Standard 2 : Develop an understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction.

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General Information

Number: MA.1.AR.2
Title: Develop an understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Type: Standard
Subject: Mathematics (B.E.S.T.)
Grade: 1
Strand: Algebraic Reasoning

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
MA.1.AR.2.1: Restate a subtraction problem as a missing addend problem using the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Clarification 1: Addition and subtraction are limited to sums within 20 and related subtraction facts.
MA.1.AR.2.2: Determine and explain if equations involving addition or subtraction are true or false.
Clarification 1: Instruction focuses on understanding of the equal sign.
Clarification 2: Problem types are limited to an equation with no more than four terms. The sum or difference can be on either side of the equal sign.
Clarification 3: Addition and subtraction are limited to sums within 20 and related subtraction facts.
MA.1.AR.2.3: Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation, relating three whole numbers, with the unknown in any position.
Clarification 1: Instruction begins the development of algebraic thinking skills where the symbolic representation of the unknown uses any symbol other than a letter.

Clarification 2: Problems include the unknown on either side of the equal sign.

Clarification 3: Addition and subtraction are limited to sums within 20 and related subtraction facts. Refer to Situations Involving Operations with Numbers (Appendix A).

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Access Point Number Access Point Title
MA.1.AR.2.AP.1: Use the relationship between addition and subtraction to explore subtraction as addition with a missing addend.
MA.1.AR.2.AP.2: Determine if addition or subtraction equations (with no more than three terms) are true or false. Sums may not exceed 10 and their related subtraction facts.
MA.1.AR.2.AP.3: Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation, relating three whole numbers, with the result unknown (e.g., 8 − 2 = __, __ = 7 + 3). Sums may not exceed 10 and their related subtraction facts.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Teams with the Same Amount:

Learn how to tell whether an equation is true or false based on what you know about the equal sign as you complete this interactive tutorial.

Formative Assessments

Name Description
Is the Equation True or False?:

Students are given sets of equations and asked to circle the equations that are true.

Using Inverse Operations:

Students identify an addition equation that can be used to solve a subtraction problem.

More True and False Equations:

Students are given a set of equations and asked to circle the equations that are true.

Two Students' Strategies:

Students examine two related strategies to solve a subtraction problem.

Does It Work For Subtraction?:

Students discuss if the Commutative Property holds for subtraction.

True or Not True:

Students examine four equations and state if they are true or not true. Students must also justify their reasoning.

Unknowns In Word Problems:

Students are read a word problem and given an equation that matches the problem, and then asked to solve for the unknown in the equation.

What Is the Missing Number?:

Students are given equations and asked to find missing numbers.

Using Addition to Solve Subtraction Problems:

Students use the relationship between addition and one subtraction to solve a subtraction equation.

Use Addition to Solve Subtraction:

Students are given a subtraction problem and asked to solve the problem using a related addition fact.

Unknowns In Equations:

Students are asked to find the unknown in three different equations and explain their reasoning.


Students are asked to justify why two equations are true using two different strategies.

Find the Missing Number:

Students are given equations with a missing number and asked to find the missing number.

Equal or Not Equal:

The student determines if a given equation is true or false.

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Let’s Find the Missing Addend:

This lesson will strengthen student understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction equations. Students will use counters and part-part whole boards to model restating subtraction equations as addition equations with a missing addend.

Mystery Bag to 12:

This lesson deals with finding an unknown number in a subtraction equation by thinking addition and counting on. It utilizes the part-part-whole organizer and manipulatives to support the learning of students.

Think Addition and Make a Ten to Subtract:

This lesson will teach students a strategy to subtract one-digit numbers from teen numbers by thinking addition and making-a-ten using double ten frames and two-color counters. This lesson supports previous work with restating subtraction problems as missing addend problems.

Cookie Subtraction:

In this lesson, the teacher shares the book, "Mmm... Cookie Simple Subtraction". The students follow along by representing the problems in the book with cookie manipulatives and recording the equations for each problem. The lesson incorporates a variety of subtraction problem types.

Make Mine Equal:

Students will explore the meaning of the equal sign by creating and completing equations that have two addends on each side of the equation. Note that this lesson focuses on addition equations, though it can easily be adapted to include subtraction equations.

Weigh your options!:

Students will explore the meaning of the equal sign by representing an equation with manipulatives on a scale. The students will be asked to decide if an addition or subtraction equation is true or false by proving it with and without a scale. Students will determine the missing number in addition or subtraction equations.

What's Missing?:

In this lesson, students learn to solve addition equations that have a missing addend within 10.

Related Equations:

Students will understand how addition and subtraction are related using math manipulatives.

