Standard 1: Describe and identify relationships between lines and classify quadrilaterals.

General Information
Number: MA.3.GR.1
Title: Describe and identify relationships between lines and classify quadrilaterals.
Type: Standard
Subject: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 3
Strand: Geometric Reasoning

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Identify points, lines, line segments, perpendicular lines and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.
Identify quadrilaterals based on their defining attributes. Quadrilaterals include parallelograms, rhombi, rectangles, squares and trapezoids.
Identify line-symmetric two-dimensional figures.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Formative Assessments

Identifying and Explaining Symmetry:

Students are asked to determine if lines drawn on two-dimensional figures are lines of symmetry and to explain their decisions.

Type: Formative Assessment

Using Lines of Symmetry:

Students are asked to use a line of symmetry to complete a drawing. Additionally, they consider how to describe a line of symmetry.

Type: Formative Assessment

Parallel and Perpendicular Sides:

Students are asked to identify parallel and perpendicular sides and explain how they know.

Type: Formative Assessment

Line Symmetry:

Students are asked to identify line-symmetric figures and then draw the lines of symmetry.

Type: Formative Assessment

Squares and Lines of Symmetry:

Students are asked to determine how many lines of symmetry a square has by drawing the lines of symmetry. Students then consider whether all quadrilaterals have four lines of symmetry.

Type: Formative Assessment

Sketching Quadrilaterals:

Students are asked to use shape descriptions to sketch shapes and explain why some cannot be sketched.

Type: Formative Assessment

Locating Points, Lines, and Rays:

Students locate points, lines, line segments, and rays in a given diagram.

Type: Formative Assessment

Lines, Rays, and Line Segments:

Students are asked to draw parallel lines, perpendicular lines, a point, and a line segment. Students also explain how a line segment is different from a ray or line.

Type: Formative Assessment

Four Sided Figures:

Students are shown a quadrilateral and asked to identify it. Then students are asked to draw another example of a quadrilateral that is different from the one that they were shown.

Type: Formative Assessment

Identifying Quadrilaterals – 1:

Students are asked to describe attributes shared by three shapes and to identify a larger category into which these shapes can be placed.

Type: Formative Assessment

Drawing Quadrilaterals:

Students are asked to draw a shape with four sides that is not a rhombus, rectangle, or square.

Type: Formative Assessment

Identifying Quadrilaterals - 2:

Students are asked to describe attributes shared by three shapes and to identify a larger category into which these shapes can be placed.

Type: Formative Assessment


Clipart: Geometric Shapes:

In this lesson, you will find clip art and various illustrations of polygons, circles, ellipses, star polygons, and inscribed shapes.

Type: Image/Photograph

Lesson Plans

Using Machine Learning and Computational Thinking to Train an AI Model:

Students will explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and use computational thinking and Machine Learning (ML) to pretrain a model to recognize and identify objects, including geometric shapes and aircraft. They will used unplugged activities to mimic sorting and classification of the objects using their prior knowledge and then make connections to human learning and Machine Learning. Students will then problem solve and propose solutions using computational thinking to improve the ML model to better recognize the objects. This lesson is an integrated Computer Science, Science and Math lesson designed for students in grades 3-5 to apply math and science content knowledge while exploring and using computational thinking as they think like Computer Engineers and reflect on potential career paths.

Type: Lesson Plan

Shape Up Your Civility:

Students will be able to listen and cooperate with one another in replicating geometric designs without seeing them and relate this to how citizens demonstrate civility and cooperation to accomplish a common goal.

Type: Lesson Plan

Design a New State Seal:

Students will use their knowledge of Florida symbols, individuals, documents, and events to create a new state seal. Students will incorporate the study of various lines and quadrilaterals into their design. They will justify what symbols they picked and how they fit into the requirements of the project in this model eliciting activity. Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. Click here to learn more about MEAs and how they can transform your classroom.

Type: Lesson Plan

Artistic Alley:

Students will use their knowledge of how to identify quadrilaterals and how to analyze data to determine a ranking for the best paver designs for a driveway. In this MEA, students will deepen their understanding of the attributes of parallelograms, rectangles, squares, trapezoids and quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these categories.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. Click here to learn more about MEAs and how they can transform your classroom.

Type: Lesson Plan

ABC Symmetry:

Students will explore the concept of line symmetry in this lesson. Students will explore two-dimensional pictures and decide whether or not each image has symmetry. Students will also fold pre-cut capital letters to decide whether or not each letter has symmetry.

Type: Lesson Plan

Quadrilateral Quest:

In this lesson, students categorize shapes identifying the attributes of quadrilaterals. 

Type: Lesson Plan

Same Perimeter, Different Area:

In this lesson, students are presented with a problem that requires them to create rectangles with the same perimeter but different areas.  Students also search for relationships among the perimeters and areas of different rectangles and find which characteristics produce a rectangle with the greatest area.

