Standard 2: Represent and find probabilities of repeated experiments.

General Information
Number: MA.8.DP.2
Title: Represent and find probabilities of repeated experiments.
Type: Standard
Subject: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 8
Strand: Data Analysis and Probability

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Use a tool (table, list or tree diagram) to record results of a repeated experiment.
Select the theoretical probability of an event related to a repeated experiment from a list.
Compare actual results of an experiment with its theoretical probability (e.g., make a statement that describes the relationship between the actual results of an experiment with its theoretical probability [e.g., more, less, same, different, equal]).

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Formative Assessments

Work Clothing:

Students are asked to make a tree diagram to determine all possible outcomes of a compound event.

Type: Formative Assessment

Number List:

Students are asked to make an organized list that displays all possible outcomes of a compound event.

Type: Formative Assessment

Coat Count:

Students are asked to design a simulation to generate frequencies for complex events.

Type: Formative Assessment

Automotive Probabilities:

Students are asked to find the probability of a compound event using a tree diagram and explain how the tree diagram was used to find the probability.

Type: Formative Assessment

Probabilities Cubed:

Students are asked to estimate the frequency of an event given its probability and explain why an expected frequency might differ from an observed frequency.

Type: Formative Assessment

Lesson Plans

Let's Flip Out:

Students will roll a number cube and flip a coin to find the relative frequency for a given simulation This lesson is designed to follow a lesson on theoretical probability. Students should already know how to determine the theoretical probability for a given situation.

Type: Lesson Plan

Independent Compound Probability:

During this lesson, students will use Punnett Squares to determine the probability of an offspring's characteristics.

Type: Lesson Plan

Understanding Probability of Compound Events:

This lesson uses guided teaching, small group activities, and student creations all-in-one! Students will be able to solve and create compound event word problems. They will also be able to identify what type of event is being used in a variety of word problems.

Type: Lesson Plan

Permutations and Combinations:

Students will explore the differences between permutations and combinations. This should follow a lesson on simple probability. This is a great introduction to compound probability and a fun, hands-on activity that allows students to explore the differences between permutations and combinations. This activity leads to students identifying situations involving combinations and permutations in a real-world context.

Type: Lesson Plan

Casino Royale:

Students examine games of chance to determine the difference between dependent and independent conditional probability.

Type: Lesson Plan

How to Hit it Big in the Lottery - Probability of Compound Events:

Students will explore a wide variety of interesting situations involving probability of compound events. Students will learn about independent and dependent events and their related probabilities.

Lesson includes:

  • Bell-work that reviews prerequisite knowledge
  • Directions for a great In-Your-Seat Game that serves as an interest builder/introduction
  • Vocabulary
  • Built-in Kagan Engagement ideas
  • An actual lottery activity for real-life application

Type: Lesson Plan

Tree Diagrams and Probability:

This lesson is designed to develop students' ability to create tree diagrams and figure probabilities of events based on those diagrams. This lesson provides links to discussions and activities related to tree diagrams as well as suggested ways to work them into the lesson. Finally, the lesson provides links to follow-up lessons designed for use in succession with the current one.

Type: Lesson Plan

Evaluating Statements About Probability:

This lesson unit addresses common misconceptions relating to the probability of simple and compound events. The lesson will help you assess how well students understand concepts of equally likely events, randomness and sample sizes.

Type: Lesson Plan


This lesson is designed to develop students' understanding of probability in real life situations. Students will also be introduced to running experiments, experimental probability, and theoretical probability. This lesson provides links to discussions and activities related to probability as well as suggested ways to integrate them into the lesson. Finally, the lesson provides links to follow-up lessons designed for use in succession with the current one.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

Alice in Mathematics-Land:

Help Alice discover that compound probabilities can be determined through calculations or by drawing tree diagrams in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Predicting Outcomes at the Carnival:

Learn how to use probability to predict expected outcomes at the Carnival in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Perspectives Video: Experts

Let's Make a Math Deal:

Should I keep my choice or switch? Learn more about the origins and probability behind the Monty Hall door picking dilemma and how Game Theory and strategy effect the probability.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Expert

History of Probability and the Problem of Points:

What was the first question that started probability theory?

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.

Type: Perspectives Video: Expert

Problem-Solving Tasks

Waiting Times:

As studies in statistics and probability unfold, students will not yet know the rules of probability for compound events. Thus, simulation is used to find an approximate answer to these questions. In fact, part b would be a challenge to students who do know the rules of probability, further illustrating the power of simulation to provide relatively easy approximate answers to wide-ranging problems.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Rolling Twice:

The purpose of this task is for students to compute the theoretical probability of a compound event. Teachers may wish to emphasize the distinction between theoretical and experimental probabilities for this problem. For students learning to distinguish between theoretical and experimental probability, it would be good to find an experimental probability either before or after students have calculated the theoretical probability.

Type: Problem-Solving Task


Constructing Probability Model from Observations:

This video demonstrates development and use of a probability model.

Type: Tutorial

Compound Sample Spaces:

This video explores how to create sample spaces as tree diagrams, lists and tables.

Type: Tutorial

Probability of Compound Events:

This video shows how to use a sample space diagram to find probability.

Type: Tutorial

Die Rolling Probability:

The video will show how to use a table to find the probability of a compound event.

Type: Tutorial

Count Outcomes Using a Tree Diagram:

This video shows an example of using a tree diagram to find the probability of a compound event.

Type: Tutorial

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorials

Alice in Mathematics-Land:

Help Alice discover that compound probabilities can be determined through calculations or by drawing tree diagrams in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Predicting Outcomes at the Carnival:

Learn how to use probability to predict expected outcomes at the Carnival in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Problem-Solving Tasks

Waiting Times:

As studies in statistics and probability unfold, students will not yet know the rules of probability for compound events. Thus, simulation is used to find an approximate answer to these questions. In fact, part b would be a challenge to students who do know the rules of probability, further illustrating the power of simulation to provide relatively easy approximate answers to wide-ranging problems.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Rolling Twice:

The purpose of this task is for students to compute the theoretical probability of a compound event. Teachers may wish to emphasize the distinction between theoretical and experimental probabilities for this problem. For students learning to distinguish between theoretical and experimental probability, it would be good to find an experimental probability either before or after students have calculated the theoretical probability.

Type: Problem-Solving Task


Constructing Probability Model from Observations:

This video demonstrates development and use of a probability model.

Type: Tutorial

Compound Sample Spaces:

This video explores how to create sample spaces as tree diagrams, lists and tables.

Type: Tutorial

Probability of Compound Events:

This video shows how to use a sample space diagram to find probability.

Type: Tutorial

Die Rolling Probability:

The video will show how to use a table to find the probability of a compound event.

Type: Tutorial

Count Outcomes Using a Tree Diagram:

This video shows an example of using a tree diagram to find the probability of a compound event.

Type: Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Problem-Solving Tasks

Waiting Times:

As studies in statistics and probability unfold, students will not yet know the rules of probability for compound events. Thus, simulation is used to find an approximate answer to these questions. In fact, part b would be a challenge to students who do know the rules of probability, further illustrating the power of simulation to provide relatively easy approximate answers to wide-ranging problems.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Rolling Twice:

The purpose of this task is for students to compute the theoretical probability of a compound event. Teachers may wish to emphasize the distinction between theoretical and experimental probabilities for this problem. For students learning to distinguish between theoretical and experimental probability, it would be good to find an experimental probability either before or after students have calculated the theoretical probability.

Type: Problem-Solving Task