Access Point #: MAFS.2.MD.4.AP.10cArchived Access Point

Compare the information shown in a bar graph or picture graph with up to four categories. Solve simple comparisons of how many more or how many less.

Essential Understandings


  • Identify the four categories in a picture graph or bar graph where the data points are represented with concrete objects (Ex: red candy, blue candy, yellow candy, green candy).
  • Given a simple comparison problem about two of the categories, count the concrete objects within each category (Ex: 5 red candy, 3 blue candy) to determine how many more or how many fewer are in one category than in the other category.
  • Identify the four categories in a picture graph or bar graph (Ex: red candy, blue candy, yellow candy, green candy).
  • Given a simple comparison problem about two of the categories, determine how many more or how many fewer are in one category than in the other category.
  • Understand the following concepts of picture graph, bar graph, category, more, fewer.
General Information
Number: MAFS.2.MD.4.AP.10c
Category: Access Points
Date Adopted or Revised: 06/14
Cluster: Represent and interpret data. (Supporting Cluster)

Clusters should not be sorted from Major to Supporting and then taught in that order. To do so would strip the coherence of the mathematical ideas and miss the opportunity to enhance the major work of the grade with the supporting clusters.

Related Standards

This access point is an alternate version of the following benchmark(s).

Related Courses

This access point is part of these courses.
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7720030: Access Science Grade 2
5020090: STEM Lab Grade 2
5012005: Foundational Skills in Mathematics K-2

Related Resources

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Student Resources

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Parent Resources

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