Type: Lesson Plan

Pretzel Quadrilaterals:

This lesson helps students to realize that quadrilaterals have identifying attributes that define them. Students should also discover that a quadrilateral can have multiple names based on the attributes of a category.

Type: Lesson Plan

Snowflake Geometry: No Two Alike!:

In this lesson students will make snowflakes, promoting creativity and self-expression, and use them to identify geometric terms. It also gives them an opportunity to follow a sequenced set of instructions for a given outcome.

Type: Lesson Plan

Raja Rangoli:

Rangoli is a traditional Indian art that is used in decorating the entrance of the house to welcome guests. In this activity students will use the concept of lines of symmetry to select the best rangoli design for a school event.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. MEAs resemble engineering problems and encourage students to create solutions in the form of mathematical and scientific models. Students work in teams to apply their knowledge of science and mathematics to solve an open-ended problem while considering constraints and tradeoffs. Students integrate their ELA skills into MEAs as they are asked to clearly document their thought processes. MEAs follow a problem-based, student-centered approach to learning, where students are encouraged to grapple with the problem while the teacher acts as a facilitator. To learn more about MEAs visit:

Type: Lesson Plan

Angles All Around Us:

This is a lesson that introduces right, acute, obtuse, reflex, straight angles in a fun and challenging way.

Type: Lesson Plan

Arrays Show the Way to the Multiplication Chart:

This is an introductory lesson to explore the use of arrays to solve multiplication problems. Students build arrays and save the arrays in a class Multiplication Chart. They learn to use arrays to find products and factors, and by placing them in the Multiplication Chart, they learn how to read the chart. They learn how to write equations to represent situations that are modeled with arrays. An overall theme is the organization of the multiplication chart and how it includes arrays within.

Type: Lesson Plan

Points, Lines, and Angles, Oh My!:

In this lesson, students work to identify points, lines, line segments, rays, angles and perpendicular and parallel lines. Students create webs of yarn and analyze the web for geometric properties listed above. A teacher can select which vocabulary terms are appropriate for the class.

Type: Lesson Plan

Symmetrical Solutions:

Students will use paper cutout and geoboards to find and create lines of symmetry. Students will have the opportunity to work with a partner and independently.

Type: Lesson Plan

Lighthouses and Lenses - An Engineering Design Challenge:

This Engineering Design Challenge is intended to help students apply the concepts of force , the concept of wind energy, and practice working with a budget as they build structures to withstand the force of high-speed winds. The first day's lesson also provides practice in recognizing and drawing shapes. It is not intended as an initial introduction to these concepts.

Type: Lesson Plan

Attributes of Geometric Shapes:

This resource is a fun and engaging activity that will allow the students to identify and name shapes by their attributes. The students will move around and construct various geometric figures in order to build a solid understanding of the figures.

Type: Lesson Plan

Building Blocks of Geometry:

Students will be introduced to point, line, and plane, the building blocks of geometry, and use them to develop an understanding of new terms, including line segment,  intersecting lines, parallel lines and perpendicular lines. Students will participate in a Building Block Scavenger Hunt, using paper and pencil to draw examples of specified terms that they find outside of the math classroom. The students will compose a poster to display their images of the required terms.

Type: Lesson Plan

Geometry, USA:

Students will draw a town based on a set of given directions using the geometry terms (parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines). This activity is designed to be taught after the students having learned the meanings of the geometry terms and the ability to identify examples of each.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

Rectangular Road Trip:

Learn about the defining attributes of a rectangle to identify and create rectangles as we visit various national parks in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Square Picnic with Comparison to Rectangles:

Help pack for a square picnic while learning about the defining attributes of a square in comparison to rectangles in this interactive tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Square Picnic with Comparison to Rhombi:

Learn about the defining attributes of a square and what makes a square different from a rhombus in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Shape Surfing: Finding Parallel and Perpendicular Lines:

Help a surfing crab learn how to find parallel and perpendicular sides in a variety of polygons as you complete this interactive tutorial!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Symmetry Sisters Save the Day:

Help the Symmetry Sisters save the City of Symmetry Line and the State of Arithmetic from the Radical Rat in this interactive tutorial!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Geometry Super Heroes Save Mathopolis:

Identify parallel lines and line segments, as well as perpendicular lines and line segments in two-dimensional figures by joining Parallel Man and Perpendicular Man as they help Mayor Mathematics save Mathopolis in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Rhombus Dream: Identifying and Drawing Rhombi:

Learning about the attributes of a rhombus and how to create a rhombus using its attributes in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Perspectives Video: Teaching Ideas

Classifying Squares and Rectangles:

Unlock an effective teaching strategy for classifying squares and rectangles in this Teacher Perspectives video for educators.

