
Identify the topic of and multiple details in a text.


Clarification 1: The topic is the general subject of the text, a word or a short phrase describing what the text is about. For example, the main topic of the book Why Should I Recycle? is recycling.
General Information
Subject Area: English Language Arts (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: K
Strand: Reading
Date Adopted or Revised: 08/20
Status: State Board Approved

Related Courses

This benchmark is part of these courses.
5010020: Basic Skills in Reading-K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2021, 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010030: Functional Basic Skills in Communications-Elementary (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010041: Language Arts - Kindergarten (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2021, 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
7710011: Access Language Arts - Kindergarten (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
5011000: Library Skills/Information Literacy Kindergarten (Specifically in versions: 2016 - 2022, 2022 - 2023, 2023 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010026: Functional Reading Skills 3-5 (Specifically in versions: 2021 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010100: Introduction to Debate Kindergarten (Specifically in versions: 2020 - 2022, 2022 - 2024, 2024 and beyond (current))
5010011: English for Speakers of Other Languages Kindergarten (Specifically in versions: 2021 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Alternate version of this benchmark for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
ELA.K.R.2.AP.2: Identify the topic of and select a detail in a text.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Lesson Plans

How does Generative AI work?:

Students will explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the basics on how generative AI models use Large Language Models (LLMs) and Natural Language Processing NLP to generate outputs. This K-3 lesson is an integrated Computer Science, ELA and Math lesson designed for application of math and ELA content knowledge while exploring and using computational thinking to understand how generative AI works, making cross-curricular connections to understand emerging technologies.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Flag We Love: The American Flag in Detail:

This is lesson #5 in the text unit series for The Flag We Love. Students will participate in whole group and partner discussions about the places and times the American flag can be seen and is used as a symbol, as detailed in the picture book The Flag We Love by Pam Munoz Ryan. The teacher will elicit responses from the class to complete a topic/detail graphic organizer. Students will identify the topic of the text and several details, then illustrate one of the details and complete a sentence stem.

This resource uses a book that is on the Florida Department of Education's reading list. This book is not provided with this resource.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Bald Eagle: Topic and Details Using the Bald Eagle as an American Symbol:

After listening to The Bald Eagle by Norman Pearl or a teacher selected text about the bald eagle, students will identify the topic and details in the text while identifying the bald eagle as an American symbol in this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

The Bald Eagle: Unique Symbols:

Students will identify the topic and three important details of a text, using a graphic organizer, and the text The Bald Eagle by Norman Pearl.

Type: Lesson Plan

National Bird Debate Part 2:

Students reflect on the Founders’ decision to name the bald eagle as our national bird and symbol. They form their own opinion about whether bald eagles or wild turkeys would make a better national symbol and express their opinion with supporting reasons or facts. Students consider their classmates’ arguments before voting as a group to make a decision whether bald eagles or wild turkeys would make a better symbol for a country in part 2 of this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

National Bird Debate Part 1:

Students use information from the book, The Bald Eagle by Norman Pearl, to compare the look and behavior of bald eagles and wild turkeys.  They explore early debates over the bald eagle as our national symbol as a way to differentiate fact from opinion in part 1 of this integrated lesson plan.

Type: Lesson Plan

Birds of a Feather:

Students will go on a simulated bird-watching trip around the classroom. They will collect and sort images of various birds into categories based on their visible characteristics. They will use these groups of bird images to practice counting and comparing objects in different categories. Students will use descriptions of bald eagles in the book, The Bald Eagle by Norman Pearl, to identify images of bald eagles among their categories and discuss how the bald eagle is a symbol of the United States.

Type: Lesson Plan

Bear Necessities - Lesson 1 of 3:

In this lesson, students will learn about the topic of brown bears by asking questions and gaining information from a non-fiction, informational text. Students will listen for key details in the text and recall information that will be demonstrated through drawing and writing.

Type: Lesson Plan

Finding the One!!:

Students will sort and classify rocks by observable properties, such as size, shape, color and texture. (The properties of temperature and weight are not addressed in this lesson).

Type: Lesson Plan

It's All in the Details:

In this multi-day lesson, students will learn about American holidays as they analyze grade-appropriate informational text. Students will learn to identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and their text features. They will also learn how to use the text features (title, headings, and illustrations) to predict the topic of the book. As the teacher reads the book, students will confirm the topic and identify important details, recording them on a graphic organizer. Finally, students will use details from the graphic organizer to draw, dictate, and/or write an expository piece about the topic of the text. 

Type: Lesson Plan

What's the Big Idea?:

In this multi-day lesson, students will learn about American symbols as they analyze grade-appropriate informational text. Students will learn to identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book and their text features. They will also learn how to use the text features (title, headings, and illustrations) to predict the topic of the book. As the teacher reads the book, students will confirm the topic and identify important details, recording them on a graphic organizer. Finally, students will use details from the graphic organizer to draw, dictate, and/or write an expository piece about the topic of the text.

Type: Lesson Plan

Original Student Tutorials

What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs:

Use titles, headings, illustrations, and photographs to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Seashore of Details:

Identify key details as you answer questions about informational text in this interactive tutorial. Join Sam as he explores the seashore and answers who, what, where, and when questions about sea stars, sea urchins, hermit crabs, horseshoe crabs, and other sea-related topics.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Buzzing Details:

Answer questions about key details in nonfiction text with this interactive tutorial. Help Bobby the beekeeper answer who, what, and where questions while reading about buzzing bees.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Student Center Activity

Comprehension: Expository Fact Strip:

In this activity, students will identify the main topic and key details in a text.

Type: Student Center Activity

Original Student Tutorials for Language Arts - Grades K-5

Buzzing Details:

Answer questions about key details in nonfiction text with this interactive tutorial. Help Bobby the beekeeper answer who, what, and where questions while reading about buzzing bees.

Seashore of Details:

Identify key details as you answer questions about informational text in this interactive tutorial. Join Sam as he explores the seashore and answers who, what, where, and when questions about sea stars, sea urchins, hermit crabs, horseshoe crabs, and other sea-related topics.

What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs:

Use titles, headings, illustrations, and photographs to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings. 

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.

Original Student Tutorials

What's the Topic? Part 2: Illustrations and Photographs:

Use titles, headings, illustrations, and photographs to predict and confirm the topics of texts in this interactive tutorial. Join Jose' as he explores the text features of informational text in his search for new books on a variety of topics.

This is part 2 of a 2-part series. Click HERE to open What's the Topic? Part 1: Titles and Headings. 

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Seashore of Details:

Identify key details as you answer questions about informational text in this interactive tutorial. Join Sam as he explores the seashore and answers who, what, where, and when questions about sea stars, sea urchins, hermit crabs, horseshoe crabs, and other sea-related topics.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Buzzing Details:

Answer questions about key details in nonfiction text with this interactive tutorial. Help Bobby the beekeeper answer who, what, and where questions while reading about buzzing bees.

Type: Original Student Tutorial

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this benchmark.