Access Point #: SC.3.P.11.Pa.1

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Recognize sources of light.
Number: SC.3.P.11.Pa.1 Category: Participatory
Date Adopted or Revised: 02/08 Big Idea: Energy Transfer and Transformations : A. Waves involve a transfer of energy without a transfer of matter.

B. Water and sound waves transfer energy through a material.

C. Light waves can travel through a vacuum and through matter.

Clarification for grades 5-8: The target understanding for Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer and Transformations, is the Law of Conservation of Energy: Energy is conserved as it transfers from one object to another and from one form to another.

Related Benchmarks

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SC.3.P.11.1: Investigate, observe, and explain that things that give off light often also give off heat.

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Related Resources

Unit/Lesson Sequence

Name Description
Don't Marry the Mole! (Sun as an Energy Source): Students conduct a series of activities to better understand solar energy and the broader concept of the sun as an energy source. Some of the activities include: observing how heat energy blows up a balloon, launching a solar air balloon, and making a solar oven.

Parent Resources

Unit/Lesson Sequence

Name Description
Don't Marry the Mole! (Sun as an Energy Source): Students conduct a series of activities to better understand solar energy and the broader concept of the sun as an energy source. Some of the activities include: observing how heat energy blows up a balloon, launching a solar air balloon, and making a solar oven.