Access Point #: SC.2.P.13.Pa.2

Indicate that an object has fallen.
General Information
Number: SC.2.P.13.Pa.2
Category: Participatory
Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08
Big Idea: Forces and Changes in Motion : A. It takes energy to change the motion of objects.

B. Energy change is understood in terms of forces--pushes or pulls.

C. Some forces act through physical contact, while others act at a distance.

Clarification for grades K-5: The target understanding for students in the elementary grades should focus on Big Ideas A, B, and C.

Clarification for grades 6-8: The target understanding for students in grades 6-8 should begin to transition the focus to a more specific definition of forces and changes in motion. Net forces create a change in motion. A change in momentum occurs when a net force is applied to an object over a time interval.

Grades 9-12, Standard 12: Motion - A. Motion can be measured and described qualitatively and quantitatively. Net forces create a change in motion. B. Momentum is conserved under well-defined conditions. A change in momentum occurs when a net force is applied to an object over a time interval.

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Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this access point.

Unit/Lesson Sequence

What Makes Objects Move?:

In this unit, students use different objects and observations to explore what factors influence an objects' motion.

Type: Unit/Lesson Sequence

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this access point.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this access point.