Art (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)

General Information

Certification Name:
Art (Elementary and Secondary Grades K-12)
State-issued Certification

Related Courses

0101100: M/J Visual Art 1
0101110: M/J Visual Art 2
0101120: M/J Visual Art 3
0100800: International Baccalaureate Art History 1
0100810: International Baccalaureate Art History 2
0100820: International Baccalaureate World Arts and Cultures 1
0100830: International Baccalaureate World Arts and Cultures 2
0103365: Pre-AICE Art and Design: Printmaking IGCSE Level
0106315: Pre-AICE Art and Design: Graphic Communication IGCSE Level
0105325: AICE Design and Textiles A Level
0109355: Advanced Placement Studio Art Two-Dimensional Design Innovation
0110320: AICE Art and Design - Printmaking AS Level
0114880: International Baccalaureate Mid Yrs Prog Art 1
0114890: International Baccalaureate Mid Yrs Prog Art 2
0052029: Art Specialist
7701020: Access Art Grade Kindergarten
7701025: Access Art Grade 1
7701030: Access Art Grade 2
7701035: Access Art Grade 3
7701040: Access Art Grade 4
7701045: Access Art Grade 5
0052029: Art Specialist
7701035: Access Art Grade 3
7701040: Access Art Grade 4
7701045: Access Art Grade 5
0101375: Cambridge Pre-AICE Art and Design: 3D Studies IGCSE Level
0102330: Cambridge AICE Art & Design - Ceramics AS Level
0104415: Cambridge Pre-AICE Art and Design: Painting and Related Media IGCSE Level
0105315: Cambridge Pre-AICE Art and Design: Textile Design IGCSE Level
0108355: Cambridge Pre-AICE Photography, Digital and Lens Media IGCSE Level
0900505: Cambridge AICE Classical Studies 2 A Level
0900505: Cambridge AICE Classical Studies 2 A Level
0101100: M/J Visual Art 1
0101110: M/J Visual Art 2
0101120: M/J Visual Art 3
7701035: Access Art Grade 3
7701040: Access Art Grade 4
7701045: Access Art Grade 5
0107472: International Baccalaureate Film Studies 2
0107474: International Baccalaureate Film Studies 3
0102330: Cambridge AICE Art & Design - Ceramics AS Level
0900505: Cambridge AICE Classical Studies 2 A Level
0104415: Cambridge Pre-AICE Art and Design: Painting and Related Media IGCSE Level
0105315: Cambridge Pre-AICE Art and Design: Textile Design IGCSE Level
0101375: Cambridge Pre-AICE Art and Design: 3D Studies IGCSE Level
0108355: Cambridge Pre-AICE Photography, Digital and Lens Media IGCSE Level