Technology Education   (#7980190)

Version for Academic Year:

Course Standards

General Course Information and Notes

Version Description


The purpose of this course is to enable students with disabilities to apply knowledge and skills regarding the safe and appropriate use of technology in the school, workplace, and community. Students will investigate careers in technology.

Course Requirements

Technology Systems

  1. Describe uses of technology in a variety of school, workplace, and community settings.
  2. Identify computer components and their functions.
    1. Identify various computer input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, phone, camera) and describe their use.
    2. Identify various computer output devices (e.g., monitor, printer, phone) and describe their use.
    3. Identify various storage devices (e.g., flash drive, iPod, phone, external hard drive, etc.).
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of different operating systems.
    1. Demonstrate proficiency with file management tasks.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency with common computer peripherals, including connections to standard input and output devices.
    1. Identify the types and purposes of common input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, camera, microphone, scanner).
    2. Identify the types and purposes of specialized input devices (e.g., digital cameras, mobile devices, GPS devices).
    3. Describe the types and purposes of various computer connection ports (e.g., USB, firewire, parallel, series, Ethernet, et al).
    4. Connect an input device (e.g., mouse, keyboard, cell phone, camera, et al) and verify proper operation.
    5. Connect an output device (e.g., printer, monitor, projector, et al) and verify proper operation.
  5. Demonstrate proficiency in communication using digital and multimedia technologies.
    1.  Use a portable digital video device (e.g., cell phone, Flip camera) to produce video clips for transfer onto a computer.
  6. Select technology devices, such as cell phones, computers, and tablets, by comparing features that meet individual needs and financial resources.

Technology Applications

  1. Demonstrate basic keyboarding skills used with common software applications.
  2. Develop and apply word processing and document manipulation skills.
    1. Apply and adjust margins, tabs, line spacing and paragraph indents.
    2. Insert and manipulate text, graphics/images, and WordArt.
    3. Format text using the font interface and styles interface.
    4. Use the status bar to determine the number of pages, words, and characters in a document.
    5. Insert codes for current date and time.
    6. Copy text between documents using mouse, menu, and keyboard techniques.
    7. Move text in a document using mouse, menu, and keyboard techniques.
    8. Create bulleted and numbered lists.
    9. Create a table – format rows, columns and cells.
    10. Insert page breaks.
  3. Develop and apply fundamental spreadsheet skills.
    1. Describe a spreadsheet and the ways in which it may be used.
    2. Identify the parts of the spreadsheet display.
    3. Insert and format text information into cells.
    4. Insert and format numeric information into cells.
    5. Insert and format date and time information into cells.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in using presentation software.
    1. Describe presentation software and the ways in which it may be used.
    2. Add and format titles, subtitles, and talking points to a presentation slide.
    3. Insert and format images/graphics onto slides.
    4. Insert new or duplicate slides.
  5. Demonstrate proficiency in using graphics software.
    1. Copy and paste graphic images.
    2. Alter the shapes and colors used in a graphic image.

Internet and Webpages

  1. Demonstrate proficiency using the Internet to locate information.
    1. Identify and use web terminology.
    2. Compare and contrast the types of Internet domains (e.g., .com, .org, .edu, .gov, .net, .mil).
    3. Demonstrate proficiency using various web tools (e.g., downloading of files, transfer of files, telnet, PDF, etc.).
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of webpage construction, operation, and function.
    1. Identify elements of a webpage.
  3. Demonstrate proficiency in using a GUI authoring tool to create a template-based website.
    1. Create a website using an available template.
    2. Create hyperlinks to external sites.
  4. Conduct basic research using resources located on the Internet.
    1. Evaluate search results to determine those sites or resources that best meet the research criteria.
    2. Incorporate the results from the Internet search into a research document (e.g., report, synopsis, et al).
  5. Demonstrate appropriate use of email.
    1. Describe email capabilities and functions.
    2. Identify components of an email message.
    3. Identify the components of an email address.
    4. Attach a file to an email message.
    5. Forward an email message to one or more addressees.
    6. Use an address book.
    7. Reply to an email message.
    8. Use the Internet to perform email activities (i.e., web-based email).
    9. Identify the appropriate use of email and demonstrate related email etiquette.
  6. Demonstrate how accessibility features of software programs can be used to meet individual needs.

Safe Use of Technology

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of Internet safety and ethics.
    1. Describe cyber-bullying and its impact on perpetrators and victims.
    2. Differentiate between viruses and malware, specifically their sources, ploys, and impact on personal privacy and computer operation, and ways to avoid infection.
    3. Demonstrate proficiency running an antivirus scan to remove viruses and malware.
    4. Describe risks associated with social networking sites (e.g., FaceBook, MySpace, and Twitter) and ways to mitigate these risks.
    5. Adhere to cyber safety practices with regard to conducting Internet searches, email, chat rooms, and other social network websites.
    6. Describe risks associated with sexting, including related legal issues, social engineering aspects, prevention methods, and reporting of offenses.
    7. Describe the risks associated with online gaming and ways to mitigate these risks.
    8. Describe the ethics and copyright legalities of downloading music or videos from the Internet.

Careers in Technology

  1. Describe careers in technology and related fields.
  2. Explain job responsibilities and competencies necessary for successful employment in technology and related fields.
  3. Evaluate personal interests and abilities related to careers in technology and postsecondary education/training opportunities.


General Notes

This course integrates program standards from the Curriculum Framework for Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Essentials, Program Number 9009100. Additional requirements included in this course are designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

Application activities are an integral part of this course. These activities include instruction in the use of safety procedures, tools, equipment, materials, and processes related to technology. Equipment and supplies are needed to enhance learning experiences for students.

A student may earn multiple credits in this course. The particular course requirements that the student should master to earn each credit must be specified on an individual basis. Multiple credits may be earned sequentially or simultaneously.

This course is designed to reflect the wide range of abilities within the population of students with disabilities. Course requirements may be modified based on individual needs.


English Language Development (ELD) Standards Special Notes Section:

Teachers are required to provide listening, speaking, reading and writing instruction that allows English language learners (ELL) to communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.   For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support, students will interact with grade level words, expressions, sentences and discourse to process or produce language necessary for academic success. The ELD standard should specify a relevant content area concept or topic of study chosen by curriculum developers and teachers which maximizes an ELL’s need for communication and social skills. To access an ELL supporting document which delineates performance definitions and descriptors, please click on the following link:

General Information

Course Number: 7980190
Abbreviated Title: TECH ED
Number of Credits: Multiple credits
Course Length: Multiple (M) - Course length can vary
Course Attributes:
  • Class Size Core Required
Course Type: Core Academic Course
Course Status: Course Approved
Grade Level(s): 9,10,11,12
Graduation Requirement: Vocational

Educator Certifications

One of these educator certification options is required to teach this course.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this course.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this course.