Standard 6 : Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy

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General Information

Number: SP.PK12.DH.6
Title: Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
Type: Standard
Subject: Special Skills
Grade: PK12
Domain: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
SP.PK12.DH.6.5: Explain support services available in the school, home, and community, such as Florida Relay Service, interpreters, and travel assistance.
SP.PK12.DH.6.6: Request written reinforcement of instruction, including transcripts or closed captions for film/videos, when needed.
SP.PK12.DH.6.7: Develop an emergency contingency plan to gather information regarding man-made or natural disasters or personal emergencies.
SP.PK12.DH.6.8: Identify agencies that provide postsecondary transition services, such as Vocational Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet).
SP.PK12.DH.6.9: Participate effectively in the development of own Summary of Performance, maintaining a portfolio of materials and resources to prepare for and succeed in postsecondary settings.
SP.PK12.DH.6.10: Describe options available for postsecondary education or training, employment, and independent living that will meet personal goals and needs.
SP.PK12.DH.6.11: Explain considerations related to obtaining reasonable accommodations in the community, workplace, and/or postsecondary education or training, including eligibility, necessary documentation, procedures for making a request, and the appeals process.
SP.PK12.DH.6.1a: Demonstrate understanding of the role and responsibility of an interpreter, including attending to the interpreter for directions and information as long as the teacher/speaker is talking and signaling the interpreter for clarification or repetition.
SP.PK12.DH.6.1b: Articulate interpreting needs, including describing how to work effectively with an interpreter for school and community activities, stating when services are needed/not needed, and describing the preferred mode of communication.
SP.PK12.DH.6.1c: Articulate the need for specialized or a preferred mode of communication with peers, adults, community members, and employers.
SP.PK12.DH.6.2a: Select and use assistive technology—low-tech, high-tech, closed captioning, alerting systems—that is personally appropriate with the assistance of an adult.
SP.PK12.DH.6.2b: Select and use assistive technology—low-tech, high-tech, closed captioning, alerting systems—that is personally appropriate.
SP.PK12.DH.6.3a: Locate and respond appropriately to alerting devices, such as fire or smoke alarm, doorbell, phone, and monitors in the home and school.
SP.PK12.DH.6.3b: Locate and respond appropriately to alerting devices, such as fire or smoke alarm, doorbell, phone, and monitors in the school, community, and job site.
SP.PK12.DH.6.4a: Summarize knowledge of own individual educational plan (IEP), including assessment data, strengths, weaknesses, annual goals, objectives, special education and related services, and accommodations.
SP.PK12.DH.6.4b: Participate effectively in the development and presentation of own IEP, including assessment data, strengths, weaknesses, annual goals, objectives, special education and related services, accommodations, course of study, transition services, and postsecondary goals.

Related Resources

Vetted resources educators can use to teach the concepts and skills in this topic.

Perspectives Video: Expert

Name Description
Improving Hurricane Scales:

Meteorologist, Michael Kozar, discusses the limitations to existing hurricane scales and how he is helping to develop an improved scale.

Download the CPALMS Perspectives video student note taking guide.