Enduring Understanding 1: Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret, and create with artistic intent.

General Information
Number: MU.4.C.1
Title: Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret, and create with artistic intent.
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Music
Grade: 4
Big Idea: Critical Thinking and Reflection

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Identify and use appropriate sensory skills to recognize specified musical characteristics.
Recognize families of orchestral and band instruments
Identify and use appropriate sensory skills to distinguish voice parts.


Use a teacher-selected sensory skill to recognize specified musical characteristics.
Recognize a variety of orchestral and band instruments.
Use a teacher-selected sensory skill to recognize differences in voice parts.


Recognize a teacher-selected musical characteristic in a song or instrumental piece.
Recognize selected orchestral and band instruments.
Distinguish between two voice types.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Lesson Plan

Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass - No Matter the Voice Part They're All Really Great!:

Students will be introduced to the four main voice parts.  Using movement and collaborative group activities, students will learn to define and aurally identify each of the four main voice parts.  

Type: Lesson Plan

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.