Standard 1 : Creating, interpreting, and responding in the arts stimulate the imagination and encourage innovation and creative risk-taking.

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General Information

Number: TH.68.F.1
Title: Creating, interpreting, and responding in the arts stimulate the imagination and encourage innovation and creative risk-taking.
Type: Enduring Understanding
Subject: Theatre
Grade: 68
Big Idea: Innovation, Technology, and the Future

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
TH.68.F.1.1: Manipulate various design components to imagine the world of the character.
TH.68.F.1.2: Use vocal, physical, and imaginative ideas, through improvisation, as a foundation to create new characters and to write dialogue.
TH.68.F.1.3: Demonstrate creative risk-taking by incorporating personal experiences in an improvisation.
TH.68.F.1.4: Survey an aspect of theatre to understand the ways in which technology has affected it over time.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
TH.68.F.1.In.a: Create, interpret, and respond to theatre that uses improvised storytelling.
TH.68.F.1.In.b: Describe ways in which technology is used in theatre.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
TH.68.F.1.Su.a: Create, interpret, or respond to theatre that uses improvised storytelling.
TH.68.F.1.Su.b: Identify ways in which technology is used in theatre.


Access Point Number Access Point Title
TH.68.F.1.Pa.a: Create, interpret, or respond to props, costumes, or dialogue that support a story.
TH.68.F.1.Pa.b: Identify a way in which technology is used in theatre.