Frog life cycle

Resource ID#: 30175 Type: Image/Photograph

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 2
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computer for Presenter, Internet Connection
Keywords: frog, life cycles, tadpole, froglet
Instructional Component Type(s): Image/Photograph
Resource Collection: NSDL

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Lesson Plan

Life Cycles of Frogs, Dragonflies, and Butterflies:

This lesson can be used to extend students' understanding of the life cycles of organisms by comparing and contrasting them. Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar will be read first, then students will watch a video that studies the developmental stages of frogs, dragonflies, and butterflies. Insect and frog life cycles will be compared to one another, then they will be compared to the stages of human development.

Type: Lesson Plan