Standard 3 : Knowledge of Own Hearing Loss

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General Information

Number: SP.PK12.DH.3
Title: Knowledge of Own Hearing Loss
Type: Standard
Subject: Special Skills
Grade: PK12
Domain: Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
SP.PK12.DH.3.2: Label and describe the functions of the parts of the ear (pinna, ear canal, eardrum, bones, cochlea, hearing nerve, brain, outer, middle, inner) using pictures.
SP.PK12.DH.3.4: Maintain (clean, care for, and troubleshoot) own hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or FM equipment with assistance.
SP.PK12.DH.3.1a: Recognize that he/she has a hearing loss, including referring to self as deaf or hard-of-hearing; stating cause of the hearing loss; and explaining that the hearing loss is stable, progressive, or irreversible.
SP.PK12.DH.3.1b: Describe own hearing loss, including identifying self as deaf or hard-of-hearing; stating cause of the hearing loss and age of onset; explaining that the hearing loss is stable, progressive, or irreversible; and describing accommodations, preferred learning strategies, and interpreting needs to teachers, peers, and community members.
SP.PK12.DH.3.3a: Identify the basic information on an audiogram.
SP.PK12.DH.3.3b: Explain the meaning of information on own audiogram to parents, teachers, and peers.
SP.PK12.DH.3.3c: Explain the role of the audiologist in supporting one’s hearing (set up appointment for audiogram, interpret the information on the audiogram, and discuss amplification needs).
SP.PK12.DH.3.5a: State and apply listening and learning rules, including recognizing that hearing does not mean understanding, attending to the person who is speaking and/or signing, talking only about what he/she is learning, and requesting repetition or clarification when needed.
SP.PK12.DH.3.5b: Request repetition or clarification appropriately from peers, teachers, and community members when needed.
SP.PK12.DH.3.6a: Identify people who can provide assistance in the school regarding a hearing loss, such as interpreters, audiologist, and the itinerant teacher.
SP.PK12.DH.3.6b: Describe the type of assistance that can be provided in the school from an interpreter, audiologist, and the itinerant teacher.
SP.PK12.DH.3.6c: Seek appropriate assistance from a professional regarding hearing loss needs, such as the interpreter, audiologist, itinerant teacher, and community and employment personnel.
SP.PK12.DH.3.7a: Identify and use a variety of specialized telecommunication technology, including etiquette and procedures appropriate for his/her needs, with some assistance.
SP.PK12.DH.3.7b: Use a variety of specialized telecommunication technology, including etiquette and procedures appropriate for his/her needs, with minimal assistance.
SP.PK12.DH.3.7c: Use a variety of specialized telecommunication technology, including etiquette and procedures appropriate for his/her needs, independently.