MAFS.1.NBT.3.4Archived Standard

Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten.
General Information
Subject Area: Mathematics
Grade: 1
Domain-Subdomain: Number and Operations in Base Ten
Cluster: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts
Cluster: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (Major Cluster) -

Clusters should not be sorted from Major to Supporting and then taught in that order. To do so would strip the coherence of the mathematical ideas and miss the opportunity to enhance the major work of the grade with the supporting clusters.

Date Adopted or Revised: 02/14
Date of Last Rating: 02/14
Status: State Board Approved - Archived

Related Courses

This benchmark is part of these courses.
5012030: Mathematics - Grade One (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
7712020: Access Mathematics Grade 1 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
5012005: Foundational Skills in Mathematics K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2019 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Educational Games

Jetstream Riders:A high flying Addition Game:

Fly high in a hot air balloon and catch the jet stream to go faster! Use addition to add hot air, and see if you can win against other students!

This is a single level basic version. Teachers can register for additional levels for practicing subtraction, multipiication and division.

Type: Educational Game

The Game of Tens and Ones: A Lesson for Second Graders:

"This game gives children practice with adding and subtracting ones and tens. Using a special die, two 0 99 charts, and two markers, children play in pairs. During the course of a game, they calculate between 20 and 30 addition and subtraction problems." (from Math Solutions Professional Development)

Type: Educational Game

Educational Software / Tool

Hundreds Chart:

A printable hundreds chart featuring a 10x10 table numbered 1 to 100. (found on Illuminations website under "Trading for Quarters")

Type: Educational Software / Tool

Formative Assessments


Students add a one-digit number to a two-digit number that requires composing a ten.

Type: Formative Assessment

Jumping Rope:

Students add a multiple of 10 to a two-digit number.

Type: Formative Assessment

Adding Within 100:

Students add a one-digit number to a two-digit number and are asked to relate the strategy used to a written method.

Type: Formative Assessment

Adding Tens to Numbers:

Students add a multiple of 10 to a two-digit number and are asked to relate the strategy used to a written method.

Type: Formative Assessment

Lesson Plans

Let's Play!:

In this Model Eliciting Activity, MEA, students must decide the best way to spend the money earned in a fundraiser to buy new playground equipment.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. MEAs resemble engineering problems and encourage students to create solutions in the form of mathematical and scientific models. Students work in teams to apply their knowledge of science and mathematics to solve an open-ended problem, while considering constraints and tradeoffs. Students integrate their ELA skills into MEAs as they are asked to clearly document their thought process. MEAs follow a problem-based, student centered approach to learning, where students are encouraged to grapple with the problem while the teacher acts as a facilitator. To learn more about MEA’s visit:

Type: Lesson Plan

Finding Ten More and Ten Less with Justen:

In this lesson, students will use manipulatives to decompose two-digit numbers into tens and ones. The students will then find ten more or ten less by adding or subtracting “just ten”. This will also be demonstrated on a hundreds chart.

Type: Lesson Plan

Race to 99:

Students will play a game with tens and ones in a place value chart to ultimately reach 99. Students will physically manipulate unifix cubes or place value blocks to add on one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers, composing new tens when necessary. Students will write equations to represent the addition situations that have been generated.

Type: Lesson Plan

Make a Ten To Make Adding Easy!:

In this lesson students will add two-digit numbers to one-digit numbers by using the "make a ten" strategy. Students will decompose a two-digit number using expanded form, make a ten, and then add. This lesson is an important lesson for students to be able to add greater numbers as they get into higher grade levels.

Type: Lesson Plan


This lesson allows students to gain insight into how to use place value when adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number. The focus is on students using their bodies, as well as math manipulatives, to solve addition problems within 100 that do not require regrouping.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorial

Ten More, Ten Less:

Explore strategies to add or subtract ten from a two-digit number in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial


Subtracting 14 - 6:

Learn how to subtract 14 - 6 by first thinking about subtracting 2 and 4.

Type: Tutorial

Adding 8 + 7:

Learn how to add 8 + 7 by making a group of ten.

Type: Tutorial

Adding two-digit numbers without regrouping:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore adding two-digits numbers with base ten blocks and connect this to the standard algorithm. The examples do not include regrouping.