Type: Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea

Estimating Angles:

Unlock an effective teaching strategy for teaching students to estimate angle measurements in this Teacher Perspectives video for educators.

Type: Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea

Problem-Solving Tasks

Lines of symmetry for triangles:

This activity provides students an opportunity to recognize these distinguishing features of the different types of triangles before the technical language has been introduced. For finding the lines of symmetry, cut-out models of the four triangles would be helpful so that the students can fold them to find the lines.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Lines of symmetry for quadrilaterals:

This task provides students a chance to experiment with reflections of the plane and their impact on specific types of quadrilaterals. It is both interesting and important that these types of quadrilaterals can be distinguished by their lines of symmetry.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Lines of symmetry for circles:

This is an instructional task that gives students a chance to reason about lines of symmetry and discover that a circle has an an infinite number of lines of symmetry. Even though the concept of an infinite number of lines is fairly abstract, students can understand infinity in an informal way.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Teaching Idea

An Introduction To Quadrilaterals:

This lesson is designed to introduce students to quadrilaterals and the terms and properties associated with quadrilaterals. This lesson provides links to discussions and activities related to quadrilaterals as well as suggested ways to integrate them into the lesson. Finally, the lesson provides links to follow-up lessons designed for use in succession with the current one.

Type: Teaching Idea


Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Introduced:

This Khan Academy tutorial video defines and illustrates parallel and perpendicular lines.

Type: Tutorial

Lines, Line segments and Rays:

This video discusses the differences between lines, line segments and rays.

Type: Tutorial

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorials

Rectangular Road Trip:

Learn about the defining attributes of a rectangle to identify and create rectangles as we visit various national parks in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Square Picnic with Comparison to Rectangles:

Help pack for a square picnic while learning about the defining attributes of a square in comparison to rectangles in this interactive tutorial. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Square Picnic with Comparison to Rhombi:

Learn about the defining attributes of a square and what makes a square different from a rhombus in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Shape Surfing: Finding Parallel and Perpendicular Lines:

Help a surfing crab learn how to find parallel and perpendicular sides in a variety of polygons as you complete this interactive tutorial!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Symmetry Sisters Save the Day:

Help the Symmetry Sisters save the City of Symmetry Line and the State of Arithmetic from the Radical Rat in this interactive tutorial!

Type: Original Student Tutorial

The Geometry Super Heroes Save Mathopolis:

Identify parallel lines and line segments, as well as perpendicular lines and line segments in two-dimensional figures by joining Parallel Man and Perpendicular Man as they help Mayor Mathematics save Mathopolis in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Rhombus Dream: Identifying and Drawing Rhombi:

Learning about the attributes of a rhombus and how to create a rhombus using its attributes in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Problem-Solving Tasks

Lines of symmetry for triangles:

This activity provides students an opportunity to recognize these distinguishing features of the different types of triangles before the technical language has been introduced. For finding the lines of symmetry, cut-out models of the four triangles would be helpful so that the students can fold them to find the lines.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Lines of symmetry for quadrilaterals:

This task provides students a chance to experiment with reflections of the plane and their impact on specific types of quadrilaterals. It is both interesting and important that these types of quadrilaterals can be distinguished by their lines of symmetry.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Lines of symmetry for circles:

This is an instructional task that gives students a chance to reason about lines of symmetry and discover that a circle has an an infinite number of lines of symmetry. Even though the concept of an infinite number of lines is fairly abstract, students can understand infinity in an informal way.

Type: Problem-Solving Task


Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Introduced:

This Khan Academy tutorial video defines and illustrates parallel and perpendicular lines.

Type: Tutorial

Lines, Line segments and Rays:

This video discusses the differences between lines, line segments and rays.

Type: Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.


Clipart: Geometric Shapes:

In this lesson, you will find clip art and various illustrations of polygons, circles, ellipses, star polygons, and inscribed shapes.

Type: Image/Photograph

Problem-Solving Tasks

Lines of symmetry for triangles:

This activity provides students an opportunity to recognize these distinguishing features of the different types of triangles before the technical language has been introduced. For finding the lines of symmetry, cut-out models of the four triangles would be helpful so that the students can fold them to find the lines.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Lines of symmetry for quadrilaterals:

This task provides students a chance to experiment with reflections of the plane and their impact on specific types of quadrilaterals. It is both interesting and important that these types of quadrilaterals can be distinguished by their lines of symmetry.

Type: Problem-Solving Task

Lines of symmetry for circles:

This is an instructional task that gives students a chance to reason about lines of symmetry and discover that a circle has an an infinite number of lines of symmetry. Even though the concept of an infinite number of lines is fairly abstract, students can understand infinity in an informal way.

Type: Problem-Solving Task