Standard 1: Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.Archived

General Information
Number: HE.2.C.1
Title: Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Type: Standard
Subject: X-Health Education (former standards – 2008) - Archived
Grade: 2
Strand: Health Literacy: CONCEPTS

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Identify characteristics of personal health, such as feeling well and being free from injury and disease.
Recognize selected aspects of the physical, mental/emotional, and social dimensions of health, such as getting exercise, eating healthy foods, feeling safe, feeling happy, getting along with others, and maintaining appropriate personal space.
Identify ways a safe, healthy home environment can promote personal health, such as having secured poisonous products, smoke detectors, and posted emergency numbers.
Identify ways to prevent childhood injuries, such as following bus and playground rules, wearing a seat belt, and never playing with matches.
Identify when it is important to seek health care, such as when you have a high fever, toothache, or bad cough.
Identify major external body parts and their functions, such as hands, legs, arms, and mouth.


Recognize characteristics of personal health, such as feeling well or being free from injury or disease.
Recognize one aspect of each of the physical, mental/emotional, and social dimensions of health, such as getting physical exercise, eating healthy foods, feeling safe, feeling happy, getting along well with others, and maintaining appropriate personal space.
Recognize ways a safe, healthy home environment can promote personal health, such as having secured poisonous products, smoke detectors, and posted emergency numbers.
Recognize ways to prevent childhood injuries, such as following bus and playground rules, wearing a seat belt, and never playing with matches.
Recognize when it is important to seek health care, such as when you have a high fever, toothache, or bad cough.
Recognize external body parts and their functions, such as hand and foot.


Associate personal health with a selected characteristic, such as feeling well.
Associate a social behavior, such as a greeting, with getting along well with others.
Recognize a way a safe healthy home environment promotes personal health, such as storing poisonous products away from children or having smoke detectors.
Recognize a way to prevent a childhood injury, such as following bus and playground rules, wearing a seat belt, or never playing with matches.
Recognize that personal health care is needed when one feels sick.
Recognize selected external body parts, such as eyes, nose, and hand.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.