Standard #: MA.K.GR.1.1

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Identify two- and three-dimensional figures regardless of their size or orientation. Figures are limited to circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, spheres, cubes, cones and cylinders.


Clarification 1: Instruction includes a wide variety of circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, spheres, cubes, cones and cylinders. 
Clarification 2: Instruction includes a variety of non-examples that lack one or more defining attributes.
Clarification 3: Two-dimensional figures can be either filled, outlined or both.

General Information

Subject Area: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: K
Strand: Geometric Reasoning
Status: State Board Approved

Benchmark Instructional Guide

Connecting Benchmarks/Horizontal Alignment


Terms from the K-12 Glossary

  • Circles 
  • Cones 
  • Cubes 
  • Cylinders 
  • Rectangles 
  • Spheres 
  • Squares 
  • Triangles


Vertical Alignment

Previous Benchmarks


Next Benchmarks



Purpose and Instructional Strategies

The purpose of this benchmark is to help students identify specific two- and three-dimensional figures, and to make connections between the figures (MTR.2.1, MTR.5.1). 
  • It is not the expectation of this benchmark to make distinctions between two- and three- dimensional figures. 
  • Instruction focuses on using a variety of figures including different orientations, such as scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangles, to build the understanding of triangles. (There is no expectation that students learn these terms, but it is important they recognize various types of triangles.) (MTR.2.1
  • Instruction for rectangles and squares includes their similarities and differences, and the relationship that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares (MTR.5.1). 
  • Instruction may use manipulatives and other concrete objects to develop student understanding.


Common Misconceptions or Errors

  • Students may only recognize figures in a specific orientation or angle distribution (i.e., recognizing isosceles triangles but not scalene). 
  • Students may not recognize that a square is also a rectangle. 
  • Students may sort objects by size when asked to sort by shape. 
    • For example, students may place large circles with large triangles, or separate large triangles and small triangles.


Strategies to Support Tiered Instruction

  • Teacher provides plane figures (circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles), or solid shapes (cones, cylinders, cubes, and spheres) for students to sort. 
    • For example, instruction includes having the student sort the shapes by how they are same or by how they are different. The teacher may ask follow up questions such as, “How did you decide to sort the shapes? How many sides does this group have?” 

plane figures (circles, squares, triangles), or solid shapes (cones, cylinders, cubes, and spheres)

  • Teacher provides shapes that are cut out and present to the students in various orientations (i.e., isosceles, scalene, and right triangles): squares, circles, triangles, rectangles. Shapes are scattered in the workspace. Students work to match the squares with the squares, the circles with the circles, etc., until all shapes are grouped. The focus is on students being able to identify shapes when they are oriented differently (i.e., not sitting flat on one side). This task can be replicated for any sets of shapes students are struggling with including solid figures. If needed, reduce the type of shapes being sorted (i.e., instead of sorting 4 types of shapes, only sort 2 types of shapes). 
  • Teacher provides the following plane figures in multiple sizes: squares, circles, triangles, rectangles. Shapes are scattered in the workspace. Students work to match the squares with the squares, the circles with the circles, etc., until all shapes are grouped. The focus is on students recognizing that shapes of different sizes go in the same group (i.e., all circles large and small should be together). This task can be replicated for any sets of shapes students are struggling with including solid figures. 
    • Example: 

sorting mat with plane shapes

  • Teacher provides instruction by doing a “Shape Show”. The teacher shows and names a large rectangle. Walk fingers around its perimeter, describing and exaggerating the actions (straight side...turn, straight side...turn, straight side...turn, straight side...stop), while asking students how many sides the rectangle has and count the sides with him or her. Repeat the actions for a large square, drawing connections between the similarities. The teacher explains that squares are a special kind of rectangle.

Shape show - triangle with fingers on it


Instructional Tasks

Instructional Task 1 

Circle the correct item.


Instructional Items

Instructional Item 1 

Using the image below, draw an “x” through all of the rectangles. 

black and white shapes


*The strategies, tasks and items included in the B1G-M are examples and should not be considered comprehensive.

Related Courses

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7712015: Access Mathematics - Grade Kindergarten (Specifically in versions: 2014 - 2015, 2015 - 2018, 2018 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))
5012005: Foundational Skills in Mathematics K-2 (Specifically in versions: 2019 - 2022, 2022 and beyond (current))

Related Access Points

Access Point Number Access Point Title
MA.K.GR.1.AP.1 Identify two- and three-dimensional figures regardless of their size. Figures are limited to circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, spheres, cubes, cones and cylinders.

Related Resources

Formative Assessments

Name Description
Is it Still a Triangle?

Students are asked to identify a triangle shown in two different orientations.

What Shape?

Students name two-dimensional shapes given pictures on a worksheet.

Find That Shape

Students are given a variety of shapes and asked to find specific ones.

Squares and Cubes

Students compare a cube to a square face of the cube.

Small and Large Spheres

Students are asked to identify two spheres of different sizes.

