Access Point #: MA.1.A.1.Pa.a (Archived Access Point)

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Recognize when an object or person is added to (addition) or is taken away from (subtraction) a situation.


Student recognizes that someone or something has been added or removed.

Number: MA.1.A.1.Pa.a Category: Participatory
Date Adopted or Revised: 08/08 Big Idea: BIG IDEA 1 : Develop understandings of addition and subtraction strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.

Related Benchmarks

Name Description
MA.1.A.1.1: Model addition and subtraction situations using the concepts of "part-whole," "adding to," "taking away from," "comparing," and missing addend."
MA.1.A.1.2: Identify, describe, and apply addition and subtraction as inverse operations.

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