Understanding the Equal Sign:

This lesson helps students to understand the meaning of the equal sign and to realize that one side of an equation must equal (balance) the other side of the equation.

Ladybug Missing Numbers:

This lesson will introduce the concept of determining missing numbers in addition equations.

Survey Says... We're Using TRIG!:

This lesson is meant as a review after being taught basic trigonometric functions. It will allow students to see and solve problems from a real-world setting. The Perspectives video presents math being used in the real-world as a multimedia enhancement to this lesson. Students will find this review lesson interesting and fun.

True or False?:

In this lesson, students will explore true and false addition and subtraction equations through a variety of hands-on learning activities. Detailed center ideas are also covered in this lesson.

Perspectives Video: Teaching Idea

Name Description
Equations on the Math Balance:

Unlock an effective teaching strategy for teaching inequalities and equations with the math balance in this Teacher Perspectives video for educators.

Problem-Solving Tasks

Name Description
Equality Number Sentences:

The purpose of this instructional task is for students to help students understand the meaning of the equal sign and to use it appropriately. The idea is that students should be comparing the number of circles in each of the rectangles and to write an equation that reflects the fact there are an equal number in each of the boxes (when this is the case).

Find the Missing Number:

This task asks students to solve addition and subtraction equations with different structures so that they are able to see the connections between addition and subtraction more easily. Examples should be presented with the the sum or difference on either side of the equal sign in order to dispel the notion that = means "compute."

Kiri's Mathematics Match Game:

In all versions, students must engage basic addition and subtraction facts. In the memory version, after a student has turned over one card, in order to know whether there is a match using cards they've seen, they need to to solve equations of the form ?+b=c, b+?=c, ?-b=c, and b-?=c.

Valid Equalities?:

The purpose of this task is to help broaden and deepen students' understanding of the equals sign and equality. This task helps students attend to precision by helping them explicitly attend to the meaning of mathematical notation and carefully analyze whether it is being used correctly.

Using lengths to represent equality:

The act of trying to find equal lengths with the rods helps students develop a physical understanding for the meaning of equality. Students are more likely to generate and understand complex equalities than they would be able to do only abstractly.


Name Description
Understanding the Meaning of the Equal Sign:

In this tutorial, you will learn more about what the equals sign means and how to balance equations.

Student Resources

Vetted resources students can use to learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Original Student Tutorial

Title Description
Teams with the Same Amount:

Learn how to tell whether an equation is true or false based on what you know about the equal sign as you complete this interactive tutorial.

Problem-Solving Tasks

Title Description
Equality Number Sentences:

The purpose of this instructional task is for students to help students understand the meaning of the equal sign and to use it appropriately. The idea is that students should be comparing the number of circles in each of the rectangles and to write an equation that reflects the fact there are an equal number in each of the boxes (when this is the case).

Find the Missing Number:

This task asks students to solve addition and subtraction equations with different structures so that they are able to see the connections between addition and subtraction more easily. Examples should be presented with the the sum or difference on either side of the equal sign in order to dispel the notion that = means "compute."

Valid Equalities?:

The purpose of this task is to help broaden and deepen students' understanding of the equals sign and equality. This task helps students attend to precision by helping them explicitly attend to the meaning of mathematical notation and carefully analyze whether it is being used correctly.


Title Description
Understanding the Meaning of the Equal Sign:

In this tutorial, you will learn more about what the equals sign means and how to balance equations.

Parent Resources

Vetted resources caregivers can use to help students learn the concepts and skills in this topic.

Problem-Solving Tasks

Title Description
Equality Number Sentences:

The purpose of this instructional task is for students to help students understand the meaning of the equal sign and to use it appropriately. The idea is that students should be comparing the number of circles in each of the rectangles and to write an equation that reflects the fact there are an equal number in each of the boxes (when this is the case).

Find the Missing Number:

This task asks students to solve addition and subtraction equations with different structures so that they are able to see the connections between addition and subtraction more easily. Examples should be presented with the the sum or difference on either side of the equal sign in order to dispel the notion that = means "compute."

Kiri's Mathematics Match Game:

In all versions, students must engage basic addition and subtraction facts. In the memory version, after a student has turned over one card, in order to know whether there is a match using cards they've seen, they need to to solve equations of the form ?+b=c, b+?=c, ?-b=c, and b-?=c.

Valid Equalities?:

The purpose of this task is to help broaden and deepen students' understanding of the equals sign and equality. This task helps students attend to precision by helping them explicitly attend to the meaning of mathematical notation and carefully analyze whether it is being used correctly.

Using lengths to represent equality:

The act of trying to find equal lengths with the rods helps students develop a physical understanding for the meaning of equality. Students are more likely to generate and understand complex equalities than they would be able to do only abstractly.