historical U.S. Documents:

In this tutorial, you'll practice identifying and analyzing how specific concepts are addressed in texts from two different time periods. The featured texts include the Bill of Rights and an excerpt from the "Four Freedoms" speech by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. You'll practice analyzing the similarities and differences in how the two texts address certain concepts.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Building Mystery, Tension and Suspense:

Learn to identify how authors create mystery, tension, and suspense within a story. In this interactive tutorial, you will learn how Richard Connell used exposition, foreshadowing, pacing, and the manipulation of time to build tension and suspense in the short story "The Most Dangerous Game."

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Family Feud: Analyzing Plot Twists in "The Interlopers" (Part One):

This tutorial is Part One of a two-part series. In Part One, you'll learn about the use of plot twists and their impact on a text. In this interactive tutorial, you'll examine two ways authors often create plot twists within a story. Reading excerpts from the short story "The Interlopers," you'll analyze and explain how the author creates several plot twists in the story by purposely setting and disrupting expectations for readers. 

After completing Part One, click HERE for Part Two.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Enhancing Your Sentences: Using Noun Clauses:

Learn about noun clauses, a flavorful ingredient that can enhance your sentences. In this interactive tutorial, you'll learn about noun clauses and how these clauses can add interest, depth, and variety to your writing.


Type: Original Student Tutorial


Effective Writing: Grammar:

This activity From the Online Tutorial for Effective Writing from Northern Illinois University provides you with a pre-test to identify any weaknesses in the most common grammatical errors. After reviewing the mini-lessons on the missed items, you will be presented with additional interactive quizzes for each error type. The arrows at the bottom of each mini-lesson will lead you to these quizzes for extra practice and support.

Type: Tutorial

What Makes a Hero?:

A great way to understand literature from epic poetry to literary series is to understand what makes a hero. In this very engaging animated video from TEDed, you will learn about the hero cycle, a common literary trope that can been found in many works like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and even The Odyssey!

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1: Recognizing Parallel Structure:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 3: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 6: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. You will get feedback after every typed response. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 2: Recognizing Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 4: Maintaining Parallel Structure:

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial

Grammar Bytes! Exercise 5: Maintaining Parallel Structure :

This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in maintaining parallel structure. You will get feedback after every typed response. The site also includes an explanation of the rules of parallel structure that you can refer to as you complete this exercise.

Type: Tutorial


Yorktown: Now or Never:

View a 10-part video on the Battle of Yorktown, the culminating battle of the Revolutionary War. With French aid, George Washington led American troops to a victory that ensured American independence.

In addition to the video, you will find primary source documents and a graphic organizer to help you analyze the Battle of Yorktown in greater detail.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this course.