Mapping the Brain

Resource ID#: 50247 Type: Virtual Manipulative

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General Information

Subject(s): English Language Arts, Science
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Intended Audience: Educators educators, Parents
Suggested Technology: Internet Connection
Instructional Time: 50 Minute(s)
Resource supports reading in content area:Yes
Freely Available: Yes
Keywords: Layers, brain, interactive, anatomy, central nervous system, MRI, PET, scan, fMRI, MEG, DTI, Probabilistic, anatomical, directional terms, body planes
Instructional Component Type(s): Virtual Manipulative
Instructional Design Framework(s): Structured Inquiry (Level 2)

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

2 Lesson Plans

Brain Storm

This lesson is a series of short activities centering on the brain benchmark for the Biology I EOC.

Parts of the Brain Students will learn about the parts of the brain by investigating digital resources. This lesson centers around the Glog .

Related Resources

Other vetted resources related to this resource.

Lesson Plans

What's So Major about Your Brain?:

Students will interact with a brain model and apply the major areas of the brain to the locations within their own head.

Type: Lesson Plan

Major Parts of the Brain:

This is a whole class internet lesson on the major parts and their functions of the brain. It includes the the lobe of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the brainstem; midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.

Type: Lesson Plan

Journey into the Brain:

In this lesson, students view and discuss video segments from the PBS program The Human Spark as they learn about the human brain, including information about brain regions, brain activity and technologies used to explore the brain.

Type: Lesson Plan

Of Mice and Memory - Brain Anatomy Activity:

A PBS NOVA Classroom Activity with related video that models the brain and extends the learning to application of understanding how Alzheimers' disease impacts the brain.

Type: Lesson Plan

Brain Trauma:

Students investigate how bicycle helmets protect the brain from forces related to sudden changes in motion.

Type: Lesson Plan

Brain Storm:

This lesson is a series of short activities centering on the brain benchmark for the Biology I EOC.

Type: Lesson Plan

Parts of the Brain:

Students will learn about the parts of the brain by investigating digital resources. This lesson centers around the Glog .

Type: Lesson Plan