MA.5.G.3.2Archived Standard

Describe, define, and determine surface area and volume of prisms by using appropriate units and selecting strategies and tools.


Teachers should develop definitions by interpreting surface area as "covering all surfaces" or "wrapping with no gaps or overlaps" and volume as "filling".


Example: Students find the total number of same-sized units of volume needed to fill a prism.


Example: Students recognize that the surface area of a cube is the sum of the areas of 6 square regions.

General Information
Subject Area: X-Mathematics (former standards - 2008)
Grade: 5
Body of Knowledge: Geometry
Idea: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning
Big Idea: BIG IDEA 3 - Describe three-dimensional shapes and analyze their properties, including volume and surface area.
Date Adopted or Revised: 09/07
Date of Last Rating: 06/07
Status: State Board Approved - Archived
Assessed: Yes
Test Item Specifications
  • Item Type(s): This benchmark may be assessed using: MC item(s)

  • Clarification :
    Students will find the volume and/or surface area of rectangular prisms and cubes.
  • Content Limits :
    Dimensions of prisms must be whole numbers no larger than 12, and the surface area or calculated volume must be less than 1000.

    Items will not include volume and surface areas of nonrectangular prisms (e.g., triangular prisms).

    Items involving surface area must include a net or a graphic of the assessed three-dimensional shape.
  • Stimulus Attributes :
    Graphics must be used in all these items.

    Items that are set in real-world context may use length and width as dimensions as well as base and height as dimensions.
  • Response Attributes :
    Responses may be numerals, expressions, or equations.
Sample Test Items (1)
  • Test Item #: Sample Item 1
  • Question:

    A box of tissues is in the shape of a rectangular prism with the dimensions shown below.

    Tissue Box

    what is the volume of the box of tissues?
  • Difficulty: N/A
  • Type: MC: Multiple Choice

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Lesson Plan

Finding Volume (Utah Education Network):

In this lesson students will learn how to calculate and compare volumes of rectangular prisms.

Type: Lesson Plan

Unit/Lesson Sequence

Three Dimensional Shapes:

In this interactive, self-guided unit on 3-dimensional shape, students (and teachers) explore 3-dimensional shapes, determine surface area and volume, derive Euler's formula, and investigate Platonic solids. Interactive quizzes and animations are included throughout, including a 15 question quiz for student completion.

Type: Unit/Lesson Sequence

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.