iCPALMS App: To Do List

The iCPALMS To DO List app will be very familiar to you if you have used any other to do list software. The main difference is that this app integrates with iCPALMS and interacts with the other apps (e.g., CMAP) in the system. You can use this app to manage, organize, and stay on top of your to do items. You can add new to do items within seconds, prioritize them, mark if the status has changed to in progress or complete, and visually see them highlighted based on their status and priority. The To Do List app seamlesly integrate with your CMAPs. You can setup reminders from a CMAP and tie it to a particular session, topic, standard, resource, or note. This helps the user place reminders to help with preparing for the sessions.
Scroll down for more information.
Key Information
Key App Features
Integrates with other apps such as the planner/CMAP
Allows prioritizing to do items
Includes start and due dates
Visually track the items based on their status
You can create one or multiple to do lists in your iCPALMS account
You can have the same to do list showing on multiple tabs
Update status from within the app without the need to edit the task itself
Requirements & Tutorials
Free iCPALMS account - click on the sign up button on top to create one
Add the To Do List app using the "add an app" button within your iCPALMS account
Recent browser: Internet Explorer 8 or later; Safari 5 or later; Firefox 10 or later; Chrome 16 or later.
Special Plug-ins:
Available Tutorials:
Coming soon.
Current and Future Versions
Current Version: 1.0 Beta
Future Releases:
We are always seeking input from the app users to help us design the next version of it
Please email us to support@cpalms.org with any enhancements or ideas you like us to consider including in future releases

App Screenshots
The following are some screenshots from this iCPALMS web app.