Access Point #: ELA.10.C.1.AP.3

Argue a position, supporting claims using logical reasoning and credible evidence from multiple sources, rebutting counterclaims with relevant evidence, using a logical organizational structure, elaboration, purposeful transitions, and maintaining a formal and objective tone.
General Information
Number: ELA.10.C.1.AP.3
Category: Access Points
Date Adopted or Revised: 03/22

Related Benchmarks

This access point is an alternate version of the following benchmark(s).

Related Courses

This access point is part of these courses.
0500310: Executive Internship 2
1700310: Research 2
2400310: Leadership Techniques Honors
1001350: English Honors 2
1001810: Florida's Preinternational Baccalaureate English 2
1002310: English 2 Through ESOL
1005350: Literature and the Arts 1 Honors
1020810: American Literature Honors
1020850: World Literature Honors
1006310: Journalism 2
1006320: Journalism 3
1006330: Journalism 4
1007310: Speech 2
1007350: Debate 3 Honors
1007360: Debate 4 Honors
1009310: Writing 2
1001340: English 2
1001345: English 2 for Credit Recovery
1002381: Developmental Language Arts Through ESOL (Reading)
7910125: Access English 2
1007315: Speech 2
1005320: British Literature
1000414: Intensive Reading 2
1005347: Humane Letters 2 Literature
1005348: Humane Letters 2 Literature Honors

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this access point.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this access point.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this access point.