Standard 2 : Buying Goods and Services

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General Information

Number: SS.8.FL.2
Title: Buying Goods and Services
Type: Standard
Subject: Social Studies
Grade: 8
Strand: Financial Literacy (Adopted in 2023)

Related Benchmarks

This cluster includes the following benchmarks
Code Description
SS.8.FL.2.1: Explain why when deciding what to buy, consumers may choose to gather information from a variety of sources. Describe how the quality and usefulness of information provided by sources can vary greatly from source to source. Explain that, while many sources provide valuable information, other sources provide information that is deliberately misleading.
SS.8.FL.2.2: Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information about a good or service, and how a consumer can better assess the quality and usefulness of the information.
SS.8.FL.2.3: Describe the variety of payment methods people can use in order to buy goods and services.
SS.8.FL.2.4: Examine choosing a payment method, by weighing the costs and benefits of the different payment options.
SS.8.FL.2.5: Discuss the fact that people may revise their budget based on unplanned expenses and changes in income.

Related Access Points

This cluster includes the following access points.

Access Points

Access Point Number Access Point Title
SS.8.FL.2.AP.1: Identify how consumers benefit from gathering information from a variety of credible sources.
SS.8.FL.2.AP.2: Identify why advice from a source such as a salesperson may or may not be useful when deciding which product to buy.
SS.8.FL.2.AP.3: Identify the variety of payment methods people can use in order to buy goods and services.
SS.8.FL.2.AP.4: Identify the costs and benefits of choosing different payment options.
SS.8.FL.2.AP.5a: Identify the purpose and components of a family budget.
SS.8.FL.2.AP.5b: Identify ways a family budget can be impacted by unplanned expenses