Photomicrography of Wet Mounts of Hibiscus Plant Parts & pH Determination of Their Extracts

Resource ID#: 156877 Type: Lesson Plan

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 9, 10, 11, 12
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Document Camera, Computer for Presenter, Computers for Students, Internet Connection, LCD Projector, Overhead Projector, Assistive Technology, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Office, Computer Media Player, Smart Phone/Tablet
Keywords: Photomicrography, Wet Mount, Plant Structures, Plant Extracts, pH
Resource Collection: FCR-STEMLearn Cell Biology 2016

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Plant Structure:

Paul Andersen explains the major plants structures. He starts with a brief discussion of monocot and dicot plants. He then describes the three main tissues in plants; dermal, ground and vascular. He also describes the plant cells within each of these tissues; epidermis, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerencyma, xylem and phloem.

Type: Video/Audio/Animation