Type: Tutorial

Adding by getting to group of 10 first:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore how making a ten can help to make thinking about addition easier. This video includes an example of adding a one-digit number to a two-digit number by decomposing the one-digit number.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value when subtracting tens:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, explore the connection between place value and subtraction. This video explains how to solve a subtraction problem with numbers less than one hundred using base ten blocks.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value while subtracting ones:

Learn how to subtract 4 from 46 by thinking about place value.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value while adding tens:

Learn how to add 23 + 30 by thinking about place value.

Type: Tutorial

STEM Lessons - Model Eliciting Activity

Let's Play!:

In this Model Eliciting Activity, MEA, students must decide the best way to spend the money earned in a fundraiser to buy new playground equipment.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. MEAs resemble engineering problems and encourage students to create solutions in the form of mathematical and scientific models. Students work in teams to apply their knowledge of science and mathematics to solve an open-ended problem, while considering constraints and tradeoffs. Students integrate their ELA skills into MEAs as they are asked to clearly document their thought process. MEAs follow a problem-based, student centered approach to learning, where students are encouraged to grapple with the problem while the teacher acts as a facilitator. To learn more about MEA’s visit:

MFAS Formative Assessments

Adding Tens to Numbers:

Students add a multiple of 10 to a two-digit number and are asked to relate the strategy used to a written method.

Adding Within 100:

Students add a one-digit number to a two-digit number and are asked to relate the strategy used to a written method.

Jumping Rope:

Students add a multiple of 10 to a two-digit number.


Students add a one-digit number to a two-digit number that requires composing a ten.

Original Student Tutorials Mathematics - Grades K-5

Ten More, Ten Less:

Explore strategies to add or subtract ten from a two-digit number in this interactive tutorial.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorial

Ten More, Ten Less:

Explore strategies to add or subtract ten from a two-digit number in this interactive tutorial.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Educational Game

Jetstream Riders:A high flying Addition Game:

Fly high in a hot air balloon and catch the jet stream to go faster! Use addition to add hot air, and see if you can win against other students!

This is a single level basic version. Teachers can register for additional levels for practicing subtraction, multipiication and division.

Type: Educational Game

Educational Software / Tool

Hundreds Chart:

A printable hundreds chart featuring a 10x10 table numbered 1 to 100. (found on Illuminations website under "Trading for Quarters")

Type: Educational Software / Tool


Adding 8 + 7:

Learn how to add 8 + 7 by making a group of ten.

Type: Tutorial

Adding two-digit numbers without regrouping:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore adding two-digits numbers with base ten blocks and connect this to the standard algorithm. The examples do not include regrouping.

Type: Tutorial

Adding by getting to group of 10 first:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore how making a ten can help to make thinking about addition easier. This video includes an example of adding a one-digit number to a two-digit number by decomposing the one-digit number.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value when subtracting tens:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, explore the connection between place value and subtraction. This video explains how to solve a subtraction problem with numbers less than one hundred using base ten blocks.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value while subtracting ones:

Learn how to subtract 4 from 46 by thinking about place value.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value while adding tens:

Learn how to add 23 + 30 by thinking about place value.

Type: Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Educational Software / Tool

Hundreds Chart:

A printable hundreds chart featuring a 10x10 table numbered 1 to 100. (found on Illuminations website under "Trading for Quarters")

Type: Educational Software / Tool


Adding two-digit numbers without regrouping:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore adding two-digits numbers with base ten blocks and connect this to the standard algorithm. The examples do not include regrouping.

Type: Tutorial

Adding by getting to group of 10 first:

In this tutorial video from Khan Academy, explore how making a ten can help to make thinking about addition easier. This video includes an example of adding a one-digit number to a two-digit number by decomposing the one-digit number.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value when subtracting tens:

In this video tutorial from Khan Academy, explore the connection between place value and subtraction. This video explains how to solve a subtraction problem with numbers less than one hundred using base ten blocks.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value while subtracting ones:

Learn how to subtract 4 from 46 by thinking about place value.

Type: Tutorial

Understanding place value while adding tens:

Learn how to add 23 + 30 by thinking about place value.

Type: Tutorial