Animal Life Cycle Game

Resource ID#: 35645 Type: Educational Game

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General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 2
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computer for Presenter, Computers for Students, Interactive Whiteboard, LCD Projector
Keywords: life cycle, butterfly, bird, frog
Instructional Component Type(s): Educational Game
Instructional Design Framework(s): Direct Instruction, Demonstration, Cooperative Learning
Resource Collection: Math and Science Week

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

Related Resources

Other vetted resources related to this resource.

Lesson Plans

Hatching Chickens:

This lesson will help students understand the importance of carefully observing and caring for eggs and chickens in the classroom.

Type: Lesson Plan

Butterfly Life Cycle:

In this lesson, students will explore the life cycle of the butterfly through different centers and observation of a living butterfly going through its life cycle.

Type: Lesson Plan

Life Cycles of Frogs, Dragonflies, and Butterflies:

This lesson can be used to extend students' understanding of the life cycles of organisms by comparing and contrasting them. Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar will be read first, then students will watch a video that studies the developmental stages of frogs, dragonflies, and butterflies. Insect and frog life cycles will be compared to one another, then they will be compared to the stages of human development.

Type: Lesson Plan


Where Do Butterflies Come From?:

This is an accessible, easy-to-read book about the life cycle of a butterfly. It can be downloaded in PowerPoint, Impress, or Flash format. For struggling or non-readers, the book can be read to the in a variety of voices. All of the books on the Tar Heel Reader site can be used with the Intellikeys keyboard and a custom overlay, a touch screen, and/or 1-3 switches. The text and background colors can be modified for students with visual impairments.

Type: Presentation/Slideshow

Teaching Idea

Life Cycle of a Butterfly:

Students learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Type: Teaching Idea