Access Point #: MAFS.6.RP.1.AP.1a (Archived Access Point)

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Write or select a ratio to match a given statement and representation.


Essential Understandings


  • Given two groups of manipulatives students can identify the pattern by matching the manipulatives to the picture representation.
  • Given two groups of manipulatives students can identify the quantities in the relationship.
  • Identify the structure of a ratio in a given context (e.g., in words, with a colon, in a fraction notation).
  • Demonstrate an understanding that a ratio is a comparison of two quantities.
  • Understand that a ratio is either part-to-whole (some to all) or part-to-part (which must be listed in the correct order of the context).
  • Understand the following concepts, symbols, and vocabulary: ratio, part-to-part, part-to-whole.

Number: MAFS.6.RP.1.AP.1a Category: Access Points
Date Adopted or Revised: 06/14 Cluster: Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. (Major Cluster)

Clusters should not be sorted from Major to Supporting and then taught in that order. To do so would strip the coherence of the mathematical ideas and miss the opportunity to enhance the major work of the grade with the supporting clusters.