Standard #: SS.5.A.5.3

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Explain the significance of historical documents including key political concepts, origins of these concepts, and their role in American independence.


Examples may include, but are not limited to, the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Mayflower Compact, Common Sense, the Declaration of Independence.

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Related Access Points

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SS.5.A.5.AP.3 Identify that the Declaration of Independence stated that colonists wanted freedom from England.

Related Resources

Lesson Plans

Name Description
Part 2: The Declaration of Independence Gives Us Unalienable Rights

This lesson will allow the students to analyze primary sources while recognizing that the Declaration of Independence affirms that every U.S. citizen has certain unalienable rights. Students will identify the grievances detailed in the Declaration of Independence and track the development of this argument while explaining the reasoning. Students will write an expository piece about the consequences the British government faced for not recognizing that citizens have certain unalienable rights.

Part 1: The Declaration of Independence Gives Us Unalienable Rights

This lesson will allow the students to analyze primary sources while recognizing that the Declaration of Independence affirms that every U.S. citizen has certain unalienable rights. Students will understand the importance of the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence and create new meanings to certain words in the Preamble.  The students will engage in a classroom discussion about the Preamble, it's purpose, and how the Preamble would be different if it was written today.

Change a Law, Change History

In this lesson plan, students will participate in a gallery walk of amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Students will illustrate and interpret the meaning of the amendments that cause major changes to the laws of the United States. 

So What? What's the Big Deal about the "Star-Spangled Banner"?

To understand the overarching themes of freedom and resiliency in the United States of American, students will identify and analyze the figurative language in the poem “Defence of Fort M’Henry” which turned into our National Anthem. After close reading and group consensus conversation, and possible extension exploration & research, a written or digital presentation which demonstrates students understanding of the “Star-Spangled Banner’s” significance as a symbol of the United States will be the resulting work product of this integrated lesson plan.

The Three Branches of Government

In this student-guided presentation on the three branches of government, students will evaluate the choices and impacts of those choices made in the U.S. Constitution that provide the structure, power, and functions of the federal government. 

Student Inquiry: How did the U.S. Constitution Influence the Florida Constitution?

In this inquiry lesson, students will investigate using compelling and supporting questions, the impact of the U.S. Constitution on the Florida Constitution. The method of student-group demonstrations of learning is suggested, but flexible. 

Why Have a Bill of Rights?

In this lesson, students will learn who the Federalists and Anti-Federalists were before examining quotes, dialogue, and scenarios to evaluate the viewpoints of each.

Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Meet the Declaration of Independence

Learn about important historical documents that influenced political concepts in the United States and that the Declaration of Independence affirms all citizens have certain unalienable rights with this interactive tutorial. 


Name Description
Slideshow: Meet the Declaration of Independence

This PowerPoint slideshow is designed to support teachers in delivering direct instruction on the Declaration of Independence and the unalienable rights granted to all citizens. The accompanying guided notes can be completed by students during instruction.

Student Resources

Original Student Tutorial

Name Description
Meet the Declaration of Independence:

Learn about important historical documents that influenced political concepts in the United States and that the Declaration of Independence affirms all citizens have certain unalienable rights with this interactive tutorial. 

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