Access Point #: LAFS.1.SL.2.AP.4e (Archived Access Point)

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Describe people, places, things and events with relevant details.


Essential Understandings


  • Identify a picture of a character that fits the description provided (e.g., Show me the picture of a young girl wearing a blue dress.). 
  • Identify a picture of a setting that fits the description provided (e.g., Show me the picture of a city.). 
  • Identify a picture of an event that fits the description provided (e.g., Show me the picture of a girl hugging a bear.). 
  • Add at least one detail to writing or drawing that relates to the character, setting or event (e.g., Let’s look at your picture. What color could you make the girl’s dress?).

Number: LAFS.1.SL.2.AP.4e Category: Access Points
Date Adopted or Revised: 06/14 Cluster: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

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LAFS.1.SL.2.4: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.

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