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General Information

Related Standards: MAFS.912.G-C.2.5
Reporting Category: Geometry: Circles
Type: : Multiple Types
Difficulty: N/A

Natasha's classmates have ordered her a cookie pizza for her birthday celebration. To share it among the class, they will be slicing the cookie into equal pieces. They want everyone to have an icing packet to add to his or her slice.

In order to approximate how much icing each person will need, they want to know the area of each slice of cookie. The following table lists the radius of the cookie pizza and the area of some of the possible divisions of the cookie.

This question has three parts.

Part A. What is the relationship between the area of a whole cookie with a radius of 6 units and the area of a portion whose central angle measures k degrees?

Part B. Using the information in the table, click on the blank to complete the equation for finding the area of a portion of a cookie with a radius of 6 units when given the measure of a central angle, in degrees, of the portion.

Part C. Click on the blank to complete the formula that can be used to find the area of any portion of a circle with radius w and a central angle of z degrees.


Answer Options:

Part A.

A. The area of the portion is begin mathsize 12px style 1 over 6 k end style of the whole cookie,

B. The area of the portion is k times the area of the whole cookie.

C. The area of the portion is begin mathsize 12px style k over 360 end style times the area of the whole cookie.

D. The area of the portion is 360k times the area of the whole cookie.

Possible Answer:

Part A. 


Part B.

begin mathsize 12px style A equals 36 straight pi times straight k over 360 end style

Part C.

begin mathsize 12px style A equals pw squared times straight z over 360 end style


Aligned Standards

Code Description
MAFS.912.G-C.2.5: Derive using similarity the fact that the length of the arc intercepted by an angle is proportional to the radius, and define the radian measure of the angle as the constant of proportionality; derive the formula for the area of a sector.

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