Classify and Categorize: Adding to Sorted Groups

Resource ID#: 24959 Type: Lesson Plan

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General Information

Subject(s): English Language Arts
Grade Level(s): K
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Instructional Time: 50 Minute(s)
Keywords: classify, categorize, Roger Priddy, sorting into categories, drawing, vocabulary, word relationships
Instructional Component Type(s): Lesson Plan Unit/Lesson Sequence Worksheet Image/Photograph
Instructional Design Framework(s): Direct Instruction
Resource Collection: General Collection

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

2 Lesson Plans

Classify and Categorize: Creating Groups and Sorting

This lesson is the third lesson in a kindergarten unit on classifying and categorizing. The teacher modeling section utilizes the informational text My Big Truck Book by Roger Priddy. In the independent practice activity, students will cut out pictures of trucks and sort them into categories of their choice.

Classify and Categorize: Sorting into Predetermined Groups

This is the second lesson in a kindergarten unit on classification and categorization. The lesson uses the informational text My Big World Book by Roger Priddy. Students will practice sorting pictures from the book into categories. An independent practice activity is included with an accompanying worksheet.

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Lesson Plans

Classify and Categorize: Creating Groups and Sorting:

This lesson is the third lesson in a kindergarten unit on classifying and categorizing. The teacher modeling section utilizes the informational text My Big Truck Book by Roger Priddy. In the independent practice activity, students will cut out pictures of trucks and sort them into categories of their choice.

Type: Lesson Plan

Classify and Categorize: Sorting into Predetermined Groups:

This is the second lesson in a kindergarten unit on classification and categorization. The lesson uses the informational text My Big World Book by Roger Priddy. Students will practice sorting pictures from the book into categories. An independent practice activity is included with an accompanying worksheet.

Type: Lesson Plan