Access Point #: VA.68.C.3.Pa.b

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Related Benchmarks

Name Description
VA.68.C.3.2: Examine and compare the qualities of artworks and utilitarian objects to determine their aesthetic significance.
VA.68.C.3.4: Compare the uses for artwork and utilitarian objects to determine their significance in society.

Related Courses

Name Description
0102050: M/J Creative Photography 2
0103020: M/J Digital Art and Design 3
0100070: M/J Art in World Cultures
0101026: M/J Two-Dimensional Studio Art 3
0101060: M/J Three-Dimensional Studio Art 3
0102060: M/J Creative Photography 3
0101110: M/J Visual Art 2
0101120: M/J Visual Art 3
0104110: M/J Drawing 2
0104200: M/J Painting
0110100: M/J Printmaking