Access Point #: MA.1.GR.1.AP.1

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Sort and identify two- or three-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes. (e.g., number of sides, vertices, edges, faces, etc., rather than color, orientation or size). Figures are limited to circles, semi-circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, hexagons, spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones and cylinders.
Number: MA.1.GR.1.AP.1 Category: Access Points
Date Adopted or Revised: 03/23 Standard: Identify and analyze two- and three-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes.

Related Benchmarks

Name Description
MA.1.GR.1.1: Identify, compare and sort two- and three-dimensional figures based on their defining attributes. Figures are limited to circles, semi-circles, triangles, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, hexagons, spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, cones and cylinders.
Clarification 1: Instruction focuses on the defining attributes of a figure: whether it is closed or not; number of vertices, sides, edges or faces; and if it contains straight, curved or equal length sides or edges.

Clarification 2: Instruction includes figures given in a variety of sizes, orientations and non-examples that lack one or more defining attributes.

Clarification 3: Within this benchmark, the expectation is not to sort a combination of two- and three-dimensional figures at the same time or to define the attributes of trapezoids.

Clarification 4: Instruction includes using formal and informal language to describe the defining attributes of figures when comparing and sorting.

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