Identifying and Describing the Feelings of a Character

Resource ID#: 24852 Type: Lesson Plan

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General Information

Subject(s): English Language Arts
Grade Level(s): 1
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Instructional Time: 50 Minute(s)
Keywords: character, David Shannon, elements of a story, character feelings, character emotions, sentence, feelings
Instructional Component Type(s): Lesson Plan Unit/Lesson Sequence Worksheet
Instructional Design Framework(s): Direct Instruction
Resource Collection: General Collection

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

2 Lesson Plans

Describing the Looks, Actions, and Feelings of Characters

In this lesson, students will describe the physical appearance, actions, and feelings of the character David from the story David Goes to School by David Shannon. This is the third lesson in a unit about characters. The other lessons in the unit have been attached as related CPALMS resources.

Identifying and Describing the Actions of a Character

In this resource, students will practice identifying and describing the actions of a character. Teachers will model these skills through use of text and pictures from the story No, David! by David Shannon. Students will conduct guided practice through use of David Gets in Trouble, also by David Shannon. Students will then draw a picture and write a sentence to describe one of David's actions from the story. This is the first lesson in a unit of three lessons about characters. The other lessons are attached as related CPALMS resources.

Related Resources

Other vetted resources related to this resource.

Lesson Plans

Describing the Looks, Actions, and Feelings of Characters:

In this lesson, students will describe the physical appearance, actions, and feelings of the character David from the story David Goes to School by David Shannon. This is the third lesson in a unit about characters. The other lessons in the unit have been attached as related CPALMS resources.

Type: Lesson Plan

Identifying and Describing the Actions of a Character:

In this resource, students will practice identifying and describing the actions of a character. Teachers will model these skills through use of text and pictures from the story No, David! by David Shannon. Students will conduct guided practice through use of David Gets in Trouble, also by David Shannon. Students will then draw a picture and write a sentence to describe one of David's actions from the story. This is the first lesson in a unit of three lessons about characters. The other lessons are attached as related CPALMS resources.

Type: Lesson Plan