Butterfly Life Cycle

Resource ID#: 13418 Type: Lesson Plan

General Information

Subject(s): Science
Grade Level(s): 2
Intended Audience: Educators educators
Suggested Technology: Computers for Students, Internet Connection
Instructional Time: 3 Hour(s) 20 Minute(s)
Keywords: butterfly, metamorphosis, life, cycle
Instructional Component Type(s): Lesson Plan Worksheet Image/Photograph
Instructional Design Framework(s): Learning Cycle (e.g., 5E)
Resource Collection: Orange County Public Schools

Aligned Standards

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these benchmarks.

Aligned Access Points

This vetted resource aligns to concepts or skills in these access points.

Observe and recognize the major stages in the life cycles of plants and animals.

Observe and recognize the sequence of stages in the life cycles of common animals.

Ask questions and make observations about things in the natural world.

Answer yes and no questions and make observations about common objects and actions in the natural world.

Identify characteristics of objects based on observation.

Related Resources

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