Name The Shape

Students name two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes given manipulatives or pictures on a worksheet.

Locations of Shapes

Students examine two photographs taken in a classroom and identify and name shapes whose locations are described with words.

Identify the Shapes

Students determine whether a shape is a circle, triangle, rectangle or square.

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Find the Flag: Shape Edition

In this integrated lesson plan, students are tasked with finding the Florida state flag by following directions from a partner who names the 2D or 3D shape it is hidden beneath. 

Must or Might: Exploring Defining Attributes of 3-D Figures

The purpose of this lesson is for students to examine defining and non-defining attributes of 3-dimensional figures. Students compare and contrast various representations of 3-dimensional figures (including real-world objects) to determine what the solid must have, compared to what it might have. This exploration is also supported by sorting 3-dimensional figures.

Eating Shapes (Exploring 3D Shapes)

This lesson is an introduction to 3-dimensional shapes. The lessons uses food to help students explore the attributes of those shapes. Then, of course, the students get to eat them!

Hide and Seek those Shapes

In this lesson, students will discover the names of different two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes and their attributes through activities such as playing "Hide and Seek" with shapes and playing "Hot and Cold" to find shapes in the classroom.

Shape Detective

The students will identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles, ) regardless of their orientations or overall size by becoming detectives and going on a "hunt" to find the given shapes.

Shape the Shapes

In this lesson, students will learn to identify, describe, and sort two-dimensional shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares) through music, movement, and hands-on exploration.


In this hands-on lesson, students will be challenged to demonstrate their understanding of shapes to combine smaller two-dimensional shapes to form larger composite shapes. The lesson culminates with students using triangles, rectangles, and squares to form a "robot".

Shape Up!

In this lesson students will compare two-dimensional shapes to other two- dimensional shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle) and three-dimensional shapes to other three-dimensional shapes (cone, cylinder, sphere, cube) by differentiating them according to attributes. Students describe attributes of shapes by exploring real world objects.

Where's that shape? Where am I?

The lesson focus will be a kinesthetic approach to understanding relative positions in the environment. The lesson begins with a critical input experience, as students move around their surrounding, looking for shapes around them. Basic shapes include circle, square, triangle, rectangle. Students will explore shapes in the real world setting. As the lesson progresses, students will learn to describe the position of objects in relation to their own bodies using positional language such as: left/right, in front of/behind, apart and above/below. The lesson will be followed by guided instruction portion using hands-on manipulatives to transfer learned skills. The learning sequence will conclude with an informal assessment of student understanding.

Every Group Counts!

The students will be working in whole group, small group and individually to discover measurable attributes of objects and sort the objects into categories. Students will also count and compare the number of objects in each category. 

Shape Hunt

Students will go on a shape hunt in the classroom or designated area. During the shape hunt, students will find real-world objects that can be modeled by two- and three-dimensional figures. After the shape hunt, students will use Timed-Pair-Share to explain to peers what objects they found and their relative positions.

Sorting It All Out

In this lesson, kindergarten students will learn to sort objects familiar to them by different attributes. They will justify their decisions for classification when objects have more than one similar characteristic.

Sorting Recycling

In this MEA, students will sort recycling material based on the shape, name the shapes, and decide on what recycling bin would be the best for the city to choose. Students will write and draw a picture describing which recycling bin they chose.

Model Eliciting Activities, MEAs, are open-ended, interdisciplinary problem-solving activities that are meant to reveal students’ thinking about the concepts embedded in realistic situations. Click here to learn more about MEAs and how they can transform your classroom.

Original Student Tutorials

Name Description
Circus Fun: The Search for Circles

Learn the attributes, or characteristics, of a circle in this interactive tutorial.

The Search for Shapes: Recognizing Rectangles and Squares

Identify and name rectangles and squares based on their defining attributes, even if they have different sizes or positions. Join King Geo and his scout, Quad, as they search for rectangles and squares in this interactive tutorial. 

This is part of a series on the defining attributes of shapes. Click the links below.

The Search for Shapes: Tracking Triangles

Track down triangles based on their defining attributes for King Geo in this interactive tutorial.  Learn what makes a triangle a triangle.

This is part of a series on the defining attributes of shapes. Click the links below.

Student Resources

Original Student Tutorials

Name Description
Circus Fun: The Search for Circles:

Learn the attributes, or characteristics, of a circle in this interactive tutorial.

The Search for Shapes: Recognizing Rectangles and Squares:

Identify and name rectangles and squares based on their defining attributes, even if they have different sizes or positions. Join King Geo and his scout, Quad, as they search for rectangles and squares in this interactive tutorial. 

This is part of a series on the defining attributes of shapes. Click the links below.

The Search for Shapes: Tracking Triangles:

Track down triangles based on their defining attributes for King Geo in this interactive tutorial.  Learn what makes a triangle a triangle.

This is part of a series on the defining attributes of shapes. Click the links below.

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