Standard #: MAFS.8.EE.1.2 (Archived Standard)

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Use square root and cube root symbols to represent solutions to equations of the form x² = p and x³ = p, where p is a positive rational number. Evaluate square roots of small perfect squares and cube roots of small perfect cubes. Know that √2 is irrational.

General Information

Subject Area: Mathematics
Grade: 8
Domain-Subdomain: Expressions & Equations
Cluster: Work with radicals and integer exponents. (Major Cluster) -

Clusters should not be sorted from Major to Supporting and then taught in that order. To do so would strip the coherence of the mathematical ideas and miss the opportunity to enhance the major work of the grade with the supporting clusters.

Date Adopted or Revised: 02/14
Content Complexity Rating: Level 1: Recall - More Information
Date of Last Rating: 02/14
Status: State Board Approved - Archived
Assessed: Yes

Test Item Specifications


    Assessment Limits :
    s Square roots and cube roots may be used to represent solutions to equations. Radicands may not include variables.
    Calculator :


    Context :


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Related Resources

Formative Assessments

Name Description
Roots and Radicals

Students are asked to solve simple quadratic and cubic equations and represent solutions using square root and cube root symbols.

The Root of the Problem

Students are asked to evaluate perfect square roots and perfect cube roots.

Dimensions Needed

Students are asked to solve problems involving square roots and cube roots.

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Generalizing Patterns: The Difference of Two Squares This lesson is designed to help teachers assess how well students can work with square numbers. Upon completion of the lesson, students should be able to describe and explain their findings and why results are possible or impossible. This lesson is a bridge towards proofs. The materials required for this lesson are worksheets, plain paper, large sheets of paper for making posters, and felt-tip pens. The entire lesson requires 110 minutes, broken down into a 20-minute pre-lesson, an 80-minute lesson (or two 40-minute lessons), and a 10-minute follow-up lesson.
Discovering Kepler's Law for the Periods of Planets

Students listen to a video that describes Kepler's determination that planetary orbits are elliptical and then will use data for the solar distance and periods of several of the planets in the solar system, then investigate several hypotheses to determine which is supported by the data.

Original Student Tutorials

Name Description
Square Root Part 3: Simplifying Radicals

Learn how to simplify radicals in this interactive tutorial.

Square Root Part 2: Non-Perfect Squares

Learn what non-perfect squares are and find the decimal approximation of their square roots in this interactive tutorial.

Square Root Part 1: Perfect Squares

Learn what perfect squares are and find their square roots in this interactive tutorial.


Name Description
Finding the square root of a decimal

Students will learn how to find the square root of a decimal number.

Finding cube roots

Learn how to find the cube root of -512 using prime factorization.

Introduction to cube roots

Students will learn the meaning of cube roots and how to find them. Students will also learn how to find the cube root of a negative number.

Introduction to square roots

Students will earn about the square root symbol (the principal root) and what it means to find a square root. Students will also learn how to solve simple square root equations.

Student Resources

Original Student Tutorials

Name Description
Square Root Part 3: Simplifying Radicals:

Learn how to simplify radicals in this interactive tutorial.

Square Root Part 2: Non-Perfect Squares:

Learn what non-perfect squares are and find the decimal approximation of their square roots in this interactive tutorial.

Square Root Part 1: Perfect Squares:

Learn what perfect squares are and find their square roots in this interactive tutorial.


Name Description
Finding the square root of a decimal:

Students will learn how to find the square root of a decimal number.

Finding cube roots:

Learn how to find the cube root of -512 using prime factorization.

Introduction to cube roots:

Students will learn the meaning of cube roots and how to find them. Students will also learn how to find the cube root of a negative number.

Introduction to square roots:

Students will earn about the square root symbol (the principal root) and what it means to find a square root. Students will also learn how to solve simple square root equations.

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