Access Point #: MA.912.A.1.In.hArchived Access Point

Use tools, including charts and technology, to convert standard units of measurement within the same system, such as money, length, capacity, time, and weight.
Standard units may include money: coins and bills; time: minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months; length: yards, feet, and inches; capacity: cups, pints, quarts, and gallons; weight: pounds and ounces.
General Information
Number: MA.912.A.1.In.h
Category: Independent
Date Adopted or Revised: 09/07
Standard: Real and Complex Number Systems : Expand and deepen understanding of real and complex numbers by comparing expressions and performing arithmetic computations, especially those involving square roots and exponents. Use the properties of real numbers to simplify algebraic expressions and equations, and convert between different measurement units using dimensional analysis.

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