MA.912.T.5.3Archived Standard

Determine whether a given trigonometric statement is always, sometimes, or never true. Use the properties of the real numbers, order of operations, and trigonometric identities to justify the steps involved in verifying identities and solving equations.


Example: Is the statement true for all x?

Explain your answer.

Example: Verify that by justifying each step.
General Information
Subject Area: X-Mathematics (former standards - 2008)
Grade: 912
Body of Knowledge: Trigonometry
Idea: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning
Standard: Mathematical Reasoning and Problem Solving - Use a variety of strategies to solve problems. Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs.
Date Adopted or Revised: 09/07
Date of Last Rating: 06/07
Status: State Board Approved - Archived

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Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

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