Standard 8 : Advocacy - Demonstrate the ability to advocate for individual, peer, school, family, and community health. (Archived)

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General Information

Number: HE.7.P.8
Title: Advocacy - Demonstrate the ability to advocate for individual, peer, school, family, and community health.
Type: Standard
Subject: Health Education Archived Standards - Archived
Grade: 7
Strand: Health Literacy Promotion

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
HE.7.P.8.1: Utilize the influence of others to promote positive health choices.
HE.7.P.8.2: Articulate a position on a health-related issue and support it with accurate health information.
HE.7.P.8.3: Work cooperatively to advocate for healthy individuals, peers, and families.
HE.7.P.8.4: Analyze ways health messages can target different audiences.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
HE.7.P.8.In.0: Solicit suggestions and support from others to promote positive health choices in selected situations, such as seeking help from school support staff, practicing conflict resolution, and making wise consumer purchases.
HE.7.P.8.In.1: Describe a health-enhancing position on a topic using accurate information from selected resources to support it, such as bullying prevention, using the Internet, or choosing nutritious foods.
HE.7.P.8.In.2: Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals and peers, such as assisting with needs assessments, writing advocacy letters, and volunteering at information kiosks
HE.7.P.8.In.3: Identify ways health messages or communication techniques are targeted for a particular audience, such as the messages in print media, broadcast media, or on billboards.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
HE.7.P.8.Su.0: Follow positive suggestions and accept support from others to promote positive health choices in selected situations, such as seeking help from school support staff, practicing conflict resolution, and making wise, consumer purchases.
HE.7.P.8.Su.1: Identify reasons why a selected health-enhancing position is desirable, such as bullying prevention, using the Internet safely, or choosing nutritious foods.
HE.7.P.8.Su.2: Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals and peers in selected situations, such as assisting with needs assessments, writing advocacy letters, or volunteering at information kiosks.
HE.7.P.8.Su.3: Recognize ways a health message or communication technique is targeted for a particular audience, such as the messages in print media, broadcast media, or on billboards.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
HE.7.P.8.Pa.0: Follow directions and accept support from others to promote a positive health choice in a selected situation, such as seeking help from school support staff, practicing conflict resolution, and making wise consumer purchases.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.1: Recognize a reason why a selected health-enhancing position is desirable, such as bullying prevention, using the Internet safely, or choosing nutritious foods.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.2: Work with others to promote a selected healthy practice for individuals or peers, such as assisting with needs assessments, writing advocacy letters, and volunteering at information kiosks.
HE.7.P.8.Pa.3: Recognize a communication technique for a selected audience, such as popular music in a message in broadcast media for teenagers.