Lesson Study Support Initiative

With lesson study becoming more popular in Florida and the rest of the world, CPALMS is dedicated to support educators through providing professional development opportunities, an online lesson study support system within iCPALMS, and interactive lesson study resource kits. In collaboration with other projects at FCR-STEM, CPALMS has been engaged with thousands of educators that are participating in lesson study cycles around the state.

Lesson Study is a peer-to-peer, job-embedded, collaborative form of professional development that engages small teams of teachers in:

  • Setting long and short term learning goals for their students
  • Researching problem areas in the content and pedagogy related to their subjects
  • Planning an instructional unit and research lesson related to the chosen content focus
  • Teaching the research lesson to students and collecting student data on their interactions with the lesson
  • Discussing the data on student learning and improving the lesson, and
  • Reflecting on their professional learning within the context of the lesson study cycle.

lesson study logo

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Lesson Study Support System

The CPALMS Lesson Study Support System (LSSS) provides teams of teachers engaged in lesson study, with a systematic, step-by-step platform for collaborating in the research, design, implementation, and analysis of standards-based instructional units that serve as vehicles for researching student learning. In addition to assisting teachers in the research of pedagogy and content relevant to Florida’s K-12 academic standards, the LSSS serves lesson study teams as a:

The video on the right side is a quick demo of the iCPALMS Lesson Study Support System app. Please check the section below for detailed tutorials. Try it now in your iCPALMS account. Please note that this app is not added in your iCPALMS account by default. You can simply add it by following the instructions under the "Add App" section.

Lesson Study Resource Kits

Watch the following tutorial to learn about the Lesson Study Resource Kits, how to find them, and how to use them with the LSSS or as a document.
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Related LSSS Tutorials